Mark kennedy to appear in public for documentary screening in copenhagen
anonymous | 03.11.2011 13:36 | Climate Chaos | Repression | Birmingham
Mark Kennedy (mark stone) who was the undercover cop outed in the UK this year will appear in copenhagen next week for the screening of a documentary about him. many in the UK and also copenhagen have some serious beef with this guy, and comrades from the UK are invited to copenhagen to pay him a visit as they see fit. the film will be screened the 12th and 13th of november in copenhagen, and he along with the filmmaker will be making an appearance. more info about the movie at

It has come to the attention of some comrades in copenhagen that the police snitch Mark Kennedy will be making an 'appearance' in copenhagen for the world premier of a movie about him by filmmaker Brian Hill. the screening will take place on the 12th and 13th of November in copenhagen. People in copenhagen have been following this case very closely, due to Mark's infiltration and police work locally around the COP15 protests and Ungdomshuset eviction. while we have our own bone to pick with this guy, we expect that folks in the UK may be a bit more mad about this whole thing and may want to have a few words with him themselves. Therefore, the autonomous in copenhagen send warm invitation and extend their hospitality to comrades in the UK to come here and do what they see fit. People have also requested any recent photos of Mark Kennedy, for easier identification. more information on the movie screening is available at which is the website for the documentary film festival for which this film will screen.
in solidarity

in solidarity
Here are some recent photos of him
04.11.2011 21:08
I've only done a image search and collated them together, but it could be useful.
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