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Protest Against Royal Bank of Scotland

Facebook the corporate spy machine | 05.11.2011 10:15 | Occupy Everywhere | Birmingham

Saturday, November 5 · 12:00pm - 1:00pm
(meet at the camp earlier, or at the bank by 12)
Birmingham, United Kingdom

More Info
In solidarity with International Bank Transfer Day!

In 2008 RBS suffered the biggest loss in British corporate history - more than £24bn, but it was the 99%, the taxpayers who rescued the bank, paying it £45.8 billion for 84% of the RBS group. Some of which, £16million is for Sir Fred Goodwin, the former CEO, for his pension.

RBS has cut 27,500 jobs since 2008 in an effort to cut its costs and improve profits.

In 2011 the current CEO was awarded a £7.7m long term deal.

Just some of the reasons.

Facebook the corporate spy machine


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