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Mandatory Voluntary Work

10-06-2011 18:47

Blog covering a detailed example of how A4e organised a period of Mandatory Work for an unemployed person on Job Seekers Allowance, resulting in a Kafka like sanction and suspension of benefits, all requiring doctored documents.

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10 June 1924 - Italy

10-06-2011 17:19

Rome: Giacomo Matteotti is walking along the Tiber when he is attacked by a group of men and kidnapped. His body reappears a couple of months later, in August, outside Rome. Who was he, and what happened to him?

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This Week in Palestine week 23 2011

10-06-2011 17:01

Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for June 4th to the 10th, 2011.

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Getting Off-Grid 2 - Nick Rosen

10-06-2011 17:00

Journalist and documentary film maker Nick Rosen has toured Europe and N. America to find off-grid living. His site is a centre for those moving toward a fossil-fuel free life. Why do they do it? We talk motivation and tech in the interview from Radio Ecoshock 110608 29 min.

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Getting Off-Grid 1 - Cam Mather

10-06-2011 16:43

Living off grid 14 years with family, Cam Mather publishes how-to books, including The Renewable Energy Handbook. He loads up this interview with lessons-learned, tips for starting out, solar, all seasons solar hot water heater, geothermal, wood & wind.
From Radio Ecoshock Show 110608 29 min

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Shell compound occupied for 9 hours – third action in two days

10-06-2011 15:02

Wednesday and Thursday saw a serious of occupations and actions against the drilling compound at Aghoos in Mayo as part of the ongoing campaign against Shell. The events culminated in an eight-hour lock-on and a nine hour occupation of machinery which stopped all work for the day. Over thirty people were involved in the events. UK and other international campaigners joined Irish activist as part of the days of action.

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BoS Demonstrators Protest Unlawful Arrest Of Bank Account Funds

10-06-2011 12:44

Demonstrators Gather outside the Bank of Scotland, Earl Grey Street
EDINBURGH, 9TH JUNE - PEOPLE gathered yesterday at the Bank of Scotland's Earl Grey Street branch, Tollcross, Edinburgh, to protest the unjust and unlawful arrestment of more than £700 in bank account funds from an account held by Edinburgh resident Jaime. The arrestment was carried out by Stirling Park Sherriff Officer's acting on behalf of Edinburgh 'cowboy' landlord and car dealer Mark Fortune.

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Independent trade unionists in Iran's islamic regime are imprisoned and turtured

10-06-2011 11:47

Law of God !
Independent trade unionists in Iran's islamic regime are imprisoned for speaking out about labour rights.

Islamic law means hell for Workers and heaven for Bourgeois and Ruling class .
Worker activist under islamic regime are imprisoned, tortured and even executed just to defend basic workers right.

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Ousted President Zelaya Returns to Honduras as Repression Continues

10-06-2011 09:55

Ousted President Zelaya Returns to Honduras as Repression Continues

Interview with Dana Frank, professor of history at the University of California, Santa Cruz , conducted by Scott Harris
After nearly two years of living in exile following the June 28 2009 coup which overthrew his government, former Honduran President Manuel Zelaya returned to his nation on May 28th.

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Auld Songs for the new Scotland #2

10-06-2011 09:55

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Retrieving the political animal property

10-06-2011 08:55

Neither idealizations nor fables are appropriate.

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Spain in Revolution VIDEOS...10.96.11

10-06-2011 08:44

video, photos, texts on revolution in south europe

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Demo against Santander, Brighton - in Solidarity with the Arab Uprisings

10-06-2011 07:27

Meet outside Santander opposite Churchill Square today FRIDAY JUNE 10

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PCS Industrial action in Brierley Hill

09-06-2011 23:49

PCS members in Brierley Hill have staged walkouts in protest over concerns their health and wellbeing is been put at risk by new polices introduced by HMRC.

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The Notorious H.A.G.

09-06-2011 22:55

Sources have informed us that two anarchists, believed to be members of an autonomous proto-working group allegedly connected to the Hackney Anarchist Group(HAG) were kidnapped by state employed thugs for the ‘illegal' flyposting of a poster for the open launch meeting of the Hackney Anarchist Group*, to take place this Saturday.

Sources have informed us that two anarchists, believed to be members of an autonomous proto-working group allegedly connected to the Hackney Anarchist Group(HAG) were kidnapped by state employed thugs for the ‘illegal' flyposting of a poster for the open launch meeting of the Hackney Anarchist Group*, to take place this Saturday(

The two rebellious propagandists allegedly used a paste made from flour and water, also known as Marxist glue (, to affix the poster onto a corporate billboard in the early hours of this morning. Although this action by the mischievous, and possibly anti-democratic, working group was against the guidelines of HAG, as stated on the bottom right of the poster below, it is important we stand in solidarity with all victims of both state oppression and the corporate control of so-called public spaces. The perpetrators of this minor but valiant act of class-warfare have since been released by their captors and are said to have spent the afternoon celebrating their (relative) freedom by drinking green tea on a sunny patch of grass.

Autonomous Temporary Informal Communications Council in support of a potential Hackney Anarchist Group (ATIC-PHAG)

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Big Sexy Festy Party

09-06-2011 22:44


Only one week to go to our annual fantastic free festival in aid of London’s homeless and Shelter from the Storm North London brilliant and brave volunteer run nightshelter...!!!!We have an excellent, and we mean TRIPLE excellent party production up our sleeves for you this year...

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Brighton Demo in support of the Arab Uprisings - Friday 9th June

09-06-2011 22:29

Outside Santander opposite Churchill Sq

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Bradley Manning Comedy Night Benefit - Monday 13 June

09-06-2011 19:59

Help support Bradley Manning by coming along to this comedy benefit gig at the Wilmington Arms, London EC1 on Monday 13 June. Proceeds to Manning's defence fund.

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FreeBus Launch Day!!!

09-06-2011 19:55

After nearly a year of campaigning and fundraising, FreeBus launches its initial service on June 11th. The first bus leaves Temple Meads at 10am
featured image

FreeBus is a non-profit organisation funded by memberships and donations from Bristol residents. Whilst passengers are encouraged to become members or donate, the service is free at the point of use. FreeBus aims to develop a model for communities to take control of their transport systems. With your help we can provide a comprehensive, environmentally friendly and free public transport system for Bristol, so please get on board!

The first regular FreeBus service launches on Saturday June 11th. FreeBus now has more than 700 members and has raised over £7000, but this is only the start! The FreeBus service aims to expand to serve residential routes around the city. The first bus will leave Temple Meads at 10:00am, before looping through Cabot Circus, Broadmead and the City Centre before returning to Temple Meads at 10:25 before leaving again at 10:30 and every half hour thereafter until 17:30.

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