UK Newswire Archive
As Afghan War Approaches Second Decade, Activists Organize October Anti-War Protest
09-06-2011 14:55
As Afghan War Approaches Second Decade, Activists Organize October Anti-War Protest
Interview with David Swanson, co-founder of, conducted by Scott Harris
When President Obama announced his decision to deploy 30,000 additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan in December 2009, he also pledged to begin a withdrawal of those troops beginning in July 2011.
Ten Years Of Media Lens - Operation Rheinübung
09-06-2011 14:35
Or: Our Problem With Mainstream Dissidents
Working on Media Lens has given us ten years of first-hand experience of just how tightly discussion can be controlled in an ostensibly democratic society. No matter how carefully we have formulated our questions, no matter how politely we have delivered them, we have been branded angry, irrational, unworthy of attention.
Palestine Today 06 09 2011
09-06-2011 14:22

Sri Lankan Garment Workers Defy Unions And Killer Cops Over Pensions
09-06-2011 14:16

NATO’s terror bombing of Libya
09-06-2011 14:13
The relentless bombardment of Tripoli over the past 48 hours represents a new stage in one of the most naked acts of imperialist aggression since the wars of conquest launched by Hitler and Mussolini in the 1930s.Open the Borders: No One Is Illegal public meeting, Oxford, June 16th
09-06-2011 14:12

Workfare Unravels
09-06-2011 14:12
Workfare, the government’s forced labour scheme, could be the latest policy to unravel as encouraging momentum builds against the proposed reform of the welfare system.Think before you use Skype or any other audio application - who's listening in?
09-06-2011 13:50

The Angola 3: punished for ‘Black Pantherism’?
09-06-2011 12:24
Awareness of continued US political oppression against Black PanthersUgandan lesbian awaiting deportation from the UK
09-06-2011 10:45

NATO political cult - Bilderberg convenes in St. Moritz, Switzerland
09-06-2011 09:57

No To Nazi Bands In Islington!
08-06-2011 21:53
NO TO NAZI BANDS IN ISLINGTON! Raided In Massive Police Operation, Admins Arrested
08-06-2011 21:12
Europe just witnessed one of the largest piracy-related busts in history with the raid of the popular movie streaming portal More than a dozen people connected to the site were arrested after police officers in Germany, Spain, France and the Netherlands raided several residential addresses and data centers. hosted no illicit content itself, but indexed material stored on file-hosters and other streaming services.Just Do It, chat with Emily James and James Leadbitter
08-06-2011 19:40

Here's a chat I had with the "renowned" director Emily James and the activist and editor of the film James Leadbitter.
Open letter: Grave concerns over NCAFC 5 June conference
08-06-2011 17:47
We have grave concerns about the recent Ncafc conference – both how it was organised and the outcome of the conference, which imposed a new set of structures that undermine the unity and inclusivity of the national organisation.Refugees on hunger strike to protest planned deportations.
08-06-2011 17:01
24 Iraqi refugees held in a detention centre in Oxford have started a hungerstrike to protest against the government's plans to deport them to Baghdad.
Palestine Today 06 08 2011
08-06-2011 15:29

NCAFC “reinvigoration meeting”: why we didn’t stand for the committee
08-06-2011 15:23
Many student activists will be wondering why we did not stand for, or vote, in the elections for a steering committee at the recent “reinvigoration” meeting of the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts on 5 June. Here's why