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Trafalgar Square Occupation this May Day weekend

28-04-2011 21:22

Following a month of successful 24-hour peaceful anti cuts occupations of Trafalgar Square across the last four weekends with around 100-200 people taking part each weekend, the Trafalgar Square Anti Cuts Occupation will celebrate its one month anniversary this May Day weekend with a 48-hour occupation starting at 6.30pm Saturday 30th April.

As this weekend’s occupation coincides with the London May Day Rally being held on Sunday 1st May on Trafalgar Square, the camp would like to extend an invite to all those attending the rally to bring their tents and join the occupation which includes anti cuts activists, students, workers, trade unionists and professionals.

The key aims of the occupation are:
• To raise awareness of the ideological cuts that the Government is instigating - without mandate - and how they are affecting the most vulnerable in society
• To create a safe space for all, including parents and children, where alternatives to current policy can be discussed and learned about, with workshops, talks, debates and creative art.
• To defend the right to protest. The group intends to show that without police presence, protesters can organise themselves peacefully and lawfully. This has already been successfully demonstrated on previous occupations, when the police stayed at a distance and there was no conflict. If there are attempts to remove participants, they will resist non-violently through passive resistance. The group refuses to use violence when it is violence done to our society that it is trying to resist.

People are welcome to come for as long as they want, whether that is camping for the entire occupation or just to pop in for a cup of tea or for a workshop. Artists, performers, speakers and workshop leaders are also welcome to come along. People are also asked to bring food to share. To make the square liveable for 24 hours, participants are asked to look after the area and put litter in bins provided.

People can stay in the loop on the occupation:
• On Twitter (
• On Facebook (
• Via the website -
• Plus via the camp phone: 078044 067766.

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Evo Morales plans to destroy rainforest and indian homelands for a highway

28-04-2011 20:43

In their pursuit of development and industriali$ation, Morales and the MAS government of Bolivia are trampling indigenous communities and the environment. There is a widening gap between their rhetoric and their actions.
This road would mean death for the indigenous communities there, as the area is opened up to exploitation for oil, timber and cocaine. The indigenous representatives of the area have made a unanimous decision to reject any road that passes through their land. They have a legal right to consultation. This consultation has never happened.

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28-04-2011 20:21

Camberwell social support network.

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Trafalgar Square Anti Cuts Occupation goes 48 hours this May Day weekend

28-04-2011 18:53

Following a month of successful 24-hour peaceful anti cuts occupations of Trafalgar Square across the last four weekends with around 100-200 people taking part each weekend, the Trafalgar Square Anti Cuts Occupation will celebrate its one month anniversary this May Day weekend with a 48-hour occupation starting at 6.30pm Saturday 30th April.

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28-04-2011 18:27

Can we believe the Japanese on Fukushima dangers? Could another big wave of radiation hit North America, Europe? A reactor by reactor report. What happened to spent fuel pool #3? Will pool #4 collapse? Why is reactor #1 out of control right now? Plus geopolitics and your own preparation. The under-reported stories from Radio Ecoshock - 110429 Show 1 hour.

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More arrests last hour

28-04-2011 18:18

Chris Knight and a few others have just been arrested with fake guillotine.... more details to follow

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Fukushima Fact & Fantasy

28-04-2011 18:09

Wild Net conspiracy theories about Fukushima. Science abused to frighten people (those "maps" were projections that didn't happen say original scientists in Norway & Cologne). America accused by HAARP believers. Japan may have nuclear weapons. Alex Smith investigates. 24 minutes.

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Cut Collins the Parasite!

28-04-2011 17:23

Last night some anarchists paid a visit to the home of the leader of Nottingham City Council, Jon Collins, to deliver some pre-election propaganda. 'CUT COLLINS THE PARASITE!' and 'FIGHT THE CUTS!' were painted at the entrance to his block of flats.

Collins, who is also chair of the Notts Police Authority, has presided over a budget that has slashed public services. This is nothing less than a declaration of war against the working class of this city. We will not sit back and let this happen. We will take direct action against those responsible.

Collins is also the head of a cartel called the Nottingham Labour Party, which doles out puiblic funding, jobs and even social housing to its loyal lieutenants. This is to be expected in a city where Labour have no chance of getting voted out of office and can engage in corruption with nothing to fear.

But make no mistake - we have no illusions about the other parties and politicians that seek to replace Collins. The Tories, Lib Dems, the far right and the so-called socialists all sell out their supporters the moment they get a whiff of power. They are all slaves to a global capitalist economy. They are all different flavours of the same vile shit. We are sick of politicians and the sham democracy that has been imposed on us. They are all parasites, using our votes to enrich themselves, whilst we face cuts and enforced austerity. These leeches and the system that creates them must go.

We have let the politicians run the city. We can revolt and kick them out. We can make the city work for everyone, not just the ruling class.

For those interested in delivering their own propaganda to Collins, he can be contacted at Flat 9, Forman House, Hucknall Road (just next door to Tescos).

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London raids (summary so far)

28-04-2011 17:22

The Rat Star Social Centre in Camberwell Green and the Offmarket in Clapton have been raided by the police since early morning. There are reports of several arrests at the Rat Star. The Community Project in Sipson ( Grow Heathrow ) has been raided, too.

Early this morning police raided all squatted houses at the ratstar social centre in Camberwell Green ( three or four houses ), there are reports that up to 20 people might have been arrested in Camberwell. It is unclear what the police is looking for inside the buildings, but have been seen bringinh out small items in plastic bags. Now, in the late afternoon, only police is left in the buildings, with about 15 police vans parking outside.

At the same time offmarket social centre in Hackney got raided with one person arrested, but has already re-opened. The police also raided a community garden project at Sipson, Heathrow, but left without taking any stuff.

It seems obvious that the raids are related to the royal wedding tomorrow and the media scare stories of the last weeks, despite the police claiming that it is unrelated.

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Nobel Peace Winner: Obama ......

28-04-2011 16:53

NPW Obama ........
Nobel Peace Winner Obama's Shameful Libyan Warmongering ...... With respect to Libya President Barack Obama has lost his bearings and should return the Nobel Peace Prize to Oslo. The president should do it before the Nobel Selection committee issues a recall. President Obama has now authorized the deployment of armed U.S. predator drones for NATO's combat operations in Libya. This weaponry has been used to target and assassinate hostile combatants in Afghanistan--it has also killed hundreds of innocent civilians including people attending weddings. In Libya the obvious target for Western assassination would be Muammar al-Quathafi . Obama has ignored the African Union's peace proposal--snubbing the entire African continent in favor of former Imperial powers France's and Britiain's militarism.

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Palestine Today 04 28 2011

28-04-2011 16:39

Welcome to Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Thursday April 28, 2011

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Met raid homes of campaigners against Anti-squatting law

28-04-2011 16:11

Yesterday 2 squats and one other property in Brighton and Hove were raided by Met police from London, looking for known activists. The squats were illegally evicted and around 6-10 people arrested. They were part of a group campaigning against Hove MP Mike Weatherley's attempts to criminalise squatting

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Bahrain's military court has sentenced four protesters to death!

28-04-2011 14:57

Bahrain's military court has sentenced four anti-government protesters to death, in a move to further crush the ongoing revolutionary movement in the small Persian Gulf country.

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Legislators In 3 US States Seek To Ban Slaughterhouse Investigations & Films..

28-04-2011 14:46

The world's largest fast food chain once ran a commercial of hamburgers growing in garden patches. For millenia, slaughterhouse torture has been hidden from children and adults. AETA, passed with the help of slaughterhouse state senators, California Senator Dianne Feinstein's husband Richard Blum and the FBI, is an unconstitutional law which limits animal rights activists' 1st amendment rights to expose brutality to animals. Now Minnesota,
Iowa and Florida legislators want to hide further the abbatoir torture caught in video such as those above. A ban on filming would help those who profiteer from mongering cancerridden, ecoli saturated cadavers of murdered animals. One Minnesota Health Dept official said giving rare meat to a child is a form of chlid endangering akin to driving 95 mph on the highway. A California dairy operation film showed injured cows being pushed with forklifts into a chain link fence.

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Brussels detention centre blockaded in attempt to stop Congo deportation

28-04-2011 14:25

127bis liberté
This morning around 20 activists blocked the entrance to the 127 bis detention centre in Steenokkerzeel, near the main airport of Brussels. They were attempting to stop the deportation of 60 Congolese refugees on a charter flight KInshasa organised by the joint European border agency Frontex and "secured" by Belgian federal police.

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2 Days til Brighton Mayday

28-04-2011 13:47

fuck the royal wedding... come down to Brighton...

Our lives are under attack.
Our future is being sacrificed to increase the power of an elite.

The bankers’ crisis is being used as an excuse to push through a far-right agenda of vicious cuts – cuts which will hurt the poorest and line the pockets of the rich. The NHS, Education and Welfare systems are being stripped back while the bankers are being paid million pound bonuses.

Their only answer to the disaster is more of the same, capitalism with the gloves off. More wars, more ecological devastation and we’re being asked to pay for it.

We are being robbed blind – it’s time to reclaim what is ours.

Mass party & protest. 30th April 2011. Central Brighton.

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Demo at Horfield Prison - Now !

28-04-2011 13:22

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G20 inquest jury "free to consider verdict of lawful killing"

28-04-2011 12:22

jury out

Another Flashpoint?

Many from Bristol were involved in the g20 protest back in april 2009. Indeed, some have recived compensation for the violence of the police that day.

Latest news from the inquest on the death of ian tomlinson is that the coroner has allowed the jury to consider a verdict of unlawful killing (murder by the state). he also cast doubt on the veracity of the police's favourite coroner Dr "dodgy" freddy patel.

Historically,in these inquests such as these, under obvious pressure from the state - especially in deaths in custody/at the hands of the police, the coroner disallows the unlawful killing verdict. So, fair play to Peter Thornton for withstanding, I'm sure serious peer pressure in this particular case.

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