G20 inquest jury "free to consider verdict of lawful killing"
relater | 28.04.2011 12:22
Another Flashpoint?
Many from Bristol were involved in the g20 protest back in april 2009. Indeed, some have recived compensation for the violence of the police that day.
Latest news from the inquest on the death of ian tomlinson is that the coroner has allowed the jury to consider a verdict of unlawful killing (murder by the state). he also cast doubt on the veracity of the police's favourite coroner Dr "dodgy" freddy patel.
Historically,in these inquests such as these, under obvious pressure from the state - especially in deaths in custody/at the hands of the police, the coroner disallows the unlawful killing verdict. So, fair play to Peter Thornton for withstanding, I'm sure serious peer pressure in this particular case.
Original article on IMC Bristol: