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UK Newswire Archive

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CSN Banner for Olympic Action

11-05-2002 10:14

Activists are encouraged to use this banner for the China Support Network action to "take back the Olympics" of 2008

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Human rights and all activists addressed...

11-05-2002 10:11

An open letter of the China Support Network to all activists and human rights groups

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11-05-2002 10:08

A leak of Chinese secrets is "a smoking gun" and prompts our demand to move the Olympics

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The Solution is the Problem

11-05-2002 09:51

The US presents itself as the peace-broker in the Middle East. The reality is different.
An article from the Guardian Newspaper.

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UK still militarily aiding Israel

11-05-2002 09:21


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11-05-2002 08:43

What follows is a communique for the press announcing the second annual conference of the Comitati Spontanei dei Cittadini (Citizen’s Committees) of the Province of Siena.
The administrators of the province boast the OECD’s choice of Siena both as the perfect example of ‘sustainable progress’ and the location of their next european meeting.

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Muslims Are Good Folks

11-05-2002 08:23

Muslims Are Good Folks
wish more Americans had an opportunity to get to know Muslims. Then they would not be susceptible to the silly anti-Muslim propaganda that is floated by some right-wing Christians.

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Resisting eviction in Brighton

11-05-2002 01:01

A group of Brighton residents have barricaded themselves into the ex-Harvest Forestry building, New England street, Brighton and are willing to risk arrest as they prepare to resist eviction and to defy a court order which takes effect from midnight Thursday 9th May 2002.

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Vipers in charge

10-05-2002 23:28

Just look at the Sarah Payne painting -very instructive painting of a bearded man, naked except for a studded apron and some stubble, between 2 columns marked 'Sarah', with a chessboard flooring =freemason stuff- what's this mean?

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'Suicide bomber' the work of Israeli intelligence

10-05-2002 21:48

You know that the explosion at the pool hall is so well-timed that it's unreal, dontcha? setting the forces against Gaza."Claimed by Hamas" but with none of the usual verification. How much more of this PRS is the left going to accept and try to explain away? Apologies in advance for the non-PC tone of this article.

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Sharon shows who the boss.......

10-05-2002 17:47

Sharon shows who the boss.......
As if anyone didn't already know anyway.....

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Hospital Bombing Plot - Setlers Held

10-05-2002 17:45

Israeli police are holding four Jewish settlers on suspicion of planning attacks on Palestinians in Jersusalem.

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Books about Aboriginal diet?

10-05-2002 17:13

Does anyone know any book about Aborigines' diet, historical and/or contemporary?

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Why Capitol Hill Supports Israel

10-05-2002 16:34

A friend from the Arab world wrote to ask me: “How do these disastrous votes blindly supporting Israel come about? Is there anything one can do to enlighten these people?”

This story should provide some answers.

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Trade Justice Campaign Update

10-05-2002 16:24

Welcome to the 25th People & Planet Trade Justice Campaign email update. The Trade Justice campaign is calling for fundamental change to the unjust rules and institutions governing international trade, so that world trade is made to work for the whole world.

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International boycott Israeli goods (BIG) day

10-05-2002 16:17

Saturday May 11 is International Boycott Israeli Goods (BIG) day. This is a global initiative, which aims to bring pressure on the Israeli government to 1)end its illegal occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem 2)stop its human rights violations and 3)comply with UN resolutions

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Premier Oil AGM

10-05-2002 16:08

Premier Oil AGM
Premier Oil AGM, London, 10th May. Burmese pro-democracy protest.
(article 1)

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Italian right tries to take 'biased' shows off the air

10-05-2002 15:47

Members of Italy's right-wing government are attempting to have four current affairs programmes taken off the air until after local elections at the end of the month, claiming that their presenters are partisan and could unduly affect the results.

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Burnley unites against the BNP

10-05-2002 15:43

Burnley unites against the BNP
Saturday 11 May, 1pm
Burnley Peace Gardens

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Cambridge Middle East Peace Demo

10-05-2002 15:37

Campeace and members of the Cambridge University Jewish Peace group organised a vigil and demo in protest at the growing violence in the Occupied Territories. A Represntative of the Israeli Embassy in London was chairing a public meeting in Cambridge - invited guests and members of the public were given leaflets as they entered the meeting. (38Secs)
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