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"Operation Libya" and the Battle for Oil: Redrawing the Map of Africa

16-03-2011 14:44

"Libya is targeted because it is one among several remaining countries outside America's sphere of influence, which fail to conform to US demands. Libya is a country which has been selected as part of a military "road map" which consists of "multiple simultaneous theater wars". In the words of former NATO Commander Chief General Wesley Clark:
"in the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.... (Wesley Clark, Winning Modern Wars, p. 130)"

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Cops Cough-up Compensation for Animal Rights Cambridge Activists

16-03-2011 14:42

Jason Wragg lost his rag, leading to activist payouts!
Cambs police pay up after last year's illegal arrests.

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Nat West Bank attacked

16-03-2011 14:24

Last night the windows of Nat West Bank on Mansfield Road were smashed out, and anti-capitalist graffiti was left on the side of the building.

We did this because we refuse to submit to the will of capitalism.

Every single day that goes our love and rage grow.

Love for our friends and comrades around the world. Rage at the forces which try to cripple their sprit and

oppress all efforts to find freedom in their lives. Nat West bank is owned by the Royal Bank of Scotland who

violently support the destruction of the earth and the prison system, they are merely one aspect of the system entrapping  everything it comes into contact with. And this action was just one small gesture against all its


Until capitalism, white supremacy, and patriachy are destroyed we will find ways in which to fight back. We 

remember those who have fought before us and we search for those who will fight with us.

Love and Solidarity to Simos Seisidis and all those who are caged by this society and its culture. 

Yesterday we sharpened our teeth, as we prepare to fight back.

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census info

16-03-2011 14:22

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No to Nukes in the South West

16-03-2011 14:22

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The 0742 Club

16-03-2011 14:03

The 0742 Club is now open: the semi residential community art/social centre squat adjacent to Debenhams on the Moor is asking for artists, photographers, collectives and political groups to get in contact and to come down and help make the squat as vibrant and active as Possible.

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Marked for Murder at the University Health Network (Toronto)

16-03-2011 13:48

Medical judgment (however it is expressed) is the highest form of visible authority in Canada. It is also the greatest tool of intentional death as it plays itself out among medical providers who are trained to react rather than think.

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PEDAL Critical Mass in London this Monday!

16-03-2011 11:56

Information about the Critical Mass, Workshop weekend and Paths through Utopias film screening over the weekend and into Monday.

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Saudi occupation troops invade Bahrain to halt protests

16-03-2011 10:56

Manama March 2011
Saudi forces have stormed a Manama's hospital where hundreds of people were receiving treatment for injuries suffered in clashes with government forces a day earlier.Saudi troops forced their way into Salmaniya hospital on Wednesday and did not allow doctors, nurses and relatives of the victims either to leave or to enter the building. >>

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The Democracy Council's plans for Iran and the "Taash Network"

16-03-2011 10:39

I just stumbled into my personal Wikileaks moment by inadvertently finding a document that apparently links "Green Movement" operatives to a US government propaganda operation.

In my humble opinion, these sorts of information warfare campaigns directed against Iran are silly and mostly just self-serving. If they have any persuasive effect, it is in the US rather than in Iran, and even there it is largely negative because it creates a sort of dogma about the Green Movement that may be favored by certain exiles and their wishful thinking, but has no real relationship to Iranians inside Iran. See, the people of Iran don't lack for information. They have had years of this sort of media campaigns directed towards them. They're not fooled.

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census info

16-03-2011 10:22

with the controversy over lockheed martin's involvement with the uk 2011 census, many people are considering non-participation - here are some useful facts to bear in mind

number of people estimated to have avoided the 2001 census:  more than 3 million

number of people successfully prosecuted for refusal: less than 60

therefore odds of being prosecuted: 50,000 to 1 against

process to prosecute: authorities have to send extra letters, official legal warnings, extra visits. they have to talk to you in person and interview you "under caution" during which if you refuse, they finally have enough evidence to launch a prosecution.

it is refusing that is unlawful. if you happen to be busy, on your way out, just visiting, promise to do it later, etc etc then that is not unlawful.

stand up and be counted! don't let lockheed martin snoop on you.

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New Stroud Against the Cuts Website / Transport for March26th

16-03-2011 09:58

Stroud Against the Cuts has a new website:

There are several coaches going from the area, leaving at different times and from different places. See the details below:

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London NoBorders Benefit tonight

16-03-2011 09:22

Windmill Brixton, 22 Blenheim Gardens, SW2 5BZ, 8pm

Places: brixton

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Tools for more effective political and protest action

16-03-2011 08:10

Consider adding a demand for radical democracy to your campaign. INIREF, the campaign for direct democracy in Britain, provides background and support.

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SUN.M20.2pm *U.S.Embassy*Free Bradley Manning"-B.Kent,P.Tatchell,B.Griffin & Us!

16-03-2011 08:00

To demand the end of the torture of Bradley Manning in Quantico U.S. Marine Base, Virginia USA. Although 23 year old Bradley Manning is a U.S. Army intelligence officer he is being held without explanation in the largest U.S. Marine Base in the world! Bradley is being held, in effect, in isolation and sensory deprivation, his conditions are tortureous.

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CIA planned the overthrow of Gaddafi

16-03-2011 00:25

In trying to conform to Indymedia's strict guidelines to avoid removal of this post, mostly by reason of the source of the material, nevertheless, its worth the read. The sources are translated in Russian and English.

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Theatre Uncut at the Bristol Old Vic Wednesday 16th March

15-03-2011 23:22

Theatre Uncut at the Bristol Old Vic
THEATRE UNCUT at the Bristol Old Vic
created by Reclaim Theatre and Meeting Point productions

A group of the UK's leading playwrights have joined forces to create a collection of powerful short plays in response to the coalition government's cuts in public spending.

Between the 16th and 19th of March there will be over 60 performances of these plays across the UK in theatres, school halls, houses, anywhere and everywhere. All proceeds go to the charity Children's Poverty Action Group.

Director Emma Callander will be directing staged readings of five of these plays performed by a stellar cast including Felicity Montagu of Alan Partridge, Ben Turner of Casualty and members of the Made in Bristol company at:

the Bristol Old Vic on Wednesday 16th March at 8pm

Fragile by David Grieg (Midsummer, The Architect)
Things That Don't Make Sense by Dennis Kelly (Taking Care of Baby, Orphans)
Whiff Whaff by Jack Thorne (Skins, This is England '86)
The Fat Man by Anders Lustgarten
Hi Vis by Clara Brennan

Chris Bianchi
Howard Coggins
Marie Clifford
Joe Hall
Jesse Jones
Jesse Meadows
Helena Middleton
Kesty Morrison
Felicity Montagu
Ben Turner
Edith Woolley

Tickets will only be available on the door for £3 (cash only) so early arrival is advised.

For more information please visit or

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Irish republicans to hold peace summit with Kurdish and Basque separatists

15-03-2011 23:02

Kurdish activist killed by Turkish Army

Sinn Féin activists to meet members of Sortu and Kurdish BDP in Venice to discuss negotiation tactics and dialogue with state Irish republicans will meet Kurdish and Basque separatists at a summit designed to encourage armed movements to adopt political dialogue and put an end to two conflicts that have cost thousands of lives.
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