PEDAL Critical Mass in London this Monday!
PEDALler | 16.03.2011 11:56 | Culture | Palestine | Social Struggles
Information about the Critical Mass, Workshop weekend and Paths through Utopias film screening over the weekend and into Monday.
PEDAL Critical Mass through London
Speaker Tour
Meet at Speakers' Corner, Hyde Park
Monday 21st of March
PEDAL will be leaving Grow Heathrow and heading into London to begin a critical mass at
Speaker’s Corner, Hyde Park, for 11.30am on Monday the 21st of March.
We will visit locations relevant in the struggle to end the occupation of Palestine with speakers on the route, and also previous sites of resistance in the capital city.
Come and join us as we begin our journey sharing stories, strategies and skills for resistance from London to Jerusalem, and supporting the BDS movement.
For more info see
Also this weekend is a series of workshops at Grow Heathrow in Sipson by Heathrow airport- our first community of the journey:
PEDAL Launch Pad
Workshop Weekend, 'Paths through Utopias' Special Preview & Critical Mass
Grow Heathrow, Sipson 19th-21st of March
PEDAL begins its 100 day journey to the West Bank on the 19th & 20th of March at the squatted community garden Grow Heathrow in Sipsonwith a series of workshops to explore the themes around PEDAL’s journey- such as the Boycott Divestment Sanctions movement, Art & Permaculture, Environmental Justice, Consensus decision-making and Storytelling.
Political (or positive) resistance is when “politically oppressed groups fight back against the powers that oppress them” and “aims at change“. Lennard Davis
PEDAL Workshop Timetable
Grow Heathrow, Sipson
Saturday 19th March
10.30am-1pm ‘Introduction to Consensus Decision-making’ with Seeds for Change
1-2pm Lunch
2-4pm ‘Art & Permaculture’ with the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination
4.30-6.30pm ‘Discussion: How to support Palestinian & Israeli Popular Resistance movements’
6.30-7.30 Dinner
7.30pm Special Film Preview of ‘Paths Through Utopias’ by Isabelle Fremeaux, John Jordan & Kypros Kyprianou
Sunday 20th of March
10.30am-11.30am ‘Carrying stories across Europe: A talk about walking from England to Istanbul’ by Adam Weymouth
12pm-1.30pm ‘Environmental Justice from Heathrow to Palestine’ with So We Stand
1.30pm-2.30pm Lunch
2.30pm-5pm ‘Facilitation for Consensus Decision-Making’ with Seeds for Change
Preparations for Critical Mass
PEDAL invites you to join us at the beginning of our story; to participate in the jam-packed workshop weekend and to pedal with us in a critical mass through London.
Please e-mail

If you plan to stay for the weekend it would be great to arrive on Friday evening so we can have breakfast and start the workshops. Alternatively pick and choose the sections that interest you!
Space is available for camping so bring a sleeping, bag, tent and warm clothes if you plan to stay over. (Let us know if you have any special requirements)
Address and travel information here.
more information about the weekend here
Grow Heathrow Greenhouses 7.30pm
Saturday the 19th of March
Blurring the fluid boundaries between present and future, documentary and fiction, Paths Through Utopias is a utopian road movie exploring a post-capitalist Europe. Shot during a 7 month journey in 2008 visiting ten utopian experiments, the film is half of the book-film project published in France by Editions Zones. From the direct action Climate Camp set up illegally besides Heathrow airport to a hamlet squatted by French art punks, occupied self-managed Serbian factories to a free love commune in an ex Stasi base, this magicorealist travelogue transports us to a parallel universe where money is worthless and private property has been abolished.
Film by Isabelle Fremeaux, John Jordan and Kypros Kyprianou. Music by Isa Suarez. Book by Isabelle Fremeaux and John Jordan.
"A passionate anarchist road-movie " Le Monde
"A magnificent multi-media makes the promises of another world possible." Les Inrockuptibles
