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gaddafi mansion latest... from inside.

11-03-2011 13:52

Libyans to decide future of space.

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Massive Security presence at proposed Shell compound in Co.Mayo

11-03-2011 11:19

Massive increase in security presence to protect a strimmer
6 members of the Rossport Solidarity Camp attempted to stop Shell work on the proposed site for the Glengad compound today.

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8 March- women in Iran under islamic oppression

11-03-2011 09:46

women under islamic oppression
Amnesty International’s submission to the Commission on the Status of Women regarding concerns about the harassment and imprisonment of women, including rights defenders and members of minorities, in Iran

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British ruling elite advance “humanitarian” cover for intervention in Libya

11-03-2011 08:50

Britain’s ruling elite are sharpening their neo-colonial claws once again in the guise of “humanitarian intervention”, this time utilising the suffering of the Libyan masses.

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Britain’s Liberal Democrats meet behind metal barrier #LDconf

11-03-2011 08:48

The Liberal Democrats are holding their spring conference in Sheffield, the home of the party’s leader and deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg. As the austerity measures the party has drawn up in coalition with the Conservatives begin to impact on broad layers of workers, the former are gathering behind a steel fence erected around City Hall to protect those in attendance from the public.

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Inside Gaddafi’s squatted home

11-03-2011 07:22

Article by one of the people who squatted Saif Gaddafi’s London home.

As the nation was just about to start its lunch break, around 20 comrades were conspiring to make international news in a park minutes from Bishops Avenue (“millionaire’s row”), the most exclusive street in the UK. Tipped off by locals, the target that afternoon would be the 10m London home of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi – the ’sane face’ of the Libyan dictatorship. By 2pm chain texts had gone off to London’s radical left to come and support the occupation and a media scrum was developing in the forecourt with nothing to film except the backs of activists as they arrived though the window and three banners: one lined-out portrait of Gaddafi (senior) reading “out of Libya – out of London”, one reading “revolution” in English and Arabic, and one explicitly anarchist banner.

The first group were a collective of libertarian activists based in London with experience of occupations, soon joined by about five dissidents from the Libyan Solidarity Campaign who had been protesting at the Libyan embassy. At 4PM a spokesperson from the collective gave the only interview, a short statement declaring the house property of the Libyan people. As the house was part of the Gaddafi families assets frozen by the UK, the statement made it clear it could not be left up to a government that “only recently stopped actively helping to train the Libyan regime in crowd control techniques” who were also “guilty of providing the same weapons that are now being used by Gaddafi against the Libyan people”. This went out on ITN, BBC and several other channels.

Police intervention has been, so far, hands off. They have paid two visits, both times leaving without threatening to evict the group and declaring the occupation “a civil matter”. Several sketchier characters have been seen, though the occupier were not sure whether these were pro Gaddafi heavies or simply local security alerted by the alarm system.

By 7pm the crowd outside the house had swelled to about 50, a mixture of media hoping for further action or interviews, and supporters, many from two other London occupations, rAtstar and the ‘Free school’, and later marchers from the ‘Day X for the NHS’ event, hopeful of gaining entry to the event of the moment. The occupiers decided that roughly 30 people was enough by 8pm and started to discourage more arrivals and apologetically send the crowd away. The same meeting also attempted to thrash out a structure for the new arrivals, and an attempted crash course in ‘consensus decision making’ was vociferously opposed by others in favour of voting – all probably to the confusion of the Libyans.

As the meeting closed food and drink arrived and some began to make themselves comfortable in the many large beds to watch the news on the flatscreens whilst others preferred the faux-diamond studded suede lined cinema in the basement of the house. Concerns over cultural sensitivity in the face of Muslims melted as the Libyans shared the beer and produced bottles of wine.

Today the occupation has continued, with numbers swelling all the time – most being turned away. The occupiers have asked for no more volunteers until they call for them, saying the house is destined for the reimbursement of the Libyan people and cannot become “a party spot”. Half the occupiers departed for today’s Libya demonstration and there were mild fears that support may be needed if the pro-Gaddafi counter demo decided to attack the house.

Several inevitable criticisms have been made on by commentators on Indymedia and Youtube saying the occupation serves the British state agenda and that better or equal targets would be the US Embassy. It is never really clear what the international agenda of the leading capitalist states is in its entirety, not least because this will change with the political situation itself. Yes the West have gone from rehabilitating Gaddafi in aid of their oil links to wanting to depose Gaddafi – in aid of their oil links; this action was not carried out to oppose that agenda but in solidarity with the undeniable popular uprising against an despotic evil dictatorship. What happens next, like the house itself, is now in the hands of the Libyan people.

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Richard Stallman: A Free Digital Society 2

10-03-2011 21:22


Richard Stallman talk at IET London ( see )

Richard Stallman - hacker, founder of the Free Software Movement, activist and theorist for civil rights in the digital age - about politics and practice of free software, discussing a range of issues which have arisen in the digital age : from the oppressive use of ‘copyright' by media corporations and resisting draconian legislation against downloading and digital freedom, through to the misassumptions around ‘digital inclusion', as well as recent topics such as Wikileaks.

A Free Digital Society , Part II

Creative Commons BY-ND ( this video exists only in theora/vorbis encoding )


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Picket to rehome the animals

10-03-2011 20:32

deer living on building site
Deer, rabbits, birds, goats, chickens and water birds have been maimed, killed and stolen from Clissold Park over the years. The situation has got worse. Three deer, five rabbits and 10 birds killed in the last few months. Hackney council cannot protect the animals and they must all be taken to safe animal sanctuaries.

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The Guardian’s hatchet job on Julian Assange #WikiLeaks

10-03-2011 20:22

WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange’s War on Secrecy, by David Leigh and Luke Harding, published by the Guardian newspaper, is now being paraded as the “official” account of WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange. It is in reality a politically-motivated hatchet job aimed at discrediting Assange and facilitating his persecution by the Obama administration and its allies in the UK and Sweden.

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Richard Stallman: A Free Digital Society I

10-03-2011 20:22


Richard Stallman talk at IET London ( see )


Richard Stallman - hacker, founder of the Free Software Movement, activist and theorist for civil rights in the digital age - about politics and practice of free software, discussing a range of issues which have arisen in the digital age : from the oppressive use of ‘copyright' by media corporations and resisting draconian legislation against downloading and digital freedom, through to the misassumptions around ‘digital inclusion', as well as recent topics such as Wikileaks.

A Free Digital Society , Part I

Creative Commons BY-ND ( this video exists only in theora/vorbis encoding )




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Don't make us pay for their crisis

10-03-2011 19:43

A handy print-out-and-distribute leaflet for March 26th.

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Marching Mothers on the Move

10-03-2011 18:53

On SATURDAY 12 MARCH Mothers are Marching In defence of Everyone's survival and welfare, and for an End to cuts, poverty and discrimination. We'll be meeting on the north side of Trafalgar Square (in front of the National Gallery) at 12 noon then marching to SOAS for a Speak-out. Keynote speaker: distinguished campaigner and author SELMA JAMES
on International Women's Day:how rapidly things change.

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Information on planned protests in Sheffield 11-13th of March

10-03-2011 16:48

Here are various useful links for this weekend:

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Thousands of Kurdish bodies discovered in dozens of mass graves

10-03-2011 16:27

Over the years of war between Kurdish separatist guerrillas and the Turkish army and police, during the 1980s and 1990s, thousands of Kurds disappeared and were unaccounted for. Now their bodies are turning up in dozens of mass graves in the Kurdish region and in Turkey proper. Kurdish and other human rights groups are pointing the finger at the Turkish armed forces and at the government of the day.

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New Leeds ABC Pamphlet

10-03-2011 16:23

A new pamphlet from Leeds Anarchist Black Cross.

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Palestine Today 03 10 2011

10-03-2011 15:24

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Thursday March 10, 2011.

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Extinction Event?

10-03-2011 15:03

The Arctic is defrosting as warm Atlantic waters rush through the Fram Strait instead of skirting the southern coast of Greenland. This is an important event, regardless of the deafening silence exhibited by the mainstream media.

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10-03-2011 14:36

strategic communications or campaigning

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NHS March from Royal London Hospital

10-03-2011 13:22

A short video of the NHS march from Royal London Hostpital (whitechapel) to Spitalfields, including the brief blockade of Bishopsgate.

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