Massive Security presence at proposed Shell compound in Co.Mayo
Rossport Solidarity Camp | 11.03.2011 11:19 | Rossport Solidarity | Energy Crisis | History | Ocean Defence | World
Massive increase in security presence to protect a strimmer
Protester held to ground and sat on by IRMS security
Since becoming an IRMS supervisor, he's started to use threatening comments quite a bit. His photo and ID are below.
Also at another stage one of the IRMS supervisors also had said to an new recruit who at the time was sitting on a protester "No don't sit on his back, just hold him on the ground"
The increased presence of the IRMS indicates that the preparatory work that Shell are carrying out is vital to the project.
In order to continue disrupting this work we need more people to come up to the camp. Shell still need to complete their survey work before they can build anything and its very easy to stop.
For anyone thinking about visiting the area, get in touch with the camp at

Rossport Solidarity Camp
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