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UK Newswire Archive

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Activist’s Home is Invaded by Police on May 1st

03-05-2002 00:34

The home of the activist named A. S. (name initials) was invaded this morning by four Civil Police officers. The accusation: an anonymous tip left at their “0800” phone line stating that he had in his possession arms and drugs.

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may election clashes

03-05-2002 00:18

Members of the BNP recieved, harsh lesson as they attended the count in New-cross

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03-05-2002 00:01

FASCISM in FRANCE...can you believe it.....they want to change the face of our country....and I can not believe International movement are not mobilized or supporting Actions against these AS****.

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New Israel national flag (by Latuff)

02-05-2002 23:57

New Israel national flag (by Latuff)
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle for independence.

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Bristol Peace Activists enter Bethlehem seige

02-05-2002 23:27

Late on Thursday four Bristol Peace activists Jo, Al, Marcia and Katie together with ten

activists from around the world joined Palestinians under seige at the Church of the Nativity. One Palestinian was killed and two injured by Israeli gunfire day.

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London SWP-TUC Alliance

02-05-2002 22:53

How the SWP support New Labour

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No proof of massacre in Jenin yet

02-05-2002 21:28

Overview of arguments surrounding the investigation of the Jenin "massacre". Doubt is being cast on Palestinian claims that there were more deaths than claimed by Israel. However, none deny that war crimes did not occur in the refugee camp and calls are mounting for an investigation, despite Kofi Annan's decision to stand down the UN team headed by Maarti Atahari.

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Wombling Free!!

02-05-2002 20:52


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May 4th Liverpool. People Not profit Social Forum

02-05-2002 20:44

People Not Profit have a brilliant social forum, linking the local struggle with the global struggle, locally. issues sych as the so called regenertaion of Liverpool, Hillsbourgh, Palestine and the Black Panther prison struggle.

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Response to corrupt Canadian ediorial

02-05-2002 20:26

Response to May 2nd Editorial from extreme-right Southam News, the country's largest media mogul which controls most of the news in Canada. The Editorial suggest arresting anti-globalisation protesters, and declares that there is nothing to protest about. We are asking people in the UK to spread the word. Please help us.

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Globalise Resistance had an extraordinary Mayday!

02-05-2002 20:22

20,000 anti-capitalists and trade-unions in Trafalgar Square and 4,000 people partying in the streets of Soho. (article 1)

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Support call education is not for sale!

02-05-2002 20:16

EU-wide protestcampaign in 2002:
Education is not for sale!
Forum about education and international studentblock at demonstration Sevilla (Spain) June 20-21-22
Decentralized protests in Europe during the summer-semester

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Globalise Resistance had an extraordinary Mayday!

02-05-2002 20:02

20,000 anti-capitalists and trade-unions in Trafalgar Square and 4,000 people partying in the streets of Soho.See beautiful pictures. (article 1)

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Mayday Soho Carnival - police pics

02-05-2002 18:40

montages from when the police moved in on hundreds of people dancing in soho on May 1st and detained them for hours - the middle of soho was soon sealed off as the whole area became militarised. (article 1)

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02-05-2002 18:38

3 of the WOMBLES defendants had their cases dismissed at the end of the prosecution case. 4 will be presenting their defence tomorrow. FREE THE WOMBLE 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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M1 pic montages...!

02-05-2002 18:26

Pretty chill day and night...! (article 1)

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Fatah head Barghouti: Arafat approved payment for terror attacks.

02-05-2002 18:08

Fatah head Barghouti: Arafat approved payment for terror attacks.

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Mayday Soho Carnival - fluffy pics

02-05-2002 17:53

Picture montages from the Soho sex workers carnival that started at around 5pm on May 1st. All was fluffy apart from a few minor scuffles when police arrested someone - this was one of the best party atmospheres I've seen for ages. (article 2)

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Mayday Soho Carnival - fluffy pics

02-05-2002 17:41

Picture montages from the Soho sex workers carnival that started at around 5pm on May 1st. All was fluffy apart from a few minor scuffles when police arrested someone - this was one of the best party atmospheres I've seen for ages. (article 1)
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