UK Newswire Archive
Glasgow Flagship Vodafone Blockaded on Saturday as part of UK Wide Day of Action
04-11-2010 19:22
This Saturday just past, 30th Oct, approximately 30 of us blockaded Vodafone's Glasgow flagship shop on Buchanan St, keeping it closed all day on the busiest shopping day of the week. This was part of a national day of action, in response to the budget cuts, against Vodafone who, according to Private Eye and others, are evading £6.1 billion in taxes. For more background see
Another bank occupied in Glasgow! RBS Occupied Today to Protest the Cuts
04-11-2010 19:22
Today in Glasgow a diverse group occupied the Gordon St branch of RBS in protest at the cuts being imposed on us all, while corporations continue to bring in huge profits and boardroom salaries continue to sky rocket.
US charity bribing Bristolian drug addicts to sterilise themselves
04-11-2010 18:22
Project Prevention, an American charity targeting child damage through parental drug intake, is offering £200 to drug addicts in 5 locations across the UK, one of which is Bristol, in return for which they must volunteer for a sterilisation operation.While substance abuse causes all kinds of problems, particularly for children, it is obvious (to me at least) that this measure exploits vulnerability to drive a savage eugenics agenda. It bribes vulnerable people into handing over their fertility in return for a quick fix, promotes a ring-fence of prejudice and sin-construction around drug users, and simplifies human beings into "addicts" and "normals".
Project Prevention's website states that its primary aim is awareness-raising (couldn't they just hand out some fliers or something), and its secondary aim is to "reduce the burden of this social problem on taxpayers". Sterilisation programmes are clearly not publicity-driven, so it is fair to assume that one of the main drives behind this project, once society has been divided up into "addicts" and "normals", is to remove the "addicts" from societyand the gene pool, and leave the "normals" a bit more well off. Isn't that nice.
What can we do to make sure this foul stench blows well clear of Bristol?
YouTube - Senkaku real Coast Guard(Leek Video)
04-11-2010 17:29
The leaked secret video of the Japanese Coast Guard personnel. Are at risk of his life.YouTube - 1 Senkaku real Coast Guard

YouTube - 2 Coast Guard Senkaku truth

YouTube - 3 invasions truth Senkaku Coast Guard

Below, in two minutes and 11 seconds of video so fourth, you can see how the boats come in contact with China.
YouTube - 4 Senkaku real Coast Guard

The following, where the Chinese fishing patrol boat too much in one minute 10 second video of the 5th "Mizuki" You can touch the scene.
YouTube - 5 Senkaku in Japan Coast Guard

YouTube - 6 Senkaku happens Coast Guard

Palestine Today 11 04 2010
04-11-2010 17:00

Return of the Hoogstraten scum.
04-11-2010 16:47
The ghosts and ghouls are on the move and Hoogstraten, landlord, known gangster and criminal is back and up to his usual tricks.UAV in near miss with helicopter.
04-11-2010 16:22
Safety inquiries have been carried out after two separate incidents when unmanned military drones were almost in an aerial collision with helicopters over Salisbury Plain.It has come to light these two incidents happened on the same day back in February this year. They involved the army’s new toy named Desert Hawk 3.
Despite this and in the light of financial cut backs the military top brass want more of these. They are cheaper to produce than planes and take less education than it does to train up an airforce pilot.
They are currently in use in Afghanistan to observe those they don’t like and give co-ordinates to the artillery, soldiers or helicopter gunships.
Earlier this year the military airspace in Wiltshire in which drones were permitted to be flown was increased as these craft increased in size and number.
Inquiries by Airprox, the official air authority investigation board which looks into such near air collisions that it happened twice on the same day.
This comes at a time when the British military want to use more of these remote killing machines. Last month the Ministry of Defence extended its contract to operate Israeli Hermes 450 surveillance drones in Afghanistan.
Plus practice flights are planned for the area around Parc Aberporth, Wales.
This trade in military hardware between Britain and Israel may go some way to accounting for recent reports on the Foreign Secretary’s time in Jerusalem.
Its been reported that the laws regarding universal jurisdiction will be dropped to allow Israeli leaders and military personnel into the UK without fear of prosecution.
Volunteering 'aint what it used to be
04-11-2010 15:23
At the Allerdale Borough Council Meeting last night Councillor Joe Sandwith called on fellow councillors to “formally withdraw Allerdale’s expression of interest” in "volunteering for geological disposal of high level nuclear waste.
call to arms
04-11-2010 15:22
campaign to resist forest of dean privitizationThe coaliltion are planning to sell off all Forestry Ccommssion land, including Forest of Dean where there is now massive opposition.
THE Fern Bonfire at Speech House Field on Saturday (November 6, 6pm) will be the setting for a massive protest in song to stop the proposed sale of Forestry Commission woodlands.
Anyone who attends the event, which begins at 6pm, is being invited to join in a resounding rendition of the Battle Hymn of the Dean – last sung when our woodlands were similarly threatened in 1993/94.
Penned by the late Lily Dunn, the rallying call will hopefully be backed (as in the last battle) by Forest of Dean Male Voice Choir members. Dave Harvey has agreed to be MC.
•The Fern Bonfire, organised through the Fern Committee by Forest of Dean Lions and Severn Dean Lions Club, starts at 6pm (gates open 5pm) with the lighting of the bonfire. Fireworks follow at 7.30pm Entry is £5 which goes to local charities (accompanied children of primary school age or younger free).
Support Needed For Huntingdon Lane Protest Camp!
04-11-2010 15:02

The footpath is also patrolled by security working as National Eviction Team.
Britain - Drones and the Israeli connection
04-11-2010 14:06

One example being the arms trade and the exchange of knowledge and money in the development and use of Unmanned Ariel Drones.
Two shops selling real fur in Worcestershire - Please take action
04-11-2010 13:43

Punk And The Pistols
04-11-2010 13:22
A showing of the influential Arena documentary (1995), which takes a different angle to the more widely known 'The Filth and the Fury'.From the suburban backgrounds of the first '100 punks' to a movement which spanned the globe, Punk and the Pistols examines the anger, ideas and inspiration which led to a movement that shook Britain and spanned the globe. Includes interviews with Jordan, John Lydon, Malcolm McLaren, Siouxsie Sioux and Vivienne Westwood. Introduced by director Paul Tickell.
From Recruitment To Dialogue
04-11-2010 13:22
How Does The Radical Left Relate To Workers?What lessons can we learn from how the ‘left’ related to workers and industrial struggles of the 1970s and what relevance do they have today for a work force which is often on-unionised and fragmented?
How should our methods of relating to workers differ between a workplace which is experiencing a high level of class conflict and shop floor organisation, from one which conflict occurs within the framework of union control, from one which is non-unionised and there is little overt conflict and a fairly passive, quiescent and fragmented workforce? Should we even think of engaging with the latter group? If worker militancy usually comes from a response to an employer offensive within the workplace, how should the Left relate to workers who are currently passive? How should we relate to those who begin an industrial struggle? What is our role in these different situations? What are we trying to achieve? Consciousness raising? Recruitment to a political organisation? Shop floor and rank and file organisation? A better understanding of changes in the workplace and its effects on workers? Do we only consider engaging with workers whose workplace has strategic importance both economically and politically or do we engage with all workplaces regardless of their importance? How do we even measure strategic importance? How did the Left of the 1970s address these issues? How are the Left addressing these issues today?
Venue: Room 3A2 Hamilton House, 80 Stokes Croft, BS1 3QY.
Time: 4:00-6:00pm
Price: Donation
Speaker: Sheila Cohen, Marco
Italy In The 1970s
04-11-2010 13:22
Bodies In The Street, A Tale Of A Country Like OursIn the 1970s, Italy came to the brink of revolution. Every aspect of the state’s functioning was aggressively challenged as millions of people imposed their demands. New ways of doing politics were developed including wildcat strikes, student revolts, armed struggle to people having fun.
Millions of people were actively imposing their demands - workers, students, women. New ways of doing politics were developed including strikes, wildcats, student revolts, armed struggle and people having fun. These are all part of the story.
The history of Italian radicalism in the 70s is largely unknown in this country. These talks and films look at how the movement came about and how we can make sure it happens here. When the Italian working class fought back they influenced workers across Europe. Marco will outline the effect of ‘Autonomia’ on the German Workers movement in the 1970s.
Venue: Room 3A2 Hamilton House, 80 Stokes Croft, BS1 3QY.
Time: 1:00-5:00pm
Price: Donation
Speaker: Keiron Farrow, Marco
"Can't Do Nothin' If You Ain't Bad"
04-11-2010 13:22
The League Of Revolutionary Black WorkersThe League of Revolutionary Black Workers was formed in 1969 in Detroit. The organisation united a number of different Revolutionary Union Movements (RUMs) in an attempt to articulate the specific concerns of Black workers through political action. Including the film about the League Finally Got the News (1970).
The organisation united a number of different Revolutionary Union Movements (RUMs) that were growing rapidly across the auto industry and other industrial sectors. The formation of the League was an attempt to create a more cohesive political organ guided by the principles of Black liberation and Marxism-Leninism in order to gain political power and articulate the specific concerns of Black workers through political action.
Venue: Room 5A1 Hamilton House, 80 Stokes Croft, BS1 3QY.
Time: 7:30pm
Price: Donations
Speaker: Keiron Farrow
The 1970s – New Events Announced
04-11-2010 13:22
The programme of events for Bristol Radical History Group’s The 1970s – Life Before Thatcher has been released.From Dagenham to Grunwick, Glam to Punk and Wilson to Thatcher.
Talks, films and music, 13 free events between Sunday 14th November and Tuesday 7th December 2010.
* “Make Them Grovel”: The 1976 West Indies Cricket Tour
* From The Ford Workers’ Group to Made In Dagenham
* The Asian Youth Movement
* Grunwick: The End Of An Era?
* Spies, Lies And The Coup: State Repression In The 70s
* Cry Freedom Concert
* How We Won: Strikes In The 70s
* Glam-Punk Disco Inferno
* The Anti-Vietnam War Movement
* Punk And The Pistols
* From Recruitment To Dialogue: How Does The Radical Left Relate To Workers?
* Italy In The 1970s: Bodies In The Street, A Tale Of A Country Like Ours
* “Can’t Do Nothin’ If You Ain’t Bad”‘: The League Of Revolutionary Black Workers
See you there!
Plumber exposes city fraud terrorist police used to cover up the story
04-11-2010 12:53
Wife has affair board member of city of London reinsurance giant, guy carpenter llc.Husband learns of affair and board members misuse of company funds
Husband home, office and company accountants raided by counter terrorist directorate of city of London police. Local MP informed by borough commander of terrorist dawn raids.
Radio Interference: October 22nd 2010
04-11-2010 12:23
5th episode of the Radio Interference programme, broadcast on the 4th Friday of each month at 8pm.
This one is extra special as there were technical problems on the night that stopped it from going out live. The post-production-pixie has stitched the pieces back together with his magic bodkin, although you might still be able to notice a few rough edges.
Glam-Punk Disco Inferno
04-11-2010 12:22
We're taking you back to the 70s with a night of tunes that rocked the decade. Disco and Glam set from DJ Pretty Boy to Punk, Ska and Skin from DJ Dabble.970 may have seen the passing of Jimmi Hendrix and the disbanding of the Beatles but this decade saw the birth of new genres which were integral to fashions, the party and the political scene at the time.
Punk Rock's anti-establishment and DIY ethic moved away from previous trends of the 60s, to create, as Tommy Ramone described "some pure, stripped down, no bullshit rock 'n' roll" and played a big part in the Punk movement. In a society embracing greater sexual liberation, glam rock and disco moved away from the dominiering main stream rock music and gave an out let for greater freedom of expression.
All that aside, there were some bloody good tunes and we're going to relive them partying into the night. With glitter, flares and ridiculous glasses with a Disco and Glam set from DJ Pretty Boy to Punk, Ska and Skin from DJ Dabble.
Venue: The Plough - 223 Easton Road, Easton, BS5 0EG.
Time: 8:00pm
Price: Donations