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Villagers prepare to resist Tesco

19-07-2010 09:24

The community of Keyworth is organising to resist plans by Tesco to build a store in their village. Plans which were proposed after 90% of the community said they did not want a new supermarket.

Completely unexpectedly and with just five days notice the people of Keyworth recently received leaflets inviting them to Tesco’s exhibition of their proposed new supermarket in the centre of the village.

Held over two weekdays the glossy exhibition showed an artist’s impression of the new building and set out all their claimed advantages of the new store (100 jobs, reduced carbon footprint, investment in the community, and the usually tosh). Slick Tesco PR professionals were on hand and a paper opinion ‘survey’ questionnaire was taken.

If the decision on a Tesco store is to be decided democratically Tesco could save themselves a lot of time and money as the community has already voiced its opinion on supermarkets in the village. In the recently completed village plan 89% of respondents to the household survey said they did not want another supermarket in Keyworth.

The people of Keyworth were quick to show their opposition to a Tesco store. Within days of hearing of the plans anti Tesco posters and stickers were appearing  around the village and a campaign stall was organised outside venue for the duration of the exhibition. The overwhelming majority of visitors coming to sign up to the no Tesco campaign as they left the exhibition.

Unfortunately Keyworth people are about to get a glimpse of the undemocratic state we live under when they see that the planning process will not recognise the community’s strength of opposition to Tesco, the survey data to back it and the likely hundreds of letters of opposition to the planning application. In the end Tesco have huge funds to keep appealing if their plans are rejected. Local authorities cannot, especially in a time of cutbacks, afford to keep fighting these appeals, and so Tesco can win.

But there is a long road to travel from submitting a planning application to opening a store and the people of Keyworth are angry and organised so watch this space!

There are many reasons to oppose a new supermarket and each has its own issues relating to the community affected. In Keyworth there is the special sadness that the community was promised that the proposed site would be used for sheltered housing so that the elderly residents, who had been moved out of the village when their homes were demolished, could return to their community.  Tesco – every little hurts.



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Beat Boreholes - Report and callout from Rossport

19-07-2010 09:24

15th July 2010 saw the launch of "Beat the Boreholes"; a campaign of mass civil disobedience to stop Shell works in Mayo this Summer. At 7am in the morning campaigners entered the water in Broadhaven Bay in kayaks and a safety rib in a peaceful attempt to prevent Shell from bringing in a second borehole drilling platform.

See also

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Petition: Stop the deportation of this family

19-07-2010 09:22

As the Home Office sinks to knew depths of cruelty, threatening a Bolivian widow and her two British raised children with deportation, we ask all who read this to show your solidarity and sign the petition against their removal.

Thais and Jhoselin arrived in the UK with their mother Justina Grajeda and their father in 2002. Their father was tragically killed two years ago in a freak bicycle accident. The girls were 8 and 9 when they arrived and have not been back to Bolivia since. They are now Londoners in every way and have become disconnected with the customs and way of life in Bolivia.

Now aged 16 they are described as grade A students, they have places in Lewisham sixth forms and have ambitions to go on to University. Their mother Justina is active in Bolivia Solidarity Campaign and the girls are now becoming more involved as activists.

The decision to deport the family could not have come at a worse time for the girls - between coming to terms with the death of their father and embarking on their A Levels. Within the Latinoamerican community we have seen so many wonderful people snatched from their homes and workplaces by the criminal UK Borders Agency, every deportation causes a collective trauma amongst our community. An injury to one is an injury to all, but also a victory to this one family will be a victory to all, so lets unite, fight and stop this deportation! Sign the petition:

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Lewes Road Community Garden Stand Off V Tesco

19-07-2010 08:04

Following a sympathetic court hearing against developers Alburn Minos Ltd and Tesco on July 9 Lewes Road Community Garden supporters are more determined than ever to stay put on one of Brighton's busiest and most polluted roads. The garden is OPEN!

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Emergency meeting on Iran convened in Parliament

19-07-2010 07:32

A meeting will take place this evening in the Palace of Westminster. There are some public places available. If you would like to attend please email

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Greece, left-wing journalist murdered on his doorstep!

19-07-2010 06:31

A left wing journalist and blogger was shot at 7am today (2.5 hours ago) on his doorstep in Athens.
Socrates Golias was the blogger behind the well known Greek site troktiko (
News sites report 3 people came from a car, and fired two shots, on his doorstep.

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Petition: Stop the deportation of this family

19-07-2010 01:27

As the Home Office sinks to knew depths of cruelty, threatening a Bolivian widow and her two British raised children with deportation, we ask all who read this to show your solidarity and sign the petition against their removal.

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Orange alert Democracy village

19-07-2010 01:25

Call out for activists and media to come and be at camp over next 1-3 days an especially nights.

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Oil Leaks in the Gulf of Mexico threatening all Plant, Animal and Human Life

19-07-2010 00:17

If billions of workers would not awake now, not defend life, then we would soon be star dust blowing in the galactic winds.

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Rotten row kicks off in Bristol

18-07-2010 22:22

Johnny Rotten's gig in Bristol on Tuesday 20th July is his first outside London at the start of his tour.
This is the chance for Bristol to set the agenda for the rest of the UK.

Join us on the Peace vigil on the Centre 5-6pm
Meet 6.30 pm onwards outside the O2 Academy Frogmore Street, (off the Centre) BS1 5NA

Former Sex Pistols frontman, Johnny Rotten is on a European Tour culminating with a headline appearance in Tel Aviv.

Palestine campaigners are appalled and are planning to picket his concerts. But Johnny (Lydon) Rotten has hit back. Reported in the Jewish Chronicle and other Israeli media he says “he will not give in to his critics”

Artists who have already cancelled gigs in Israel include:-
Carlos Santana, Elvis Costello, The Pixies, The Klaxons, The Gorillas, and Gil Scott-Heron.
Dustin Hoffman & Meg Ryan are boycotting the Israeli film festival.
Last week rock legends Pink Floyd reunited for a Palestine benefit concert.

Let's tell Johnny which side he should be on!

We say cancel this gig now - Don’t support Apartheid Israel

Email your opposition to

Johnny’s website:
His agent:
His company:

"Johnny Rotten you ain’t no human being if u play the Israeli fascist regime"

Bristol Palestine Solidarity Campaign

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Campaign Victory - Ramus End the Sale of Foie Gras!

18-07-2010 20:54

Last foie gras establishment go, leading to another campaign victory.

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Trolls and the Government

18-07-2010 20:50

A racist troll who lives in London has been stalking and libeling 23 various people on the Internet. Some lost their jobs because of his lies. One he could frame for murder threats and this with the help of the London police department,the Finnish police and the Greek police. Sounds like a conspiracy and most likely it is.

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Democracy Village Eviction Resistance Call-Out

18-07-2010 19:22

The Democracy Village lost its appeal against eviction on Friday. They are awaiting the final order papers from bailliffs acting on behalf of Boris Johnston and the GLA, after which they expect a police/bailliff operation to clear the Square and put up fences. Ironic that Boris is claiming the Square will once again be free for tourists when in fact he's going to stop it being used by anyone! The Villagers are requesting help to resist the eviction and have called out for people to attend the Square from Monday evening to "stand up for democracy".

Callout to defend/support/visit the VillageMon p.m/evening July 19th STAND UP FOR DEMOCRACY
Soldiers are dying in Afghanistan supposedly to defend democracy. Meanwhile a political decision has been made in the Court of Appeal to quash democractic protest.
The Village is safe at least until Monday, since the court did not yet print and post up the final order for eviction. That is likely sometime Monday morning. From then on the bailiffs are liable to come, but this is going to be a large-scale operation where they will need to block traffic from Square, so we think it is likely they will not try during peak hours in front of too many tourists. 
This means target time maybe early hours Mon/Tuesday. We are calling assembly to demonstrate for freedom of speech and protest from Mon July 19 6 p.m. onwards.
War or Peace, the choice is clear 
On Friday July 16 the Court of Appeal ruled that the Mayor of London can evict peace protestors from Parliament Square Gardens. From now on members of Democracy Village and anyone who supports our anti-war stance will have to obtain permission from the Metropolitan Police Commissioner and the Mayor of London in order to protest in Parliament Square. In future, if visitors to Parliament Square disobey the court order and assemble, camp or protest on the grass without a permit, they will be liable to eviction, imprisonment or seizure of their assets. 
At the heart of the case is the conflict between war and peace - between the warmongers in Parliament and the peaceniks in Parliament Square. It is the clash between Parliament's determination to continue sending troops to murder civilians in Afghanistan, and Protestors' resolve to end the killing and recall the troops. Warmongers may have won this battle but the peaceniks will win the war.  ln legal parlance, this case is about the conflict between primary and secondary legislation. Does the criminal law prohibiting war crimes in Afghanistan takes precedence over the bye-laws prohibiting damage to grass and shrubs in Parliament Square? Predictably, the judiciary ruled that it was more important to save the grass and keep Parliament Square free from protestors than it was to save the children and keep Afghanistan free from war.  If Boris thinks that a court order to keep off the grass will stop Peace Protestors from occupying the square, he has another think coming. We have chosen to stop the killing and to stop the killers; so until the troops are brought home and Blair, Brown and Boris are imprisoned for their war crimes, expect ever increasing levels of protest and civil disobedience in and around Parliament. The war on the warmongers has only just begun.

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From Dudley to Bradford

18-07-2010 17:24

This was Dudley 17 7 2010 could Bradford be next?

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FREE Benefit Gigs Taunton: No Borders / Renata Zelazna / Antifascist

18-07-2010 16:22

29th July: No Borders Bristol w/ Some Sort of Threat, Olive Anne, Rat Bandits & Dane Howells
19th August: Free Renata Zelazna w/ Distortion UK + Support
6th October: Russian Antifascists w/ BrainDead + Support
Free vegan food!
Free entry!

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ISM Speaker Tour by returning Activists

18-07-2010 16:22

The Current situation in the occupied West Bank
ISM Speaker Tour
‘The current situation in the occupied West Bank’

Saturday 31st July: 6-9pm
‘The Black Kitten’ Radical Info Shop
(38 Stokes Croft, Bristol. Opposite Bristol Free Shop & Emporium Gallery)

Speakers Bridget and Ryan have just left Palestine after long stays in the West Banks working with the International Solidarity Movement (nine months and five months respectively). Whilst in Palestine they set legal precedents by arguing in Israeli courts whilst under arrest that the policy of raiding area A to arrest International activists was illegal. They have spent extensive time in Nablus and East Jerusalem, and will talk about their experiences there, as well more generally about post-Second Intifada political & social landscape of Palestine & Israel, & the rise of the one-state solution versus the rise of the Fayyad-government state-vision.

Queries: Phil 07769551146 (Poster not for Fly-Posting)

Food & Refreshments by donation will be available from 6pm and there will be a wealth of literature & resources on the subject of Palestine for information and campaigning purposes.

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FREE Benefit Gigs Taunton: No Borders / Renata Zelazna / Antifascist

18-07-2010 15:25

29th July: No Borders Bristol w/ Some Sort of Threat, Olive Anne, Rat Bandits & Dane Howells
19th August: Free Renata Zelazna w/ Distortion UK + Support
6th October: Russian Antifascists w/ BrainDead + Support

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Unilever vs. BNP – “Whoever wins, we lose!”

18-07-2010 14:24

Racists Vs. Animal Abusers battle it out!

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UG#508 - Truth & Lies of The Financial "Crisis" (Peak Oil and Peak Ponzi)

18-07-2010 12:10

The show this week looks at the financial crisis from two angles. Most of it is given over to a talk by Nicole Foss about the implications for expansionary debt-based money of hitting the planet's ecological limits. We conclude with a reading of Michael Hudson's 2009 article, The Language of Looting, which explains how the term "free market" is now used to mean the opposite of its historical meaning.

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Democracy Village after the verdict.

18-07-2010 11:44

Drumming and dancing
This text is to accompany the video. The village called a people's assembly/peace rally following the loss of its appeal.
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