UK Newswire Archive
The Foundry is Gone - Long Live The Foundry!
18-06-2010 13:22
The well known and much loved pub, alternative arts space and venue for a myriad of political and campaigning events, The Foundry in Old Street was finally shut down in May as a result of Hackney's Council plans to pull down the building and turn it into a 18-storey hotel and shopping mall.
During its decade long history, the venue was not only consistently open to non-commercial art, music and cultural events and initiatives, but it also kept its doors always open to organising meetings for radical political actions and mobilisations. Throughout all this time, Indymedia was also welcomed to make use of the space in several occasions, as The Foundry was always very supportive of the IMC project. As a result media centres were set up in the basement rooms, and several open IMC meetings and film screenings were also held in the venue.
It is therefore great news to learn that The Foundry has been re-opened and gone back to its roots: It is now a squatted social centre!
Text of the leaflet from the occupiers of The Foundry:
Resist! Occupy!
84 Great Eastern Street is now occupied.
The Foundry was a free accessible space that hosted a variety of arts and music events.
This building will be leveled by Park Plaza who intend to build an "Art'Otel" in its place, sweeping away the DIY culture that has been built here over many years by many people. This luxury hotel will capitalise on a sanitised imitation of what was, selling sub-culture tourism art a premium.
This process of gentrification has forced out the disenfranchised inhabitants of the area. Our creative potential is being sacrificed to a political system that pursues profit though cultural demolition.
In defiance of the destructive forces of the market we assert our right to culture and community through the occupation of this building and the creation of a free and open space.
To be part of this email, check, or come say hi. 84 Great Eastern Street, EC2
Wikileaks Soldier Reveals Orders for "360 Rotational Fire" Against Civilians in
18-06-2010 11:25
Wikileaks and Civilian massacres in IraqBrighton Demo in support of migrants
18-06-2010 10:07
On Saturday 19th June 2010, Brighton Calais Migrant Solidarity will betargeting the source of all repression against those who have, or attempt,
to migrate to the UK: the United Kingdom Border Agency.
Demonstrate Against Likely Closure of Refugee and Migrant Justice – Defend Legal
18-06-2010 08:52
Refugee and Migrant Justice is closing down. RMA is legal service for asylum seekers and other vulnerable migrants in England and Wales.Our friends the "Tories" have cut funding, and now these good people (who have a branch in Whitechapel) are out of a job.
When my partner had some visa problems; Refugee and Migrant Justice were the only people people who would help us.
The BNP, EDL & Violence by ‘Malatesta’
18-06-2010 08:34
As the BNP continue to implode the EDL are siphoning off support for their own brand of racism.Super Toxic waste Incinerator for South Leeds HELP
18-06-2010 08:09

Opposition building to the SDL in Kilmarnock
18-06-2010 02:40
Hundreds of anti-fascists from both the local community and across Scotland will arrive in Kilmarnock tomorrow morning to show their opposition to the ragtag mob of fascists and football hooligans that is the 'Scottish Defence League'.
Audio interview from new squatted social centre in Koln Germany
18-06-2010 00:54

what the fox going on?
18-06-2010 00:37
from the bbc:Cardiff schools keep pupils indoors after fox spotted

Dialect - Colin Forse: a retired trades unionist's advice for new PM David Cameron
17-06-2010 23:22
and the latest from Windmill Hill City FarmDialect Radio is a Bristol (UK) podcast produced by volunteers. Our main activity is our weekly current affairs and arts magazine programme Dialect, which is recorded at our Queen's Square studios and posted for download every week on Friday morning. Want to volunteer? Volunteering Bristol, Royal Oak House, Royal Oak Avenue, Bristol. BS1 4GB Tel: 0117 989 7733. Listen on air: 93.2 FM (BCFM), Sundays at 12 noon. Or listen live on the internet at
Times on the mp3 file
00:00 - Introduction
01:00 - Bernard Cook - Bristol Keep Parking Free (anti-controlled parking zone campaign)
13:00 - Arif Hussein Director of Windmill Hill City Farm in Bedminster talks about incredible fundraising efforts that have kept the farm open.
24:30 - Anthea Page reports from the Danube Delta. On the way to Bulgaria by bus.
33:00 - Extended Secrets and Lies by David Southwell read by Malcolm Grieves - 'missing evidence' Lockerbie, JFK, Project Blue Book and Project Blue Beam
45:00 - Retired trades unionist (ASLEF) Colin Forse from Yatton gives his advice for the new Conservative government. (ASLEF)
53:00 - Michaela reads Jeff Sparkes What's On Guide
58:00 - Credits
Presenter: John Peters Coleman
Reporter: Tony Gosling
Contributors: Malcolm Grieve, Micheala, Jeff Sparks, Anthea Page
Studio Production: Jonny Roydon, Michael Reid
Producer: Tony Gosling
DAN Defend Welfare action in Manchester, 16th June 2010
17-06-2010 23:20

Liverpool BNP fascist Peter Tierney guilty of actual bodily harm
17-06-2010 22:47
High-profile BNP member Peter Tierney has been found guilty of assault and causing actual bodily harm to an anti-fascist protester on St George’s Day last year.Brazil and Iran: Our motives and the bullying trio
17-06-2010 21:56

Support Lewes Road Community Garden at County Court Demo
17-06-2010 21:49

lets face the music and dance - call off the dogs please - i have a child
17-06-2010 21:11
will the good cops of the met please stand up and stop this silly bollocksLewis Pogson, Animal Liberation Political Prisoner, released today.
17-06-2010 19:04
Lewis Pogson, who was convicted of the liberation of 129 rabbits destined for the vivisection industry and 3/4 million pounds worth of sabotage was released today on home detention curfew.ANIMAL LIBERATION
Shift Magazine No.9 Cochabamba: Beyond the Complex - Anarchist Pride
17-06-2010 17:15
Article from Shift magazine no.9, Also accessible at
Smashingly Good Start At Decommissioners Trial.
17-06-2010 16:22
The first week of the trial of the EDO Decommissioners was dominated by questioning of EDO boss Paul Hills, who was in the dock from Tuesday to Friday, and will be back again on Monday. He did not have a pleasant time as the defence team dug into what exactly EDO get up to, and with who.He was openly accused of lying by the defence, and at one point was warned by the judge of the risks of perjuring himself. Of interest to anti-militarists will have been discussions around export licenses and the inter-connected nature of the international arms trade, along with its links into political patronage. Also worth noting was the judge’s ruling that the jury be given as background info a very brief summary of the Goldstone report into Israel’s bombing of Gaza in 2008/9 and as the Decommissioners trial in Hove Crown Court enters its second week one of the defendants had their case dropped due to insufficient evidence provided by the prosecution. Back of the net. So thats one down... eight to go

He was openly accused of lying by the defence, and at one point was warned by the judge of the risks of perjuring himself. Of interest to anti-militarists will have been discussions around export licenses and the inter-connected nature of the international arms trade, along with its links into political patronage. Also worth noting was the judge’s ruling that the jury be given as background info a very brief summary of the Goldstone report into Israel’s bombing of Gaza in 2008/9 and as the Decommissioners trial in Hove Crown Court enters its second week one of the defendants had their case dropped due to insufficient evidence provided by the prosecution. Back of the net. So thats one down... eight to go
Defendants were believed to have been pleased with how the first week went as the trial finally got going after a 17 months wait, and they were able to sit back and watch Hills sweat. Of course they too will soon be up for questioning, but we trust their integrity and commitment will shine through! Defendants were further boosted by the good news from the Raytheon 11 trial in Belfast that ended on 4 June with 9 acquittals and 2 minor convictions, following 3 previous acquittals
Full Story | Goldstone Report to be Used as Defence at Decommisioners Trial | Decomissioners Blog
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At the beginning of the week one defendant, Robert Alford, chose to plead guilty as expected. However the judge decided he should remain on remand and will not be sentenced until the trial of the other 8 defendants ends. Although displeased at being kept on remand, this does mean Alford could benefit in the event the others are found not guilty.
On the opening day of the trial, 7 June, defendants were greeted by a strong picket of the court. Around 60 people joined the protest, with about 20 from Bristol (including people from Bristol STW, Bristol PSC, Bristol ABC and other campaigners). The protest continued until around 1.30pm, when the jury were let go for the day and the court was closed to everyone except defendants and legal teams (apparently on security grounds as they watched cctv footage from inside the EDO factory). There is a report here from Bristol Indymedia, photos here, and a Guardian report here. You will find links to the Goldstone report in those articles.
In the meantime Elijah Smith remains on remand throughout the trial, being bussed in from Lewes prison daily. Letters of support for him continue to be welcomed – write to Elijah Smith – A3186AM, HMP Lewes, 1 Brighton Rd, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1EA. You may also wish to send supportive letters to Robert Alford – A1583AN at the same address.
Supporters are welcome inside and outside the court any day of the week. For other anti-EDO events see SmashEDO.
There are no proceedings ttoday, Wednesday, 16th, The defence starts from Thursday 10.30- public are welcome to attend.
Fuck any form of "extremism,"
17-06-2010 15:35
If we are made to choose between the "patriotism" and "extremism," we should strongly reject both. (re post
Palestine Today 06 17 2010
17-06-2010 14:48