UK Newswire Archive
STOP ! Islamic regim's Terrorism and Interpol's collaboration
28-02-2010 11:21
A campaign in solidarity with the Iranian opposition and appealing the InterpolEnding Israeli Apartheid
28-02-2010 10:52
Nottingham Freemen Unlawfully Arrested
28-02-2010 09:57
Two Nottingham Freemen on-the-land we unlawfully arrested, kidnapped and incarcerated on Wednesday 24 February, by police who showed no warrant.UKCMRI [Camden Bio Lab] Community & Residents Consultations in March 2010
28-02-2010 05:15
There are plans to build what is describes as a high level [3] biocontainment facility and animal testing lab in Camden on a council houses estate, alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. The Evening Standard has said that MI5 have opposed the plans and the lab is opposed locally by councillors, businesses, residents and MPs. There will be community meetings in March.De Montfort university investigated by Leicester ALIU
28-02-2010 04:21
Leicester ALIU release the following statementProtest outside UK Border Agency offices in Cardiff
27-02-2010 22:41
Demo at Noah's Ark Zoo Farm
27-02-2010 22:36
Today 6 activists from Bristol Animal Rights Collective ( BARC ) and Bath Animal Action ( BAA ) held another protest outside Noah's Ark Zoo Farm.Germany's Unilateral Sanction against Itself and the Unspoken Moral of the Story
27-02-2010 21:04
Why is Germany ashamed of its past vis-à-vis the Jewish people but not the Iranian or Iraqi Kurdish people? How is it morally consistent for Germany to cry for responsibility, transparency, and honesty regarding production and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in the world while failing to apply these same principles to itself?Microsoft Global Criminal Compliance Handbook
27-02-2010 19:27
Wikileaks is reporting that was forcibly taken down following its publication Microsoft's "Global Criminal Compliance Handbook", howere it is still up and is hosting this file at this address: is the article from Wikileaks on the matter.
Camp Bling back up and awaiting chainsaws
27-02-2010 19:14
After years of patient occupation and apparent victory, Southend activists have had to reoccupy land to prevent the councils new road building scheme. Evictions are expected imminently and crew are urgently needed.National Front lose their flag and chased out of Ripley
27-02-2010 18:47
Derby Midlands National Front called a 'day of action' in towns across Derbyshire today. Only five 'warriors' of the 'master race' bothered to turn up in Ripley, only to have their union jack and literature taken off them by antifascists. They were then chased out of town.Bradford University Richmond Labs Visited by ALIU
27-02-2010 18:38
The ALIU commits no criminal offences in the course of our investigations, but conduct vital work into exposing animal cruelty conducted by institutions. We are independant from any other groups, including the Animal Liberation Front.Chris Martenson: Peak Oil and Economic Growth
27-02-2010 16:35
21st Century Strategy: Militarized Europe, Globalized NATO
27-02-2010 14:38
“One of the triumphs of the last century was the pacification of Europe after ages of ruinous warfare. But, ... I believe we have reached an inflection point, where much of the continent has gone too far in the other direction. The demilitarization of Europe – where large swaths of the general public and political class are averse to military force and the risks that go with it – has gone from a blessing in the 20th century to an impediment to achieving real security and lasting peace in the 21st.”
A cultural infection of pacifism. A non-existent demilitarization of Europe which threatens peace. Sentiments of this type have not been voiced in Europe itself since the late 1930s and early 1940s, when like now most of the continent was united under one politico-military power.
Hereford Heckler - the first two years
27-02-2010 13:41
A short article taken from about the first two years of the Hereford Heckler, and what else we've been up to during this time.How luxury ecotourism destroys indigenous peoples and the jungle the live in.
27-02-2010 13:29
The government’s plans for tourism in Chiapas, and the implications for indigenous peoples and the environment.Is London Critical Mass getting its act together?
27-02-2010 11:42
During last night's February 26th ride I had the distinct impression that CM is gaining control of the traffic which threatens it. Corked drivers were mostly patient and were thanked by corkers as the end of the ride passed and there seemed to be less hooting. Could this be because there is now a plentiful supply of corkers and they appear more confident, or is it just a phase? I did speak to one corker who had been rammed by a driver but he said his bike was undamaged.Demo outside Court as more Gaza protestors are sentenced
27-02-2010 10:01
'On Veganarchism' by political prisoner Jonny Alberwhite
26-02-2010 23:44
Originally titled 'Why Veganism is for the Common Good of All Life'Taken from the ALF SG Newsletter April 2009
Honduras: A selective and low-intensity human hunt
26-02-2010 23:04