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Total Tossers:

21-06-2009 09:41

As you will know some 1,200 contract staff went on stike last week in order to save 51 jobs at Total’s Lindsey oil refinery in North Lincs. There were many sympathy strikes around Britain including Yorkshire’s Drax and Eggborough power stations, Nottingham’s Ratcliffe station, the Aberthaw power station in South Wales, the Stanlow Oil Refinery in Ellesmere Port, Cheshire and BP’s Saltend refinery near Hull.

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What Happened at the SOAS occupation?

21-06-2009 09:28

A look at the results of the occupation of SOAS which took place in response to the immigration raid against cleaners employed by ISS. Produced collectively by some of the activists who took part in the occupation.

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Save our People, Tamil march and rally, London - pictures

21-06-2009 09:10

Concentration Camp.
After the final assault finishes in Sri Lanka and 130,000 Tamil citizens are left dead, displaced, missing or detained by the Sinhalese in concentration camps, the British Tamil diaspora continue with their campaign to open the worlds eyes.

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Prayer Rally To Remember Rano Massacre In The Phillipines

21-06-2009 04:18

THE infamous but almost forgotten Rano massacre in Digos City will mark its 20th year on June 25.

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“We did not give blood to give up now” Eye witness report of June 20 Repression

21-06-2009 00:27

"Marg Bar Diktator"
Hands Off the People of Iran received this report from an activist in Tehran this evening.

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The crisis: a lesson

20-06-2009 23:28

The crisis: a lesson

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Northern March Against Immigration Prisons

20-06-2009 22:45

Northern March Against Immigration Prisons called by Tyneside Community Action for Refugees (TCAR) on Saturday 20th June 2009.

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pictures from today's tamil march in london

20-06-2009 20:15

there was a huge turn-out of more than 100,000 for the tamil march in london this afternoon. police turned a blind eye to the hundreds of tamil eelam flags which were proudly displayed. the march was good-natured, though sombre and dignified.

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Heroic metalworkers' strike in Vigo (Spain)

20-06-2009 18:48

Heroic metalworkers' strike in Vigo (Spain)

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McDonalds Protest: TOMMROW! (Sunday)

20-06-2009 17:50

- Animal Rights.
- McDonalds owning 61,500 shares in arms company ITT who own EDO Corporation.
- McDonalds links with Israel.
- McDonalds repression of protest (Mclibel and Locally)
- Environmental issues.
- Human Rights.
- McDonalds Globalisation.
- Health. Childhood Obesity.

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Serco's 'Protest Response Plan'

20-06-2009 16:47

The document below, outlining Serco's plans in response to possible protests outside their Holborn offices, was seen through the front windows lying on a desk inside during the Yarl's Wood solidarity picket yesterday. Funnily enough, the document instructs all building "occupants" to "ensure all confidential date (electronic and paper) is securely stored, limiting the amount of paper data open and available on desks."

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Protesters picket Serco in solidarity with Yarl's Wood hunger strikers

20-06-2009 15:47

A dozen protesters from different groups yesterday held a picket of Serco's head office in central London in solidarity with the Yarl's Wood hunger strikers (see and to express their anger at the way Serco security guards have dealt with detainees. The office was closed and no police turned up for the entire two hours that the protest lasted for. Leaflets were distributed and loud chants were shouted via a loudspeaker. The walls and floor surrounding the office were also 'decorated' with chalk to tell Serco staff and neighbours that Serco's business (i.e. locking up and abusing innocent people) is not acceptable.

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CALLING ALL BIKE PUNKS! The 56a Bike Room needs fresh blood!

20-06-2009 15:25

Ask not what your Infoshop can do for you, but what you can do for your infoshop...

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BNP Arrests in Blackpool

20-06-2009 14:21

BNP Arrest
Police target racists - for a change!

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Nicaragua: Pellas Group displays a shameful insensitivity

20-06-2009 13:58

Boycott Flor de Caña
ANAIRC mobilizes to demand damages from the Pellas Group. Boycott against Flor de Caña rum grows

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Film Maker Raided

20-06-2009 12:23

Brighton film maker raided bt Sussex Police

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Defend the Iranian Students' Movement

20-06-2009 11:32

Manchester HOPI rally for imprisoned Iranian students - March 2009
The eruption of mass protest across Iran has saw Iran’s youth at the forefront of the struggle and have suffered greatly at the hands of the security forces. Below is a sample of what students and young people are facing in Iran now, we also list the imprisoned, missing and now released students. No doubt these lists will expand as the hours go on, and is not comprehensive.

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Mainshill Solidarity Camp solidifies as local support grows

20-06-2009 11:06

In its first full day of resistance Mainshill Solidarity Camp, in the Douglas Valley in South Lanarkshire, has grown as the site is set up. Tree-houses and other structures in the woodland have been put in place to show Scottish Coal that they are serious about preventing the opencast site from going ahead. The site will be continuously occupied.

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Iran: Preparing for what the morning shall bring

20-06-2009 02:57

On Saturday people in Iran will come out again in protest despite the threats issued today by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei . This is the statement of a woman who expects the worse - but hopes for the best
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