Protesters picket Serco in solidarity with Yarl's Wood hunger strikers
One of NoBorders | 20.06.2009 15:47 | Migration
A dozen protesters from different groups yesterday held a picket of Serco's head office in central London in solidarity with the Yarl's Wood hunger strikers (see and to express their anger at the way Serco security guards have dealt with detainees. The office was closed and no police turned up for the entire two hours that the protest lasted for. Leaflets were distributed and loud chants were shouted via a loudspeaker. The walls and floor surrounding the office were also 'decorated' with chalk to tell Serco staff and neighbours that Serco's business (i.e. locking up and abusing innocent people) is not acceptable.

Apart from running Yarl's Wood and Colnbrook detention centres, Serco do so many dodgy things that a regular picket at their head office in Holborn is the least one can do. See their website at

One of NoBorders
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