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science commons

19-03-2002 11:06

science commons
The free flow of knowledge can be found in the Internet. A new model for scientific production, publishing and access emerge in the new environment of the networked society

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Basic liberties crushed on Franco-Spanish border

19-03-2002 07:58

Basic liberties crushed on Franco-Spanish border
Tale of an unsuccessful attempt to reach Barcelona this weekend. The participation of at least a thousand people in the demonstrations and Social Forum was impeded by illegitimate actions of Spanish and French police forces.

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Gloria Steinem - How the CIA used Feminism to Destabilize Society

19-03-2002 07:46

Another great American Export!

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Irish Trade Union Leader sacked by superiors in London

19-03-2002 01:48

Unfortunately, its with very great sadness that I have the sad but not unexpected news that the Irish Secretary of the Amalgamated Transport and General Workers Union (ATGWU)- Mick O'Reilly and his Deputy have been officially fired by Bill Morris, General Secretary of the ATGWU's parent Union in Britain - the Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU).

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Report from occupied Bethlehem

18-03-2002 23:57

Report from occupied Bethlehem
A report from the Lutheran Dar al-Kalima Model School in Bethlehem of the days of occupation by the Israelian army.

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The Prayer Of The Political Bigot - (Excellent Stuff!)

18-03-2002 23:52

The Prayer Of The Political Bigot - one of the best things written in a long time. Risks being overlooked, so it's posted with the aim of widespread distribution. Nice One! Steve - excellent piece of work.

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US troops, out of Philippines !

18-03-2002 19:45

US troops, out of Philippines !
They demanded that U.S. troops withdraw from the Philippines right now and condemned the expansion of the U.S. war from Afghanistan to the Philippines, and probably soon to Iraq. The demonstration was organized by the Centre for Philippine Concerns (CPC), a Montreal-based group which supports the national democratic movement in this country.

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The Roots of Blairism

18-03-2002 19:35

Book Recommendation:
"The Organization Man" by W H Whyte, (1956)

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The Stars & Stripes: Killing for the Flag

18-03-2002 18:44

The Stars & Stripes: Killing for the Flag
The U.S. is the only nation-state to have been condemned by the World Court for international terrorism. The U.S. vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling on governments to observe international law.

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Green Party Militarism

18-03-2002 18:13

In answer to Dan's piece on Green Party militarism from peter wakeham in LooTown Beds

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paddick protest - how do we get it together?

18-03-2002 18:09

i've never really done any political organizing (tho i did go to the poll tax/CJB/rts demos)... (boomclick)

there are two articles here. both are posted on urban75

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Zimbabwe: more intimidation of trade unionists

18-03-2002 15:09

Another ICFTU report and statement, this time on the situation in Zimbabwe:

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PICTURES Barcelona

18-03-2002 14:45

PICTURES Barcelona

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China: ICFTU report on Daqing Oilfield dispute

18-03-2002 14:21

Another report on the action by oilfield workers in the Daqing Oilfield, this one from the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions:

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Korea: latest update from KCTU

18-03-2002 14:05

Power workers in Korea are still on strike against privatisation. The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions are now calling for a second general strike in solidarity. Full details on KCTU site:

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Introducing the London Social Centres Network

18-03-2002 12:51

The London Social Centres Network [SCN] was formed
in January 2002. Like the name suggests it is a horizontal network of occupied and legally owned
social centres, Resource centre, Infoshops, Radical
bookshops and independent community centres in London.

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Cincinnati activists threatened by frivolous suit

18-03-2002 12:46

In order to combat the systemic pattern of civil rights violations in Cincinnati, the Coalition for a Just Cincinnati and others declared a boycott - and are now being threatened with a frivolous lawsuit

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Farmers from four continents meet to stop GM crops

18-03-2002 12:24

Farmers from four continents meet to stop GM crops
Undercurrents met farmers from four continents to stop GM crops

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privatisation of gas, electricity and rail freight agreed

18-03-2002 10:39

EU SUMMIT Gas, electricity markets for business users to be opened in 2004
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