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'Ho Ho Homophobia' - Police threaten arrest over Gay Pope poster.

24-12-2008 14:22

The Poster on display in Portsmouth
Cops threaten gay catholic shop owner with jail for displaying a poster of the Pope.

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How the Anti-Republican-War movement is destroying the Peace Movement

24-12-2008 14:14

Cindy Sheehan
The Anti-Republican-War Movement will stand down during the Obama regime and “give him a chance.” The Peace movement is still working and will continue to work no matter whom is President.

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SHAC campaign against HLS continues despite the convictions says the Guardian

24-12-2008 10:25

Today's Guardian reveals that the campaign against HLS continues regardless of the trial & convictions of Heather, Dan & Dan, Gavin, Gregg and Natatsha and Gerrah. There are fears that if people can get a 14 yr sentence for daubing cars and sending sanitary towels in the post there are people who will "do something worth getting 14 yrs for", especially if people such as Heather recieve as such.

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a forced deportation

24-12-2008 08:58

18/12/08 a mum and 3 children was forced on to the plane BA894 heathrow.

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A Historic Moment: The Election of the Greatest Con-Man in Recent History

24-12-2008 08:14

The entire political spectrum ranging from the ‘libertarian’ left, through the progressive editors of the Nation to the entire far right neo-con/Zionist war party and free market Berkeley/Chicago/Harvard academics, with a single voice, hailed the election of Barack Obama as a ‘historic moment’, a ‘turning point in American history and other such histrionics.

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Monday+Tuesday (12/22-23): Reports from Greece

24-12-2008 05:56

Police threating of raiding the Polytechnic University, occupants are not backing down. Protests continue.

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A revealing exchange on a national unity government

24-12-2008 05:10

A revealing exchange took place in the Guardian newspaper earlier this month.

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Labour government white paper introduces draconian attacks on benefit claimants

24-12-2008 05:07

Work and Pensions Secretary James Purnell outlined the Labour government’s welfare reform bill in Parliament on December 10. The white paper he discussed is the precursor to the final bill, which is expected to become law in spring 2009 and to be implemented in 2010/2011.

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brian haw narrowly escaped parliament square ban in court today

24-12-2008 01:18

at westminster court, judge caroline tubbs banned brian haw (the parliament square peace protestor who has been there for more than seven years) with an exclusion order covering the westminster area. barristers eventually managed to have the ruling suspended pending an appeal, but the threat is still very much there.

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selex edinburgh

24-12-2008 01:05


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London horse show protest reveals arms fair links

24-12-2008 00:09

Event organisers Clarion, the promoters of the International Horse Show (16-22 December), were exposed as the owners of five major arms fairs at a protest at Olympia Exhibition Centre in London on Sunday (21 December).

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Invitation to the Northern Climate Rush - Jan 12

23-12-2008 22:33

On Monday 12th January 2009 at 7pm the Northern Climate Rush will hit Manchester Airport Terminal 3 (Domestic Departures).

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Refusal burial Mumbai attackers in contrary with human rights

23-12-2008 21:26

With her refusal of the burial of the nine killed Mumbai attackers, the Indian Islamic Council has violated as well the fundamental human rights principles in common, as religious principles in particular
Also their refusal is contrary the universal rules of civilisation

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LCAP occupies RBS - people power, not bankers' bonuses!

23-12-2008 19:02

LCAP banner inside RBS offices
On Monday 22nd December, members and sympathisers of London Coalition Against Poverty disrupted work at the headquarters of the Royal Bank of Scotland - protesting government money going to bankers' bonuses, not public welfare.

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Arson Against NYSE Euronext Exec Car & ELF Mexico

23-12-2008 18:30

December 21, 2008 - Netherlands

December 20, 2008 - Mexico

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Greek solidarity actions in ex-USSR - very short report

23-12-2008 17:33

On the 20th of November there were at least 10 actions in solidarity with Greek protesters in ex-USSR countries.

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Palestine Today 122308

23-12-2008 16:18

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Tuesday December 23 2008

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23-12-2008 15:12

4 peaceful animal rights campaigners have today been convicted of serious offences. Most journalists like to avoid reporting the real issues and the truth regarding the SHAC campaign. Read on for an alternative to the crap that you`ll read elsewhere.

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Taunton Community Feed disrupted by police

23-12-2008 14:53

On Thursday 18th December a group of Taunton anti-capitalists gathered in the town centre for a community feed. Soup, curry and biscuits where pre-prepared and at 5pm we headed off to hand out all that we had to the hungry people of Taunton.
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