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EU tries to dump McCreevy

17-12-2008 11:58

Because he said the Lisbon Treaty was nuts

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Zapatistas twinned with Edinburgh Solidarity Group receive death threats

17-12-2008 11:50

Autonomous school in "16th February":staffed by indigenous "education promoters"
Zapatistas in the autonomous municipality "16th February" have been subjected to death threats and detained by the authorities in the village of Las Maravillas. Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group, who are twinned with "16th February", state: "We are very concerned about the situation in Las Maravillas. The authorities, who support the political parties, have threatened to kill the zapatistas because they have stood up for their principles."

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Greek police run out of crowd dispersal chemicals! Israel sends new chemicals.

17-12-2008 10:53

Greek Prime Minister: “Greece Is A Safe Country” But Send More Tear Gas

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Occupation of General Confederation of Workers in Greece by free workers

17-12-2008 10:07

At 8:00 am the building of GSEE (General Confederation of Workers in Greece) is under occupation from free workers and associations of working people.

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No comments - Akropolis 17-12-08

17-12-2008 09:27

No comments - Akropolis 17-12-08

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Tuesday (12/16): reports from Greece

17-12-2008 04:57

Tuesday (12/16): reports from Greece

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Matt Bleak - Army Of Alexis MP3EP [free download]

17-12-2008 03:31

Audio cover
free net-release MP3EP by australian breakcore producer matt bleak
of pounding digital hardcore / breakcore released to express solidarity
with the greek insurrection.

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17-12-2008 02:05


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U.S. South Carolina Gov.Mark Sanford Lauds Lord William Rees-Mogg Co-Author

17-12-2008 01:05

'But his( South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford's)career took a dramatic turn after he heard James Dale Davidson, founder of the National Taxpayers Union, give what Sanford recalls as an "apocalyptic" speech about excessive government spending. Sanford decided to run for Congress, pledging to end the deficit, eschew pay hikes and serve only three terms.' - Dec 01, 2008 McClatchy-Tribune Information Services

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Audio: The Rendition Monolgues

17-12-2008 00:37

Audio The Rendition Monologues
Attached is an audio recording of the performance of The Rendition Monolgues presented by iceandfire and Actors for Human Rights in conjunction with Sheffield Guantanamo Campaign held on the 16th December at the Library Theatre, Sheffield.

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Sarkozy backs down in face of student unrest

16-12-2008 23:57

Protests over education reform turned violent last week, with students clashing with police in Brest, Rennes and Lille, all cities in northern France that have fallen on hard economic times.

"When you see people confront each other with such violence, when you see the pillage, when you see what we have seen in a country like Greece, obviously it makes us think twice," said Sarkozy.

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Jury verdict over killing of Jean Charles de Menezes demolishes police lies

16-12-2008 22:58

The jury at the inquest into the death of Jean Charles de Menezes have rejected police claims that he was lawfully killed and returned an open verdict. Jurors criticised the police operation led by deputy assistant commissioner, formerly commander, Cressida Dick and dismissed claims by officers that they had shouted a warning to de Menezes as he advanced "aggressively" towards them, before they shot him.

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Eyewitness reports police violence against Athens protesters

16-12-2008 22:50

On Friday, December 12, a protest of 10,000 people filled the centre of Athens. People from every social background took part—students and high school students alongside their professors and their parents, but also many immigrants, unemployed citizens and even public service workers. They all took to the streets to express their opposition to the government.

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A letter to students, December 2008

16-12-2008 22:38

Open letter to students by proletarians in Athens.

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Greek Police crack down as government and opposition seek to isolate protests

16-12-2008 22:35

Sections of the Greek media and leading politicians have sought to brand as "extremists" and "terrorists" the tens of thousands of Greek students, school pupils and ordinary workers, including immigrants and the employed, who have repeatedly taken part in mass demonstrations in the Greek capital Athens and other major cities.

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The Shock Doctrine in Palestine

16-12-2008 22:17

DFID and the PA prepare to institutionalise apartheid facts on the ground in a divided Palestine. The Good News? It hasnt happened yet, we can effect the course of history when we have prior warning to respond to and build a movement to prevent.....

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Edo Arms Factory - Protest Report

16-12-2008 22:01

EDO MBM Technology Ltd in Brighton UK, designs, develops and manufactures weapon interfacing systems, cable assemblies and electrodynamic products for the aerospace and defense industries - components for making and dropping bombs. Sam Hiscox went down to a protest against the factory to speak to the proesters. The march was fairly violent and all protesters interviewed here prefered to maintain anonimity.

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16-12-2008 21:23

SHAC- Barclays poster
The new posters are for the campaign against huntingdon life sciences, print them off and stick them up (on your own property of course).

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New VIDEO proofs of fascists and Police pretending be Rioters ATHENS

16-12-2008 21:08

This video shown today in Alpha TV channel in Lazopoulos show, shows provocators dressed like "rioters" to be close and talking with the Police officers. The show has wide popularity and it isw expected to schock again the schaken goverment..

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ARK (Absolute Return for Kids), EIM Group and Subprime Mortgages

16-12-2008 20:24

Arpad Busson, chairman of 'charity' ARK (Absolute Return for Kids) is also chairman of EIM Group; involved in the Subprime Mortgage disaster which stripped so many people of their homes. He now sponsors Academy Schools in London to help the 'disadvantaged'.
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