U.S. South Carolina Gov.Mark Sanford Lauds Lord William Rees-Mogg Co-Author
Tony Ryals | 17.12.2008 01:05
'But his( South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford's)career took a dramatic turn after he heard James Dale Davidson, founder of the National Taxpayers Union, give what Sanford recalls as an "apocalyptic" speech about excessive government spending. Sanford decided to run for Congress, pledging to end the deficit, eschew pay hikes and serve only three terms.' - Dec 01, 2008 McClatchy-Tribune Information Services
U.S.Republican South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Lauds Bill Clinton's Washington,D.C.Stock Fraud Money Launderer James Dale Davidson ! And Mysterious Deaths and Disappearances:ex CIA Chief William Colby,ex National Taxpayers Union President John Berthoud,John and Elizabeth Calvert.....?
"If I were operating some sort of mafia in the United States, I would
be only too delighted to have the leading voices of the news media
insist to the public that many of my crimes could never have happened.
It might even be worth hiring some goofballs to spread preposterous
theories about nonexistent conspiracies in order to discredit persons who might stumble upon evidence of the real thing." — James Dale Davidson, Strategic Investment Newsletter, 7/25/95, commenting on the
Susan Schmidt article in the Washington Post of 7/4/95.
“The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.” - James Dale Davidson commenting on S.D.Governor
Mark Sanford,et.al.
You will see below that the corrupt South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford,himelf a former Goldman Sachs insider who would thus know he is endorsing a securities fraud and money launderer,endorses known National Taxpayers Union and Agora Inc penny stock money laundering 'company' founder James Dale Davidson who himself has attended at least one Hilton Head,South Carolina Rennaisance weekend with the Clintons,Bill and Hillary.Davidson is a right wing fascist connected with both the Reagan-Bush regime as well as the Clintons who he financed before he turned on them and claimed Bill Clinton killed Vince Foster.And although ex CIA Chief William Colby was Dale Davidson's own employee at the time of his mysterious drowning Colby told ex Nebraska Congressman John DeCamp who was investigating W Bush daddy's pedophilia associates,'don't believe a word you read in that newsletter I'm writing for'.This was of course Davidson's and his Lord Willaim Rees-Mogg's own Agora Inc., Strategic Investments penny stock mail fraud operation 'newsletter' that was converted to a 'Clinton killed Vince Foster' smear campaign using Colby's name on the letterhead operation,possibly without
Colby's previous knowledge or permission !
Note also Hillary Clinton's moaning about 'a vast right wing conspiracy' at the time her Bill was being impeached.Don't feel sorry for that corrupt political parasite either because she and Bill were the ones who gladly prostituted themselves to them in the first place ! And they made off like bandits and have hundreds of millions hidden away in offshore accounts as a consolation prize.
Israeli-American Rahm Emanuel,now Barack Obama's White House Chief of Staff knows all about where the money is hidden and who James Dale Davidson is as well but he ain't talking just as he and Barney Frank remain quiet about the Fannie Mae,Freddie Mac fraud they profited from among other frauds and Emanuel's securities money laundering scams with Wasserstein Peralta,etc..They both remain quiet as Republican SEC Chair Chris 'WMDS' Cox claims-lies that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were 'naked shorted' - a non academic term made up by the securities criminals he and they protect in billion dollar penny stock frauds - and now trillion dollar mortgage fraud ! Oh did I mention it was James Dale Davidson who started the fraudulent 'naked short selling' claim and that his NAANSS or National Association Against Naked Short Selling' was housed in the same Blaine,Washington Genemax office where he(and Canadian fraudsters Brent Pierce and Grant Atkins) illegally 'pumped and dumped' worthless Genemax shares from in 2002 ?
In the below quote from Davidson's,the Lord William Rees-Mogg's,General Al Haig's,et.al.'s' own newsmax.con a far right pro Bush war 'news' propoganda site,James Dale Davidson acknowledges his money laundering skills,apparently prized by both George Herbert Walker Bush and Bill and Hillary Clinton alike.Note below the mention of Hilton Head Renaissance weekends where the elite meet to cheat Americans of their money and freedom.Remember the strange disappearance of the Calverts, Elizabeth(Liz)Calvet and her husband John from Hilton Head earlier this year and that Liz was a very important tax attorney who may have known too much.You will see below internet chatter from South Carolinians themselves about the meeting between South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford and Hilton Head Sheriff Tanner supposedly about illegal aliens,etc., just after their strange disappearance and how Sherriff Tanner of Hilton Head does a cover up - even lieing about an impossible suicide of suspect Dennis Gerwing - and insisting that after 'disappearing' the Calverts that the murder suspect commits suicide by stabbing himself to death !
The Governer himself appears to have ties to The Club Group's Tom Gardo
(also of Denarius Group) and thus attorney Cory Fleming who appointed himself to represent Gerwing even though he himself is connected to the The Club Group that Gerwing appears to have stolen money from or for as well as to a Port Royal,South Carolina land deal the Governor Mark Sanford is suspected of illicitly profiting from !
John Berthoud is another mysterious death until the National Taxpayers Union members who found his body in his apartment in the Beltway do some explaining - paricularly just what were the 'natural causes' of the death of this seemingly healthy 46 year old when he suddenly died in 2007.John Berthoud's 'passing' and the NTU 'colleagues' who 'found him in peace at his home' is of paricular interest to me because I had just written about James Dale Davidson's as well as Frank Carlucci's(ex CIA officer and ex Carlyle CEO,that GHW Bush and the bin Laden family,et.al. are connected to),Israeli and Leumi Bank connected fraud Pluristem(that claims to use stem cells from placentas for medicine but defrauds and launders investors money instead) being promoted illegally('pump and dump') out of the National Taxpayers Union office using newsmax to direct potential investors or victims of the fraud there ! The Fox 'News' network of Rupert Murdoch uses newsmax as one of their credible sources.Ha.
James Dale Davidson admits his money laundering role in his own newsmax below:
Economist: Inflation Rate Is Double Official Number
Christopher Ruddy and Ryan Troup
March 14, 2000
Jan. 20, 1993, and Bill Clinton was not president 24 hours when he saw James Dale Davidson at one of several Washington Inaugural Balls.
Clinton quickly waved past the salutations and congratulations. "Jim," he said, "You may able to help me."
Davidson, a Clinton campaign donor, a financial writer, then head of the National Taxpayers Union and someone who had known Clinton for years from annual retreats at the Hilton Head Renaissance weekends, nodded with agreement.
"I think the Bush people were cooking the economic numbers in the months before the election," Clinton said, continuing, "Do you think you could put together a report for me on how they did it?"
Davidson agreed but the thought went racing through his mind, "This man's not president for one day and he's already trying to figure out how to fix the books." - quote from James Dale Davidson's own newsmax.con site which hints that it is Davidson himself who was doing money laundering for the Reagan - George HW Bush regime before he joined the Bill and Hillary crime family....
Below South Carolina Gov Mark Sanford Endorses Washington,D.C. National Taxpayers Union(NTU) founder James Dale Davidson and the NTU and its gang of Davidson controlled D.C. parasites (and lobbyists for billionaires endorse the Gov in return.):
South Carolina governor(Mark Sanford) says no to state bailouts.........
The 48-year-old once worked for the investment firm Goldman Sachs in New York City, where he met his wife, Jenny, another financial specialist. Sanford then became a real-estate investor in Charleston, S.C., hoping to emulate Sam Zell, a Chicago real-estate magnate who also owns the Tribune newspaper chain and the Chicago Cubs.
But his career took a dramatic turn after he heard James Dale Davidson, founder of the National Taxpayers Union, give what Sanford recalls as an "apocalyptic" speech about excessive government spending. Sanford decided to run for Congress, pledging to end the deficit, eschew pay hikes and serve only three terms.
James Dale Davidson's and Steve Forbes',et.al.'s National Taxpayers Union,(a few blocks from the main SEC or Securities Exchange Commission headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia where Davidson has run U.S. penny stock 'pump and dump'frauds from for years using offshore accounts)also incestuously endorses Gov.Mark Sanford in return.Note John Berthoud who James Davidson appointed to replace himself for whatever reason around 1997 died at age 46 of 'natural causes' and was discovered by NTU staff in his Beltway apartment in 2007 shortly and strangely after I wrote about Davidson using the NTU address to promote the Israeli and Technion University fraud (incorporated in the U.S. to defraud Americans rather than Iraelis)called Pluristem that claims to use stem cells from placentas for medical therapy.Stranger still ex CIA and U.S. Defense Dept. and Carlyle CEO Frank Carlucci(and suspect in the assassination of Patrice Lumumba in the Congo in 1960)is also involved in that fraud.
Below James Dale Davidson's and Steve Forbes and Grover Norquist's,et.al.'s National Taxpayers Union (NTU)lauds South Carolina Governor Sanford's:
For Immediate Release May 28, 2008
For Further Information, Contact:
Peter J. Sepp, Natasha Altamirano, (703) 683-5700
Taxpayer Group Commends Governor Sanford for Snuffing Out South Carolina Cigarette Tax Hike
(Alexandria, Va.) -- The 362,000-member National Taxpayers Union (NTU) has applauded South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford (R) for his decision late yesterday to veto a 50-cent increase in the state's cigarette tax of 7 cents. NTU also offered praise to the state House of Representatives for upholding that veto shortly afterward.
"While smoking and other 'unpopular' activities are easy targets for revenue-hungry politicians, Gov. Sanford recognizes the harmful effects of such a punitive tax -- on smokers and non-smokers alike," NTU Director of Government Affairs Kristina Rasmussen said. "....
Note: For more information on NTU's tobacco tax policy, visit www.ntu.org.
So now comes corrupt sleezebag Goldman Sachs insider and South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford to hypocritically lecture us about government spending and bailout !? Hah,and he has the nerve to even mention his parasitic pal James Dale Davidson of the National Taxpayers Union who is responsible for decades of securities fraud that any former Goldman Sachs employee such as himself would know about.So it appears Gov.Sanford is trying to pull the wool over our eyes as usual with his phoney 'conservative' label that he hides behind just like Davidson's scumbag buddy Steve Forbes hides behind the U.S. flag,mom,apple pie and of course Davidson's NTU or National Taxpayers Union to promote his 'flat tax'in Alexandria, Virgina.
So Gov Sanford why has the Hilton Head disappearance of the Calvert's gone on and on for a year now with no results and no smoking gun,just a smokescreen and all you do is take up the incompetent or lieing sherriff Tanner's time with do nothing political grandstanding on illegals and corporate welfare ? Apparently John DeCamp a former Nebraska Senator and confidant of ex CIA Chief Wiliam Colby(who died mysteriously while employed by James Dale Davidson)has another take on Davidson and so did Colby himself prior to his mysterious death.
The corrupt sleezebag South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford hypocritically lectures about government spending and bailout and he has the nerve to even mention his parasitic pal James Dale Davidson of the National Taxpayers Union who is responsible for decades of securities fraud that any former Goldman Sachs employee such as himself should know about.It appears Gov.Sanford is trying to pull the wool over our eyes as usual with his phoney 'conservative' label that he hides behind just like Davidson's scumbag buddy Steve Forbes hides behind the U.S. flag,mom,apple pie and of course Davidson's NTU or National Taxpayers Union in Alexandria, Virgina.
So Gov Sanford why has the Hilton Head disappearance of the Calvert's gone on and on for a year now with no results and no smoking gun,just a smokescreen and all you do is take up the incompetemnt sherriff's time with do nothing political grandstanding on illegals and protecting corporate criminals?
Apparently John DeCamp a former Nebraska Congressman and confidant of ex CIA Chief Wiliam Colby who died mysteriously while employed by James Dale Davidson has another take on Davidson............
Note Gov Mark Sandford past work experience at Goldman Sachs is reason enough to believe he was not just conned or taken by the U.S. penny stock money launderer James Dale Davidson who also founded Agora Inc Baltimore penny stock 'holding' and dumping 'company'with its myriad scam internet websites - but himself must be aware of the many frauds Davidson has perpetrated upon the U.S. public over the years and his offshore accounts used to launder this dirty money.I agree however with Sanford about no government bailout but go further to insist that there should be asset recovery from scum such as his and Steve Forbes' pal Jim Davidson and the numerous offshore accounts that these Beltway parasites and their international fascist friends have ripped from the public and economy.
And as a victim of Gov Mark Sanford's pal Davidson I call for the prosecution of LOM of Bermuda as well as Leumi Bank of Israel that Davidson has been involved with as well as Bawag Bank of Austria now owned by the corrupt owners of Cerberus hedge fund and Chrysler,etc.,(John Snow and Dan Quayle and Stephen Feinberg and Kellogg,Brown and Root boys)and Cayman banks that allow ex President Clinton, Mitt Romney,et.al.to hold their questionable overnight fortunes there.
And there is even a Cerburus and Leumi Bank of Israel connection to Bernie Maddoff's $50 billion money laundering operation and Davidson appears to bank at Leumi in Israel as well or at least his and Frank Carlucci's Pluristem penny stock fraud with Israeli criminal partners do.:
Prominent Trader Accused of Defrauding Clients
Published: December 11, 2008
On Wall Street, his name is legendary. ..
But on Thursday morning, this consummate trader, Bernard L. Madoff, was arrested at his Manhattan home by federal agents who accused him of running a multibillion-dollar fraud scheme — perhaps the largest in Wall Street's history.
Regulators have not yet verified the scale of the fraud. But the criminal complaint filed against Mr. Madoff on Thursday in federal court in Manhattan reports that he estimated the losses at $50 billion.
more trouble in Madoff case which now applies to...
Such tangled webs we weave. Lets play connect the dots
J. Ezra Merkin and Cerberus do multiple deals. GMAC, Leumi Bank, etc. If Merkin, and his coinvestors are wiped out, Cerberus will be facing huge gaps in co-investor participation.
I expect Cerberus to liquidate as Chrysler demands cash, and Cerberus is unable to obtain it from Merkin's Gabriel Capital. Cerberus installed Merkin as Chairman of GMAC for a reason, and that was his access to capital.
we now have a "government of the banks, by the banks and for the banks.
"I'm not interested in the return on my money, but rather, the return of my money."
This is not a Democrat v Republican issue but one of corruption on both sides.Securities and Fannie Mae Freddie Mac Israeli parasite Rahm Emanuel and the pervert Barney Frank should also get out of the U.S. government altogether and explain why SEC Chair Christopher Cox covers up their mess at those government connected stock scams and uses James Davidson's phoney claim of 'naked short selling' to divert attention from that - perhaps the largest illegal pump and dump fraud and money laundering operation in history ! The money was not destroyed or burned but most I believe is in offshore accounts and those responsible should be hunted and their stolen assets confiscated with the seriousness and intensity with which George W Bush had his daddy's old business partner Saddam Hussein hunted.If we just print more rather than recovering stolen money from offshore accounts we deserve what we get -i.e. Rahm Emanuel,Lary Summers and Robert Rubin - all Israeli connected right wing or white wing Zionists who think they're 'semites' !
Barack appears to be aiding and abeting so far.
john decamp
google john berthoud obituary
john decamp
John DeCamp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
8 Oct 2008 ... John W. DeCamp (born July 6, 1941), a Republican, is a former member of the Nebraska Legislature and author of the book The Franklin ...
Rees-Mogg and Davidson are strange birds
At the time of his death, Bill(ex CIA Chief William Colby) was working with Britain's Lord William Rees-Mogg, and his American sidekick, James Dale Davidson, publishing a series of newsletters, on international events, financial opportunities, and politics. In fact, he was working on an article for one of those newsletters when he died.
Rees-Mogg and Davidson are strange birds. Lord William was, for over a decade, the editor-in-chief of the staid Times of London, and its Sunday Times of London. He fits the stereotype of the classic English "Colonel Blimp," the blunt imperialist, who periodically uncorks with a nasty mouthful of invectives against the "commoner," or the darker-skinned races. After all, he used to write that in the coming age of society, an elite of 5% of the total population would rule over the other 95% as virtual slaves. But Rees-Mogg is not just nasty -- he represents great power. In England, it has long been said that The Times, the flagship paper of the Establishment, regularly announces Britain's foreign policy before the Foreign Office even knows what that policy will be.
Rees-Mogg still writes a weekly column for The Times, and is one of the major contributors to the newsletter, Strategic Investment. At the time of his death, Bill had emerged as Strategic Investment's leading "geo-strategist," writing a lengthy front-page article in almost every edition. (Since Bill's death, another former CIA Director, Robert Gates, has been coopted into writing a number of articles, occupying the space formerly reserved for Bill's words of wisdom.)
But on several occasions, when I saw Bill or spoke with him during the last year of his life, I'd ask him whether I should subscribe to his newsletter, or, whether he'd just give me a few copies to look over. He always told me not to waste my money.
"Ask me about any situation you're interested in, and I'll give you as thorough a briefing as I possibly can. But don't believe a word you read in that newsletter I'm writing for." Strange. But, then again, Bill Colby spent his entire adult life in the shadow world of spies and counter-spies. Maybe his involvement with Rees-Mogg was more complicated than I ever speculated.
On at least one point, I know there was a savage difference between Bill and Lord Rees-Mogg and his crowd. Rees-Mogg is one of the most vocal detractors of President Clinton and the First Lady, and often devotes his Times of London columns exclusively to tirades against the American President. Strategic Investment, which goes out to a predominantly American readership, contains non-stop assaults against the Clintons. Not only was Bill's wife, Sally Shelton Colby, in a senior position in the Clinton Administration, but Colby himself had emphasized to me, repeatedly, that Clinton was a great President, and that it was urgent that he be re-elected.
And then I recall another incident, which I barely noticed at the time, but which now stands out in retrospect. Together with Rees-Mogg, the most savage press hound attacking Clinton was one Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, a Briton who has spent hundreds of hours in Arkansas "investigating" the President, and writing streams of articles in The American Spectator, the British Daily Telegraph, and other papers, attacking Clinton. Evans Pritchard once called me, urgently demanding a meeting. I had never heard of him before, and so asked Bill if he had ever heard of this fellow, "Evans-Prickard, or something," as I put it, barely recalling his name. Bill answered, rather ominously, as I now look back, "His name is Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. And," he said, "be very careful."
Implication of the phrase 'the body count' of Jim Davidon's,et.al.'s newsmax.con article below is that Bill Clinton is reponsible for a number of murders.However the source,Davidson,a former funder of Bill Clinton,Davidson who Emanuel,Robert Rubin and Larry Summers of the Clinton and now Barack Obama regime would have every reason to know personally,is a stock fraud and money launderer which is what they would also know and are apparently covering up along with Secretary of State designate Hillary Clinton herself.Why ?
Note the newsmax author Christopher Ruddy even writes or lets slip out in the article that Colby's death was predicted by his and Davidson right wing circles - gang in advance ! And then Davidson and Ruddy immediately began to blame his death on Clinton even though he was Davidson's own employee and Colby told former Nebraska Senator John DeCamp not to believe a word James Dale Davidson or Lord William Rees-Mogg and their Stategic Investments mail fraud operation says shortly before his death even though Colby's name was on the letterhead !
The Body Count: Add One More
Christopher Ruddy
Related Articles:
William Colby's Death Mystery
It was March of 1996. My cell phone rang. My literary agent was on the line.
"Cross Colby off the list. He's dead."
"Colby is dead," I said with some shock.
"Yes, I just heard on the radio he died in a car crash," my agent said.
I did not know former CIA Director Bill Colby, nor did my agent. But we both knew James Dale Davidson, editor of the investment newsletter Strategic Investment. Davidson was not only an associate of Colby's, but Colby had worked for Davidson as a contributing editor for his newsletter.
At the time of my agent's call, he was attempting to find a publisher for my book on the Vince Foster case. We still had no publisher, and my agent had floated the idea of William Colby writing the proposed book's foreword. This would serve several purposes. Colby, as a former CIA chief, would give the book some credibility with a publisher.
Colby had been a key figure in the Watergate scandal after he refused to allow the CIA to block the FBI probe on the Watergate burglary. Colby could not be accused of being part of a right-wing conspiracy. After leaving the CIA, he argued for unilateral disarmament and became a fixture at the left-wing Institute for Policy Studies.
My agent thought Colby might be open to the idea. After all, he worked for Davidson and Davidson openly claimed Foster was murdered, pointing the finger at the Clinton White House.
But now the idea of a Colby foreword seemed lost.
I called Davidson and asked him if he had heard the news about Colby. His voice became strained. He sounded stunned when I told him.
But, of course, Colby had not died that March. He died a month later. My agent was wrong. To this day, he swears he heard something, and to this day, we laugh about the Jungian wrinkle in time. Davidson was peeved at me for the false report, as he well should have been.
On April 29, 1996, the wires flashed with hot news: Former CIA Director William Colby had disappeared from his country home on the Wicomico River in Maryland. Authorities suspected he died in a canoeing accident, as his waterlogged canoe was found on the shore near his home.
A week later, his body surfaced in the marsh near his home. After a perfunctory autopsy, local police authorities closed the case as an accident.
Still, there were many reasons to suspect foul play...........
Yet, nowhere did any media report Colby's most significant occupation at the time of his death -- contributing editor for Davidson's Strategic Investment.
Odd that Colby's major affiliation at the same time of his death deserved no notice.
Strategic Investment is a prestigious financial newsletter with more than 100,000 readers each month. It is co-edited by James Davidson, a national figure, as well as William Lord Rees-Mogg, former editor of the Times of London.
This curious omission takes on great importance when one understands one of Strategic Investment's key aspects. It has been one of the leading, real opposition publications to Bill and Hillary Clinton in the United States.
Davidson and Rees-Mogg have never pulled any punches about the Clintons. Each month, the newsletter detailed the Clintons' sordid drug, mob, and murder connections. Davidson had been a friend of Bill Clinton and had frequented Little Rock. He even had donated the maximum amount allowable to Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign.
In 1993, Davidson had an awakening about Clinton. My reporting on Foster, investigative reports by British reporter Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, and columns by Strategic Investment's Washington insider Jack Wheeler, had convinced Davidson that Clinton was linked to organized crime, had subverted the U.S. law enforcement agencies, and was a danger to America's institutions and financial well-being.
As an editor for Davidson's newsletter, Colby never wrote about the Clintons or touched upon these matters. He did, however, lend his name to Davidson's enterprise. The newsletter's reach was multiplied by the effect of the millions of direct-mail pieces Davidson's organization sent to homes across the country seeking new subscribers.
I was shocked by one such direct-mail booklet. The cover headlined the Clintons' connection with murder and drugs. I opened the first page, and the first picture I saw was William Colby's. Another headline blazed that Strategic Investment was "An Investor's CIA." Colby was prominently displayed, as was his endorsement. This was brilliant marketing on behalf of Strategic, but when I saw it, I thought Colby was swimming in dangerous waters......
James Dale Guckert or Jeff Gannon ran male porn websites even featuring Marines at the same he was allowed to pose as a repoter and had unlimited access to the White House Monica Lewinsky would be jealous of and possibly cause to blush.This was all of course after Colby's time but the Washington Times even reported daddy GHW Bush allowing pedophiles to tour the White House with young very young boy toys:
Gannongate: Threatens to Expose a Huge GOP Pedophile and Male ...Former CIA Director William Colby was quietly hired by the Nebraska legislature's committee to look into the investigator's death. ...
The Nebraska pedophile scandal was similarly covered up on orders from the ... Colby was found floating dead in the Chesapeake Bay, near his home, in 1996. ...
Although Gannon has often asserted that he had been a member of the U.S. Marines, a thorough check of the Personnel Management Support Branch of the Marine Corps located at Quantico, Virginia, disclosed that neither James Dale Guckert, or his alias, Jeff Gannon, had ever served in the United States Marine Corps. A further check with BUPERS of the United States Navy confirmed that neither Guckert nor Gannon had ever served in the U.S. Navy. Rather than ask if Guckert was in the Marine Corps, given his sexual proclivities, might it not be better to ask if the Marine Corps were ever in Guckert?
google william colby cia james lord rees-mogg strategic investments
Rees-Mogg, as a member of the exclusive Other Club since 1973, is a close associate of the leading aristocratic families in Britain, including the Duke of Devonshire (Cavendish), Lord Carrington (Pilgrims president), Lord Rothschild and Prince Charles. Here they dine together with such individuals as Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Sir Edward Heath, and Sir Denis Thatcher (husband of). Lord Richardson of Duntisbourne (J. Henry Schroder; Bank of England; Morgan Stanley; BIS; Chemical Bank; Chase Manhattan; Rolls Royce; Ditchley; Group of Thirty; presided over G-10 meetings; Privy Council; Order of the Garter; Pilgrims Society) and Winston Spencer-Churchill (grandson of the famous PM; son of Pamela Harriman; had an extra-marital affair with the former wife of famous arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi; MP; involved in some projects with Cercle members) are other members of the Other Club, just as Cercle participants Baron Kelvedon, Lord Julian Amery and the 7th Marquess of Salisbury. [154] The Rothschilds, Cecils, Drummonds, Dukes of Norfolk, Dukes of Devonshire, together with Harry Oppenheimer and Paul Mellon, could also be found in the same room with Rees-Mogg when the even more exclusive Roxburghe Club met. [155]
There's also one slight anomaly sitting on the board of the Pilgrims of the United States since 1983: Alexander M. Haig, Jr. Haig has always been a militant anti-communist crusader with many intelligence connections, but at the same time, as Kissinger's aide, he supported détente and was accepted as a member of the Trilateral Commission.....Note that General Haig(who tried to have himself sworn in as U.S. president when Reagan was shot by John Hinkley,son of Texas associate of Vice President GHW Bush)is or was also a board member of Lord William Rees-Mogg's and James Dale Davidson's far right pro W Bush- Iraq War website 'newsmax'.
Sunday, 12 October 2008
The Pilgrims Society Part 3
A study of the Anglo-American Establishment Part 3
Anti-Eastern Establishment propaganda
Below are posts from South Carolina citizens' chatter on the mysterious disappearance of the Calverts and outrageous claim by Hilton Head's Sherriff Tanner that the only responsible party committed suicide by stabbing himself to death !:
"On Monday afternoon, Cory Fleming called Dan Saxon' Law firm (Novit & Scarminach) when he was unable to reach Dennis Gerwing, said Attorney Chuck Scarminach".
"Attorney Dan Saxon and another Attorney Peter J. Strauss of (Novit & Scarminach), went to the villa where Gerwing was staying. They called Mark King, president of The Club Group, which manages the complex, to unlock the villa when no one answered the door".
"The three(Saxon, Strauss, and King) entered and encountered another locked door upstairs, said Scarminach, who wasn't with them. They then called 911 when they heard no response".
"Cory Fleming, the defense attorney, said Wednesday that he continues to represent Gerwing". "His law firm is cooperating with authorities "to the extent we're allowed to under the law," said Fleming.
"What interesting is that Criminal Defense Attorney Cory Fleming of Beaufort continues to represent Gerwing". REALLY? Surely by now, someone has told Attorney Fleming that Mr. Gerwing is deceased.
Missing couple case: Sheriff calls Dennis Gerwing's death a "motivated suicide"
Published Thursday, March 27, 2008
Thursday, Dec. 11, 2008
Suspect in missing couple case bought tarps, latex gloves
Suicide note suggests Dennis Gerwing had role in disappearances in his suicide note, authorities said, accountant Dennis Gerwing suggests he played a role in their disappearance.
"I have acted completely alone in all actions committed," Gerwing wrote in the note, found in an apartment where his body was discovered about a week after the couple vanished....
Police suspect the Calverts either were killed or subdued in The Club Group's offices on the second floor of Sea Pines Center and then disposed of in a shallow grave somewhere within a five- or six-hour driving radius of the island.
In the wake of our massive story that Gov. Mark Sanford pocketed at least $4,000 in campaign cash from a Lowcountry developer prior to interfering on his behalf in the state's multi-million-dollar sale of Port Royal, Orangeburg Sen. Brad Hutto said he will file legislation calling for an investigation of South Carolina's top executive.
In interviews with The Associated Press, Sanford has said he relayed damaging rumors he had been told about the personal and professional life of the developer who is buying the Port Royal land from the state.
Hutto said he also wants to know more about donor Jim Chaffin, a Beaufort County developer who bid on the port land.
Chaffin and his wife, Betsy, donated a total of $8,850 to Sanford's 2002 and 2006 campaigns for governor, according to state Ethics Commission records and data from Follow The Money, a group that tracks money in state politics.
"Now it comes out that the second-place bidder or the low bidder had actually given substantial political donations to the governor prior to his involvement in this matter and so it does need to be looked into," Hutto said on the Senate floor Wednesday. [JIM DAVENPORT - AP]
I'm not really going out on a limb when I say this, but Sanford's Port Royal nightmare is only just beginning. Based solely on what rumors I have heard and some of the comments left on TPS, there is plenty of other information floating around out there.
By anonymous on March 18th, 2008 at 2:52 pm
Port of Port Royal sale falls through
Tom Gardo, who represents Port Royal Harbour, said in a news release today that the company couldn't afford the property in the time allotted.
"Port Royal Harbour and its financial partners were fully prepared to move forward, but unfortunately in the chaos of today's financial markets across the United States, the parties were not able to secure the kind of funding necessary to complete the transaction," he said.
"Club Group Ltd. representative Tom Gardo (see Gerwing Coworker Shocked by Disappearance, Suicide) was also at the news conference listening in, hoping to hear some answers. "There is no leads or they don't have any more progress," said Gardo.
"Tom Gardo says the group is cooperating with investigators and will continue to provide whatever they need. In the meantime, they are grieving the loss of longtime coworker and friend Dennis Gerwing".
"Tom Gardo, who represents Port Royal Harbour, said in a news release today that the company couldn't afford the property in the time allotted".
RE: Dennis Gerwing and the Disappearance of John and Liz Calvert of Hilton Head Island, SC
anonymous on March 18th, 2008
Sheriff P.J. Tanner will be with Governor Mark Sanford Today in Columbia for Press Conference
Tanner to join Sanford today in push for immigration, DUI reform
Beaufort County Sheriff P.J. Tanner will be in Columbia today as part of a press conference being held by Gov. Mark Sanford urging legislators to take action on DUI and immigration reform.
Sheriff Tanner, with two major investigations going on, he is spending all day in Columbia with the Governor pushing immigration and DUI reform. AMAZING!
Governor Mark Sanford enmeshed himself in the Port Royal Deal - Beaufort County, SC
South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford tried to undermine Port Royal developer
COLUMBIA, S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford enmeshed himself in the state's $26 million sale of former port facilities near Beaufort last year, first by conferring with a developer who didn't win the bid, and then by unsuccessfully trying to undermine a different developer's higher offer by disparaging the man's reputation.
Sanford this week acknowledged to The Associated Press he had private conversations with the head of the South Carolina Ports Authority and with a lawyer representing the agency in the deal during which he took aim at the developer who eventually bought the land.
Sanford, a real estate developer himself, said he simply was bringing his professional relationships and expertise to his role as a watchdog for the state's finances. He denied doing anything in an attempt to steer the sale to a specific developer or interfering in the bidding process.
But the governor's actions in the run-up to the sale of land give his critics ammunition and could add weight to a lawsuit brought by Carroll Campbell III, an ousted member of the Ports Authority who accuses Sanford of abusing his power.
"Mr. Campbell is concerned about, and has to question, the actions by Gov. Sanford that were taken to potentially interfere with a transaction that was clearly in the best interest of South Carolina; actions that appear to have been taken for personal or political reasons," reads the suit, filed last month......
Tom Gardo, a spokesman for Staley, said that was the original golf course plan, but there was never a guarantee and that the land ultimately was rezoned - something homeowners overwhelmingly approved. "There were, in fact, never guarantees on anything. If there were, it would have been litigated," he said......
Nevertheless, critics such as Senate Minority Leader John Land, a Manning Democrat and lawyer, said the governor could be open to a lawsuit from a developer contending he interfered in the deal.
"I would say he grossly overstepped his bounds," Land said.
Campbell, the ousted Ports Authority board member who is the son of a popular former governor, contends his concerns over Sanford's involvement became a factor in his removal by Sanford from the board. When that happened, the governor's office cited opposing views on privatizing ports and the appearance of a conflict of interest because Campbell runs a political and government consulting firm.....
Sanford said any criticism of his involvement in the Port Royal deal is politically motivated and pushed by Campbell.
governor sanford south carolina calvert john elizabeth heritage
Anonymous said...
Watch the WTOC VIDEO and then watch the Island packet VIDEO. The part about Dennis Gerwing's Attorney's was cut-out of the middle of the Island Packet VIDEO, i.e. the part about who is or was Gerwing's Attorneys, i.e. Criminal Defense Attorney Cory Fleming...hint!....hint!
Beaufort County Sheriff's Office - Hilton Head Island, SC
UPDATE: BCSO News Conference on John and Elizabeth Calvert's Disappearance
Video: Watch today's press conference with Sheriff Tanner
March 13, 2008 8:06 PM
Anonymous said...
"Authorities are treating it as a self-inflicted death"?
"His body had a gash across his inner thigh, according to the Sheriff's Office, and multiple knife wounds to the chest, a source told The State.
"Authorities are treating it as a self-inflicted death, though they acknowledge the circumstances of the apparent suicide are odd, The State reported".
NO ONE!...I MEAN NO ONE!...NO ONE IS GOING TO BELIEVE THAT ONE! a self-inflicted death? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?...OMG! Someone please help us!
March 14, 2008 1:06 AM
Anonymous said...
As Dr. Phil would say, when you find a RAT, there are FIFTY MORE that you don't see.
There are rats everywhere!
March 14, 2008 7:56 AM
Anonymous said...
"Sheriff Tanner tells reporters that Dennis Gerwing slashed his own inner thigh but leaves out that he was also stabbed in the chest several times. Learning early Thursday from Sheriff P.J. Tanner that Mr. Gerwing had killed himself by simply slashing his inner thigh with a knife, a process that that many describe as painful and agonizingly slow".
"But late Thursday it became known that Mr. Gerwing had "multiple" stab wounds as well as a gash on his inner thigh. Makes you wonder why the Beaufort County Sheriff was "spinning" the story and twisting the facts in the first place"
"But did Dennis Gerwing bring this tragic chain of events to the otherwise quiet Hilton Head Island Community all by himself or were there others involved? Was he capable of killing the Calverts, disposing their bodies, hiding the evidence and then stabbing himself to death? Why would he admit to theft but not admit to the greater crime. Why not add a statement as to the whereabouts of the Calverts?"
What other fact(s) and circumstances is Sheriff Tanner of the Beaufort County Sheriff's Office covering up?
BTW, where is the FBI? Is the best we can do is the SCDNR?
What a farce?
March 14, 2008 8:18 AM
Anonymous said...
The public needs to seriously question the judgement and competence of the head investigator Sheriff Tanner in this case. Tanner, after examining a dead body with serious stabs wounds to the chest and inner thigh determines that it was a suicide. The public relations message from Tanner was that Gerwing has a cut to his inner thigh and no mention of the chest stab wounds. That's alarming that he immediately summed this up as suicide. In light of this UNBELIEVEABLE OMMISSION of not announcing ALL of the stab wounds and then to go as far declaring Dennis Gerwing's death a SUICIDE?
One has to ask what else is Sheriff Tanner covering up or omitting?
Can anyone say MURDER? This is no more a suicide than me flying to the moon. You can't trust this Sheriff now.
Given this UNBELIEVEABLE OMMISSION, i.e.THE LIE! By Sheriff Tanner. The public needs to question the competence and ethics of our Head Solicitor Duffie Stone. Given that Solicitor Stone was at the crime scene and he was giving legal advice the Sheriff Tanner and other investigators.
Also, what about the coroner? It appears that he just played along as well.
The public should demand a replacement for the Sheriff Tanner for this investigation and also request that the Solicitor NOT be allowed to interfere with this investigation.
The Chief SLED should remove Sheriff Tanner from this the investigation
March 14, 2008 10:11 AM
Anonymous said...
UPDATE: Dennis Gerwing and Attorney Dan Saxon
"Attorney Dan Saxon and another Attorney Peter J. Strauss of (Novit & Scarminach), went to the villa where Gerwing was staying. They called Mark King, president of The Club Group, which manages the complex, to unlock the villa when no one answered the door".
"The three(Saxon, Strauss, and King) entered and encountered another locked door upstairs, said Scarminach, who wasn't with them. They then called 911 when they heard no response".
MARCH 12, 2008
Gerwing left two notes that are being studied by investigators with the State Law Enforcement Division. Beaufort County Sheriff P.J. Tanner declined to reveal the notes' contents or the method of suicide.
MARCH 14, 2008
"Gerwing's body was found after his attorney Dan Saxon went to his condo. Saxon told The Associated Press he found the bathroom door locked and a suicide note on the bed. He said he did not know exactly what the note said".
"We saw one note. I didn't spend a lot of time reading the note at all," he said, adding that he was busy calling police.
What's interesting about this is that it was originally reported that TWO suicide notes were found in the locked bathroom by Law Enforcement and emergency responses personnel. In other words, "The men(Saxon, Strauss, and King) never saw Gerwing's body or his last written words"
NOW, Attorney Saxon found the bathroom door lo
March 14, 2008 1:06 AM
Anonymous said...
As Dr. Phil would say, when you find a RAT, there are FIFTY MORE that you don't see.
There are rats everywhere!
March 14, 2008 7:56 AM
Anonymous said...
"Sheriff Tanner tells reporters that Dennis Gerwing slashed his own inner thigh but leaves out that he was also stabbed in the chest several times. Learning early Thursday from Sheriff P.J. Tanner that Mr. Gerwing had killed himself by simply slashing his inner thigh with a knife, a process that that many describe as painful and agonizingly slow".
"But late Thursday it became known that Mr. Gerwing had "multiple" stab wounds as well as a gash on his inner thigh. Makes you wonder why the Beaufort County Sheriff was "spinning" the story and twisting the facts in the first place"
"But did Dennis Gerwing bring this tragic chain of events to the otherwise quiet Hilton Head Island Community all by himself or were there others involved? Was he capable of killing the Calverts, disposing their bodies, hiding the evidence and then stabbing himself to death? Why would he admit to theft but not admit to the greater crime. Why not add a statement as to the whereabouts of the Calverts?"
What other fact(s) and circumstances is Sheriff Tanner of the Beaufort County Sheriff's Office covering up?
MARCH 13, 2008
With the help of King, the men unlocked the front door and walked upstairs. When they encountered another locked door and could get no one to answer, attorney Dan Saxon called 911. The men never saw Gerwing's body or his last written words, Scarminach said.
Hilton Head Calvert Disappearance,Tax Attorney,Heritage Foundation Connection ?:
'IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE' John Calvert, 47, and his wife Elizabeth, 45,
a Savannah business attorney, were last seen at a meeting with the
54-year-old Gerwing, chief financial officer of The Club Group, a
property management firm that kept the books for John's businesses....
Gibus said John and Elizabeth Calvert are understanding people. They
would have allowed Gerwing to repay them if he had taken any money, he
said. So there must be another reason he killed himself, some have
They were fun, witty and unassuming people," said a Savannah woman who
has been a close friend of the Calverts for several years, but asked
not to be identified. Indeed, she said she had lunch in Savannah with
Liz Calvert, at attorney by day at the Hunter MacLean law firm
downtown, at Screamin Mimi's on March 3. She still has the $10 bill
that Calvert put down to pay for her pizza.....
So what happened? How could two sharp fortysomethings, who bravely
chunked successful careers in go-go Atlanta to pursue new lives close
to the calming waters on slow-go Hilton Head, suddenly make like
participants in the witness protection program?..........
The Calverts had been making plans for a high-end charity golf and
fishing tournament this year to benefit the Heritage Foundation, the
friend said. The entry fee? A cool $12,500.
NTU Staff & Friends Mourn the Death of NTU President John Berthoud 27 Sep 2007
Pete Sepp, Vice President for Communications, shared his surprise, "John Berthoud's death today was as sudden as it was shocking and saddening to all who knew him. His colleagues found him in peace at his home today. All of our staff, ...
National Taxpayers Union and National Taxpayers... - www.ntu.org/
Help Me Honor a Conservative Warrior
John Tanner (D-TN) and I have introduced H.Res.881, a resolution
honoring the life and mourning the death of John Berthoud, Ph.D.
John Berthoud died suddenly on September 27, 2007, at the age of 45.
For 11 years, Dr. Berthoud served as President of the Nation Taxpayers
Union (NTU),........
Dear Rep. John Shadegg,
Don't forget to honor NTU and Agora Inc penny stock 'holding company'
and NAANSS or National Association Against Naked Short
Selling'(ha)founder James Dale Davidson for his many years devoted
tostock fraud and money laundering(and thus tax avoidence for the
wealthy).Wasn't Davidson touting the Israeli U.S. penny stock scam
Pluristem from that same Alexandria, Virginia office that Berthoud and
the National Taxpayers Union was located in about the time Berthoud
died of 'young age' or whatever unsaid 'natural cause' is was ? Glad
you support a 'union' anyway.Ha.
Tony Ryals
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SEC Cyber Czar John Reed Stark,Steve Honig, Joshua A Ridless,Image Entertainment
Lord William Rees-Mogg, Agora Inc And.Bill Bonner's Racist Attack On Barack Obama
Fannie Mae Naked Short Lie:SEC Chris Cox,Agora Inc.,James Dale
Davidson, Lord Rees-Mogg LOM Bermuda,Schwab,vFinance Stock Fraud
Fannie Mae:Congessman Barney Frank Goes Down On Moses,Tim Mahoney
Pimps Mistress,SEC Chris Cox Cries 'Naked Shorts'
SEC,Fannie Mae,Freddie Mac,'Naked Shorting' Lie:John McCain, Chris
Cox,James Dale Davidson Massive Stock Fraud
First U.S.Government Censored 9/11 Al Qaeda Video:Fox News' War Porn
Star Jack Idema Tortures In Afghanistan
Nazi Pope Benedict XVI,Sarah Palin's UnWed Pregnant Teenager,Nancy
Pelosi's Papal Smear
9/11,Dem VP Joe Biden,Hunter Biden's Paradigm and Israeli Delaware
Corp ICTS International
Swissair 111 Crash,Israeli PM Ehud Olmert,Morris Talansky and AIPAC
Attorney Neal Sher Cover Up
Gremach Infrastructure's Google India Attack,Mozambique Coal Baron Squalor
Campbell White's Jonathan Heimberg - Pseudo Christian ?, Judeo Fascist ?,CIA ?
India Bombing,Ken Haywood,Campbell White,Door Ministries,Christian
Fellowship Ministries
Yahoo!,India Bombing: Campbell White Computer and Strange Fox
News-Frank Luntz Connection
Yahoo!'s China,U.S. Government Agents Jerry Yang,Carl Icahn,Missing
White House E-Mail,Adnan Khashoggi, GenesisIntermedia Stock Fraud,
Fox News: Greg Gutfeld,Adolf Hitler's Jewish Relative,Defends New
Yorker Barack Obama Hit Piece
Israeli Foreign Agent Sharon Tzur, Media Watch International,PM Ehud
Olmert,Rudy Giuliani,Morris Talansky Bribery,Fraud
CNN,Wolf Blitzer Cover Up Helped Ehud Olmert To Israeli PM Office
9/11:While Boston Slept,Logan Airport,ICTS International,Israeli PM
Ehud Olmert's Money Launderer Menachem Atzmon Looked On......
9/11:Bush,Kuwaiti,Israeli Involvement Documented In Securities
Exchange Commission Filings
W Bush,Chabad-Lubavitch,Rubashkin's Agriprocessors: Kosher Guns,Drugs,
Ilegal Rabbis,Guatemala Wage Slaves
WeCu,9/11:U.S.Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff Promotes
Israeli 'Security' Fraud
Israel PM Ehud Olmert,Menachem Atzmon,ICTS International,Morris
Talansky Global Technologies, U.S.Stock Money Launderers, WTC,
9/11/01,SwissAir 111,9/2/98
UK Robert Wishart London Money Laundering,SEC's,Georgetown
University's, John Polise,U.S.Penny Stock Fraud
SEC Inspector General H. David Kotz:Peace Corp'S Dayton Daily News
Critic,,Friend To Fraud
California Attorney Francis Pizzulli,Robert F Kennedy
Assassination,Afghhan Torture and Penny Stock Fraud,Money Laundering
University of California Berkeley Grads James Angel,Joshua Ridless
Join SEC Chris Cox's 'Fraud Speech Movement'
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's Air Water Corp stock fraud
promotes pedophilia
www.columbus.indymedia.org/node/13382 Israeli Prime Minister
Ehud Olmert,'Orthodox Jews',Stock Fraud,Gay Prostitutes and Death
Community Bank Northern Virginia's David P. Summers Also Texas
Endovasc Penny Stock Fraudster
Titan Corp's Makram Chams Suspends U.S. Constitution
www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/01/390122.htmlForbes on
Wikipedia:Gary Weiss 'Edits' James Dale Davidson's and His Own
Mitt Romney,CIA James Woolsey:Fox News' Islamofascist Ijaz Mansoor's
Advice Killed WSJ Reporter Daniel Pearl
Northern Rock, GB:Republican 'Libertarian' Ron Paul Lies About 'Naked
Short Selling'
EU,Mexico,CIA,Guantanamo Rendition Plane, Cocaine, Homeland 'Security'
Ambassador Marc Ginsberg,Fox News,Xybernaut Israeli U.S. Penny Stock Fraud
Scheming:Rudy Giuliani,Paul Singer, Vulture Funds Africa,Adnan
Khashoggi,W Bush
9/11,WTC,Tanya Head,Rudy Giuliani,Adnan Khashoggi,Bernie Kerik, Naked
Securities Fraud
9/11:CIA,Daily Kos,Jerome Arnstrong,Markos Moulitsas Zúniga,ICTS
Israel, Securacom Kuwait,ragingbull Fraud
Utah Governor Jon Huntsman Jr.,Securities Fraud,Stormy Simon
Striptease and Bloody Murder
Samaritan Pharmaceuticals,a Georgetown University Penny Stock Fraud
Pluristem Placentas,James Dale Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust
Victims,U.S.Penny Stock Fraud
WTC,9/11,Logan Airport, Boston:Israeli ICTS 'Security':
Barney Frank,Ted Kennedy, John F. Kerry Face Psych Crisis
Reuters on Security Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox's
Terrorist List
Boston Logan Airport,9/11,WTC,Barney Frank,SEC,Israeli Penny Stock
Scam and Bloody Murder
Max Keiser ,Al Jazeera,Qatar promote Naked U.S. Penny Stock Fraud
Christopher'WMDS'Cox:Georgetown University James Angel Pimps Pink
Sheet Penny Stock
Ex U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow,Michael Moore, Cerberus,Bawag
Austria and Cuba
Charles Schwab,Mantas 'AML':Did The CIA's SRA International Eat George
W Bush's E-mail ?
U.S. Ambassador Sam Fox:From Swift Boat War Fraud to Brussels,Belgium
SWIFT Finance Fraud
Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav's Penny Stock Partner Michael Zwebner
loses in U.S. Court
Cryptometrics:New Zealand Passport Office Used By U.S. Penny Stock Criminals ?
David Grin,Tel Aviv
University,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel
FOIA,Alberto Gonzales and SEC'S Chris Cox Enron,Merrill Lynch,Latham &
Watkins conflict
Tim Mahoney,vFinance,Venus Methodist Church,Florida,Sayed MusMustafa and
Islamic Usury
Charles Schwab:vFinance's Charles Patrick Garcia receives Henry B.
Gonzalez award !?
Democrats William Jefferson,Tim Mahoney, iGate,vFinance,DOBI, Endovasc
penny stock frauds
James Dale Davidson,Charles Schwab,Tim Mahoney,VFIN, LOM and penny
stock share money laundering
Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of Lord Rees Mogg,James Dale Davidson
Post to Lord Rees-Mogg's Weblog re NASDAQ,London Stock Exchange
Virginia:Marvin Bush,Securacom,9/11,U.S. Senator George Allen,Bawag
U.S. Republican George Allen More Corrupt Than Utah Senators Bob
Bennett,Orrin Hatch ?
Asa Hutchinson,Charlie Crist,Jeb Bush,Republican stock fraud and drug
Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Huffman Aviation terrorist
flight school ?
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
Utah Gov Jon Huntsman,Senator Bennett, Hatch call Republican Senator
Shelby 'a gangster'
Does NY Times censor 9/11 Venice,Florida connection ?
NY Rep.Peter King,CIA,Swift,NY Times,Republican stock fraud
NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11
Asa Hutchinson,Richard Rainwater,George W Bush,Tom DeLay & 5.6 Ton
cocaine bust in Mexico
SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S
In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
Cocaina,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Abril 10,CIA,Republicanos Y PAN
Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?
Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid,
Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ?
Israel President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud
Did Israel President Moshe Katzav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?
SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S
In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud
Chris Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc.
SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks
Time Magazine, Daniel Kadlec duped by Houston attorneys Wes Christian
and John O'Quinn
www.cleveland.indymedia.org/news/2005/11/17786.p...pJohn Reed Stark
UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic
fraud Cyber fraud
www.maritimes.indymedia.org/news/2006/03/12190.p...pDoes NSA Serve SRA
International's 'Cookies' ?
Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?
D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief
Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen
Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore
money laundering
CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud
money laundering
Mantas Inc,Herndon,Va,Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International
www.ftaaimc.org/en/2005/12 /7186.shtml
CIA and Gilman Louie are
less than honest
Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering
Cocaina,UE,Mexico,CIA,Avion De Rendicion,Estados Unidos Departamento
de'Homeland Security'
Papa Benedicto,Erroneas Concepciones En Cuanto A La Concepcion Y La
Historia De La Ciencia
Jerry Weller,Rios Montt,Bancafe Guatemala, Bawag Austria,Refco y
'Acciones de Centavos'
Cocaína,Ciudad Del Carmen, Campeche, Abril 10:¿CIA,Republicanos Y PAN?
Tony Ryals