UK Newswire Archive
Prison Officers’ Association – in its own words
16-12-2008 11:09
The ‘left’ is divided on its view of the Prison Officers’ Association (POA). On the one side are George Galloway, Workers Power, other Trotskyists and the leaders of most unions, including the PCS and RMT who hail the POA as the vanguard of class struggle ; on the other are a mixture of groups: RCG/FRFI, the Sparticist League, IBT, Class War, most anarchists, who think the POA are class traitors.Over 60% of Greeks think riots were caused not by anarchists
16-12-2008 10:39
"Sixty per cent of those questioned by Greece's Kathimerini newspaper rejected the assertion that the disturbances have been merely a series of co-ordinated attacks by a small hard core of anarchists. " From BBC
Free Bush shoe thrower Muntather Al Zaidi
16-12-2008 06:54
The man who threw the shoes at Bush has reportedly been badly beaten and tortured. Please mobilize to help him. From now on we know how to protest bad leaders!Demo-Fascism. The Actual Name Of This System
16-12-2008 03:04
There could not be better example of Demo-Fascism than the current UK "parlamentary monarchy".Democracy is the name of the brand new tiranry.
Mechanics of Media Lies, Tom Griffin from Spinwatch plus why the rich must pay
16-12-2008 01:27

Argentinian band May Suyai anticipated World Finantial Chrisis in a song in 2004
16-12-2008 01:25
Argentinian band May Suyai anticipated World Finantial Chrisis in a song in 2004.Singer of May Suyai, the Argentinian Jorge Daher, mentioned the current finantial chrisis
in a song called. "Watch your forehead, hide your hand".
Juan "Orangu" Cruz and Jhonny Cariqueo two more Alexis from Chile.
16-12-2008 01:19
The murderers; Mapuche mercenaries and traitors under the pay of the state.Invisible Barriers:Detention without Trial/Social Housing Policy in the UK Today
15-12-2008 22:54
As part of the After 60 Years…Why Human Rights? conference held on 10 December jointly by the LSE SU and CAMPACC, the London Guantánamo Campaign, London Against Injustice and People in Common, an earlier session was held at 3-5pm to kick off this event marking the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, considering its application to the climate and challenges we face in the UK and as a basis to create a civil society movement to ensure the rights of all.Christmas strikes could hit Royal Mail
15-12-2008 22:41

Financial crisis threatens pensions and retirement plans
15-12-2008 22:07
A little discussed aspect of the global financial crisis is the devastating impact it is having on pensions. This is particularly acute in Britain. State provision is poor and successive governments have forced workers to rely on occupational pensions, on which half of all British workers depend, private pensions and annuities, and the value of their homes to finance their retirement.Coal rail terminal shut down by local residents and Climate campaigners
15-12-2008 21:46

Europe’s ruling elite fear the “contagion” from Greece
15-12-2008 21:20
It is necessary for working people, especially the young, to consider the broader implications of the past week’s events in Greece. It is, after all, a question that is occupying the thoughts of senior figures within the ruling elites of Europe and the United States.Yet Another Would-be BPP Bomber Goes To Jail
15-12-2008 21:07