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Over 60% of Greeks think riots were caused not by anarchists

a | 16.12.2008 10:39

"Sixty per cent of those questioned by Greece's Kathimerini newspaper rejected the assertion that the disturbances have been merely a series of co-ordinated attacks by a small hard core of anarchists. " From BBC

This is an important statistic as it goes some way in proving that this is a social, mass unrest and not the usual attacks by the anarchist movement. Others who report on the situation on greece must be clear that it is also non-politicals who are involved and working with anarchists - not every petrol bomb is from anarchists but students/workers/migrants.




Display the following 11 comments

  1. why non-political? — pad
  2. your right — a
  3. why political? — r
  4. Very narrow — Stroppyoldgit
  5. . — b
  6. politics — r
  7. Political — Mohawk
  8. A political — Danny
  9. hmmm — goldy
  10. Selective reading of article - by Costas (in London but from Greece) — Reposter
  11. A sober analysis — h