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A Victory for Common Sense!

07-03-2008 19:47

Packed Room!
MIll road residents and shoppers can breath a collective sigh of relief, because last night at an extremely well attended public meeting, Cambridge Councillors voted against the planning application submitted by megachain Tescos to convert the empty Wilco lot into a yet another Tescos branch.

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This Week In Palestine – week 10 2008

07-03-2008 19:42


This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for March 1st through to March 7th, 2008.

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Troop News (Four)

07-03-2008 18:38

Winter Soldiers, veteran's discussion of actual action in both Afghanistan and Iraq, the reality, an open letter to the Anti-war movement.Opposition by veterans in the USA grows, this is not a remake of 1971.
Thomas Paine, to miracles, to the philosophy of morality and patriotism, northllaw comments, to a guided tour of Afghanistan by Frederick Engels.

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No to Crossrail hole campaign supporter East End Cuncillor resigns

07-03-2008 18:17

Khoodeelaar! Campaign supporter, and Brick Lane London E1 ‘area’ Opposition councillor [on Tower Hamlets Council] Louise Alexander resigns on health grounds….

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Colombia solidarity picket outside Downing Street

07-03-2008 18:05

As part of an international day of action in remembrance of the victims of paramilitarism and state terror in Colombia a large group of people picketed Downing Street in London on March 6th.

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Infousurpa & Offline now out

07-03-2008 17:38

We're for now keeping to our promise to get the InfoUsurpa and Offline out every two weeks ... here is the last installment

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Notes from the UK Squatters' Meeting 9/10 February 2008

07-03-2008 17:27

This, the first attempt to coordinate a national meeting for some time, was held in a beautiful old nursing home with extensive grounds at Headingley in Leeds. There was a good mixed turn out with squatters represented from many of the major towns in the uk, some protest sites and some travellers attending. All in all perhaps 30-40 people.

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Shift Magazine Articles On line!

07-03-2008 17:24

Find all the articles from the latest Shift magazine online at

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Defend Public Space in Birmingham City Centre.

07-03-2008 16:51

The Bull

A call out for progressive groups to help defend our space on

the High Street - this Saturday and every Saturday at One.

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Dissident Island Radio - Feminist edition tonight

07-03-2008 16:30

Hello from Dissident Island! Since July we have been beaming a bi-weekly
radio show from the Rampart Social Centre in London featuring interviews,
radio plays, and music. Previously on the show we have had groups such
as No Borders, the AntiFa, and Bicycology. With International Women's
Day coming up on March 8th, the Dissident Island radio show will be
highlighting various new and established London-based feminist groups,
activities and actions.

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Welcome Aboard Toxic Airlines - cinema premier Sunday 9th, 1pm

07-03-2008 16:29

Welcome Aboard Toxic Airlines is an independently made documentary exposing the airline industry's dirtiest secret. It premiers at the Rich Mix Cinema in Bethnal Green, this Sunday at 1pm

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Japanese Officials Caught Lying on Firearm Use against Sea Shepherd

07-03-2008 14:42

Paul Watson immediately after being shot by Japanese Coasr Guard
Captain Paul Watson was shot in the chest during an engagement between the Sea Shepherd vessel Steve Irwin and the Japanese whaling ship, Nisshin Maru on March 7. The Japanese Foreign Ministry and Institute for Cetecean Research have denied guns were used at all during the engagement in contradiction to advice given to Australian embassy officials in Japan and the reports from Sea Shepherd.

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Do you writes zines or comics anonymously?

07-03-2008 14:15

A new web host for anonymous zines and comics has been set up,

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YAFA raided - 2 arrests

07-03-2008 13:26

Raids in York - 2 arrests

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Sea Shepherd: Japanese Scramble to Spin Shooting Story

07-03-2008 11:48

In the aftermath of a confrontation between the crew of the whaling ship Nisshin Maru and the crew of the Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin, the Japanese public relations flacks are working overtime to get the spin right. First, they admitted that warning shots were fired, then they corrected themselves and said that only flash grenades were fired at the crew of the Steve Irwin. Then they changed the story again and described the flash grenades as “warning balls.” By tomorrow morning, they may have it spun it again and may be describing them as “marshmallows.”

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Shell Shuts Up

07-03-2008 11:44

Student activists raised issues such as corporate corruption and climate change at a Shell-run event. Shell employees only commented "I do not have an opinion on this subject" when asked how they respond to these polemical matters.

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Why voting in the London Assembly elections is anti-fascist

07-03-2008 11:09

Jennette Arnold is chair of the Labour Group on the London Assembly. Whilst there might be a lot of people who read Indymedia that have little interest in what a Labour politician has to say, she sets out very convincingly an argument as to how voting in May's London Assembly elections for anyone but the BNP will decrease their chances of gaining any seats. The article is from the Guardian:

To summarise: Seats are awarded proportionally. The BNP need 5% of the vote to get a seat. The more people who vote for anyone other than the BNP, the more votes the BNP need to secure to win a seat. Simple as that!


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Around the Campaigns Friday 7th March 2008

07-03-2008 10:52

Resumption of Removals to Zimbabwe!
Over the past few days many Zimbabwean's recently refused asylum, have received letters from the Boarder and Immigration Agency (BIA), saying that BIA, "is expecting shortly to be able to enforce returns to Zimbabwe". Most of the recipients of these letter are living in the North east/west of England. Also Zimbabweans with refugee status have received letters asking them if they would like to leave the UK voluntarily for a cash incentive.

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Japanese Open Fire on Sea Shepherd Crew: Three Injured

07-03-2008 10:17

Paul Watson Holding Bullet And Bent Badge
Captain Paul Watson Shot in Chest; Cameraman and Crewmember Injured by Flash Grenades - At 1545 hours (0445 GMT), a clash between the crew of the Sea Shepherd vessel Steve Irwin and the Japanese whaling ship Nisshin Maru turned violent when the Japanese Coast Guard began to throw flash grenades at the crew of the Steve Irwin. Captain Paul Watson was struck by a bullet in the chest. Fortunately, the bullet was stopped by his Kevlar vest. The bullet struck just above the heart and mangled Captain Watson’s anti-poaching badge, which was worn on his sweater underneath the Kevlar vest.

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Falconio - v The Barrow Creek Incident

07-03-2008 10:01

Seperating the fact from the fiction
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