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UK Newswire Archive

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Royal Mail: Stockport wildcat strikers return to work whilst national talks exte

04-09-2007 20:47

Several hundred workers at Stockport Mail Centre returned to work today having walked out unofficially on Friday. Meanwhile national talks between the CWU leadership and Royal Mail have been extended until Sunday.

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Thursday in Shepherds Bush: local Law Centre / voluntary sector public meeting

04-09-2007 20:38

Defend legal advice and community services in Hammersmith and Fulham!

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Save Tara: Protestors Walk The Line, Direct Action Halts Construction

04-09-2007 20:05

Thursday 16 August, protestors walked the route of the M3 motorway to view what destruction of the ancient sites in Tara Valley have already disappeared. Then they decided on a little direct action.

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Bilin anti-Apartheid Wall Victory! Wall Rerouted.

04-09-2007 19:30

Democracy Now reports Israeli supreme court has ordered dismantling and rerouting of apartheid wall after a three year graas roots campaign against it.

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RMT Metronet workers strike: violence on the picket line!

04-09-2007 18:57

Attack on a cameraperson on picket line outside Metronet HQ

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Raytheon protestors plead 'Not Guilty'

04-09-2007 18:46

Reduced charges have finally been brought against the peace protestors who occupied Raytheon in Derry last August the ninth. A full trial date will be set on September the fourteenth.

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Tensions with the US sharpen as Britain begins handover of Basra

04-09-2007 18:42

Britain’s has completed evacuating its 550 troops from Basra Palace and announced that Basra itself will be handed over to Iraqi control “in the autumn”. Basra is the last of five provinces in southern Iraq to be handed over to the Iraqis. It leaves Britain with just 5,000 troops located at Basra’s airport.

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Call for the immediate release of five university teachers of Bangladesh

04-09-2007 18:32

Five senior University Professors in Bangladesh were arrested on the 24th August on alleged suspicion of organising the recent violent clashes between students and police. All the teachers have constantly rejected these allegations.
Please join the demonstration to stop this gross violation of Human Rights on Thursday, September 6 at 3:00pm outside the Bangladesh High Commission.

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Israel Ignores Poverty

04-09-2007 17:54

The facts capture an image of the politicised Israel in which turmoil is guaranteed; poverty a precursor to violence will put in jeopardy peace, as myths, distortions and lies serves the manipulator reinvigorating a hate filled backlash against those who are oppressed.

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Leafleting in Soli-hell

04-09-2007 16:49

Leafleting at Sanford House, Solihull
A couple of Birmingham NoBorders activists did some lealfeting today at the immigration reporting centre in Solihull, West Midlands. An 'advice leaflet' and another about Sandford House were handed out to asylum seekers who are forced to go there to 'sign on' every week or every month, along with some literature about the upcoming Gatwich No Border Camp. Copies of the leaflet exposing Sandford House and what really goes on there were also given out to the public in town, many of whom seemed to not give a toss about migrants and their mistreatment at the hands of immigration authorities.

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Why backers of crap Crossrail want £30+ BN of Taxpayers - Superlink's address

04-09-2007 15:40

I did not know the proper address for Superlink but I found it so here it is - no doubt Crossrail have been trying to sabotage the truth coming out but hey...

If I did not know the address of Superlink, the alternative to Crossrail. I can hardly be backing them but I will say that if successful railway planners, who have delivered successful railway projects such as the Channel Tunnel Rail Link and the Eurotunnel are saying the scheme is rubbish while at the same time giving you the true cost of their scheme and its benefits without £400 million of taxpayers money that Crossrail spent - Why is a Select Committee chosen by Blair, the Government and Ken so ready to give taxpayers money away without Crossrail being subject to proper investigation? The backers of Crossrail on this website have been asked to provide the proof of how it will provide benefits outside the City and Canary Wharf in London and guarantee that taxpayers will not be left with a financial millstone. Guess what there is silence.

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Western Animal Rights Network launched! + Animal Rights Copwatch

04-09-2007 14:39

WARN (Western Animal Rights Network) is a coalition for animal liberationists that was originally launched in 2005 but ceased to be after activists moved away from the West. We hope to be a support base for activists and be a gateway into the animal rights movement for people looking to get involved in animal liberation in the West of the UK.

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Families in Immigration Detention July 2007

04-09-2007 14:07

Freedom of Information Act 2000. You asked:

In July 2007 how many families were in Immigration Detention in
Dungavel, Tinsley House and Yarl's Wood? How many adults and how many

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Finningley Airport Climate Camp, Update and Photos

04-09-2007 12:47

Finningley Climate Camp 1
Photo's from yesterday's action at Finningley "Robin Hood" Airport and an update on the outrageous police response. 11 hours in the cells for giving out leaflets!

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Be Proud to Make a Difference: Subvert an Army Ad.

04-09-2007 12:16

Phonebox before
Army recruitment ads on phoneboxes in Oxford get the treatment they rightly deserve!

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Israel allowed into UK for football, Palestine not!

04-09-2007 11:30

Israel are coming to play England in a friendly (apparently in the world of football, Isael is in Europe), weeks after the Palestinian youth team were denied entry to the UK...anyone want to organise protests?

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Please support Colombian communities threatened by palm oil/biofuels

04-09-2007 11:28

Please take part in a new email alert to protect the human and land rights and the environment of local communities in Colombia, who are threatened by palm oil expansion (much of it for biofuels). Please go to and forward this to others.

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Second wave at Faslane - 3 more arrested for cycling in to nuclear base

04-09-2007 10:19

At 11.00a.m. today, 3 more peace protesters breached security at the North gate of the Faslane nuclear submarine base, entering on bicycles. This second team from the ‘Faslane 365 Serious Organised Crime Investigation and Prevention Team’ follows the earlier arrest of 3 women inside the base. It is understood that they are being charged under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (SOCPA). The total number of Scottish SOCRAP arrests is now 6.

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3 Arrested for Entering Faslane Nuclear Base

04-09-2007 09:22

3 women have been arrested this morning (4 September 2007) inside the high security fences at the Trident nuclear submarine base after entering the base to get further information on the weapons of mass destruction deployed by the UK government in contravention of Scottish and International Law. According to the police, the women, who were acting to uphold the law, are being charged under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act, which is increasingly being used to prevent peaceful protests at sensitive sites, including Britain’s nuclear bases.

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Scotland's first SOCRAP charges - 3 arrested inside Faslane high security area

04-09-2007 09:17

Faslane Naval Base, Scotland, September 4, 2007, 06.30 a.m.
Police say 3 women have been arrested inside the high security fences at the Trident nuclear submarine base after entering the base to get further information on the weapons of mass destruction deployed by the UK government in contravention of Scottish and International Law. According to the police, the women, who were acting to uphold the law, are being charged under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act, which is increasingly being used to prevent peaceful protests at sensitive sites, including Britain’s nuclear bases.
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