UK Newswire Archive
Fit to Govern: the Native Intelligence of Thabo Mbeki [Review]
13-07-2007 10:42
The latest book on Thabo Mbeki ' Fit to Govern: the Native Intelligence of Thabo Mbeki' by Ronald Suresh Roberts is denialist propaganda that should be countered by all progressive forces with the same amount of zeal and vigour as that expressed by its chief proponents.Local Protesters Blockade Shell Construction site in Mayo
13-07-2007 10:37
A number of Shell to Sea campaigners have established a non-violent blockade of the road leading to the proposed gas refinery site at Bellanaboy. Two protestors are locked on to an immobilized vehicle, preventing access to the site.Who Are the Interventionist Left?
13-07-2007 10:21
The following short article is from the Red Pepper website (, and was linked from the end of the article '5 Fingers Beat 16000 G8 Cops: Are we winning again?' by Ben TrottThe Bush domino effect drops also old buddies
13-07-2007 09:08
Unfortunately for the rest of humanity the U.S.A. conducts the global orchestra to the sound of American tunes. For the last six years the number one hit was a patriotic trumpet and drum duet that muted the rest of the more subtle orchestral sounds. Now those silenced instruments are elbowing their way back to audition level.Summer of Dissent in Iceland
12-07-2007 23:30

In Iceland a summer of dissent against heavy industry and large dams has begun. In a much disputed master-plan, all the glacial rivers and geothermal potential of the largest wilderness of Europe would be harnessed for aluminium production. Activists from around the world have gathered to protect Europe's largest remaining wilderness and oppose Rio Tinto/ALCAN, ALCOA, Century/RUSAL and other transnational companies.
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Second Round of Postal Workers Strike: Birmingham Picket Lines
12-07-2007 22:50

In Birmingham, three picket lines were formed at each gate of the main mail centre in Newtown. Solidarity from fellow workers, as well as from members of the West Midlands Branch of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) union, was impressive.
See report and pics of the first round here:

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Truth flyers interpreted as "terrorist literature" by police
12-07-2007 22:16
The Truth movement is interpreted as terrorist by Bradford policeUgandan Gay Pastor Resigns after Media Witch-hunt!
12-07-2007 21:19
Uganda Daily Monitor " independent Newspaper" has forced a Born-again Pastor to resign from his ministry.The Newspaper seems to have declared an open War against Gay People in Uganda, US and UK.
Deacon Dave Returns to Palestine
12-07-2007 21:12

New Roots Café, 86 Spital Hill, Sheffield; Friday 27th July
7pm Food - 8pm Tel Rumeida Project film
“When will you teach this lad English?”
12-07-2007 18:31
The recent terror attacks on London and Glasgow, by an alleged Al-Qaida linked group of medical workers, has led many to question the causes behind the attack but has also raised questions in relation to the issues of migrant integration within the United Kingdom.Haiti: Privatization Plan Begins with Mass Firings at Téléco
12-07-2007 18:10

Union Power! In Cardiff
12-07-2007 17:01
This is going to be a very important meeting in Cardiff for all those who want to support the workers striking against Gordon Brown's pay-freeze.Let's make sure it's a success and take in the argument that joint action between PCS, CWU and other unions can beat New Labour and increase the confidence of workers all over Britain to fight back against neoliberalism...
British postal workers face political struggle against Brown’s Labour government
12-07-2007 16:57
Even as it announced the second 24-hour national postal strike commencing this evening, the Communication Workers Union (CWU) was doing its utmost to stab its members in the back.What drove a doctor to become a suicide bomber?
12-07-2007 16:55
The detention of at least seven medics in connection with last week’s failed terror attacks in Britain has added to the public’s sense of shock. All the more so since the alleged perpetrators of the attacks were both initially identified as doctors working at Glasgow’s Royal Alexandra Hospital.Indian - Israeli Ties Could Neutralize Delhi’s Palestinian Policy
12-07-2007 16:53
A seminar on “Palestine: 1967 and After” organized by the Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) and the mission of the League of Arab States (LAS) in New Delhi on June 22 highlighted India’s still unwavering historical support for the Palestinian people, but failed to address the potential political effects of the growing Indian – Israeli ties on New Delhi’s policy on Palestine.Smash Edo Video Update
12-07-2007 16:48
First in a series of video updates froom the Smash EDO Campaignyour city needs you!
12-07-2007 16:41
liverpool types needed for this years camp for climate actionSquat illegally evicted in Switzerland
12-07-2007 15:40
On July 10th, "La Tour" was illegaly evicted in Geneva, Switzerland.Here's a brief summary of events and a call for international
Saving Iceland Summer of Resistance Kicks off in Reykjavik
12-07-2007 13:54
A day of action in Reykjavik kick starts Saving Iceland's Summer of Resistance to heavy industry and the aluminium industry's corporate invasion of Europe's largest wilderness.It's unlucky to go to work tomorrow - support John Bowden instead!
12-07-2007 13:15
London demo in support of John Bowden tomorrow.