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Starbucks CEO in London Wed 6th Dec!

04-12-2006 10:30

Starbucks is responsible for various attacks on people and the planet. in its most recent guise, it is picking on its workers who are fighting against the giant to unionise their workplaces with the IWW. the CEO of Starbucks is talking at the NASDAQ conference on Wednesday, and London IWW is calling for a demo against his union-busting ways!

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Bob Crow, UK RMT Gen Sec. Speaks in SF At International Transport Workers Conf

04-12-2006 07:22

UK RMT Gen Secretary recently visited San Francisco and spoke at a conference on international labor solidarity for transportation workers.

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Solidarity Demonstatrio for the Hamrondsworth Heros

04-12-2006 06:07

Speakers at the demo
80 demonstrators protested outside Harmondsworth and Colnbrook Immigration Removal Centres on Sunday the 3rd Decembeer 2006

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Documentary Filmmakers Detained In Oaxaca

04-12-2006 02:19

3 December 2006 - two documentary filmmakers and a translator were detained, as they ate at a restaurant near their hotel in the Oaxaca City Center at approximately 2:15 PM local Mexican time. Initial reports indicated that Municipal Police detained the three U.S. citizens, who have been in Oaxaca following and documenting the situation for the last couple of weeks. They were held for roughly 4 hours and then released.

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UK Week Of Action For Oaxaca 9th - 17th Dec 2006

03-12-2006 22:28

The network of UK Zapatista solidarity groups is calling for a national week of action, awareness raising, protest and fundraising in support of the people's struggle in Oaxaca, Mexico.

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Afghanistan and liberal blindness.

03-12-2006 21:42

On Iraq, there is some dissent, some unease, some sense that there might be other purposes involved than 'liberation', but when it comes to Afghanistan there is at most a sense that the damned place may be beyond repair, despite our best efforts to create a thriving democracy with equal rights for women there. There is an almost foolproof way to establish that this is indeed the effort underway: you demand proof that anything else is the case, and when it is presented, you dismiss it as a conspiracy theory.

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Todays demo at Harmondsworth Detention Centre

03-12-2006 21:14

On Sunday the 3rd of December, around 60 people went to Harmondsworth Detention Centre (near Heathrow) to show their support and solidarity after the revolt that took place there earlier in the week.

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Campaign for London cleaners: Call for Demo.

03-12-2006 21:06

After two weeks of demonstrations and actions, including the occupation of Goldman Sachs headquarters, the cleaners celebrate their victory and move into the next stage.

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No Bases: Ecuador, March 5-9, 2007

03-12-2006 20:17

After the recent elections in Ecuador the situation looks less defensive for the No Bases movement: with a presidential post-election re-confirmation of the unwillingness to extend the contract with the U.S. when the current lease of the Manta air base runs out in 2009 the No Bases movement(s) can presumably meet safely in Ecuador. Had Noboa won the elections this could have been a site of very violent repression.

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TCAR prepares for solidarity action with Harmondsworth and Yarl's wood protests

03-12-2006 19:31

Tyneside Community Action for Refugees (TCAR) is in complete solidarity with the detention centre protesters at Harmondsworth and Yarl's wood. We have called an action this saturday (9th Decemeber) 12 noon- Monument, Newcastle city centre to show our support and raise the profile of the brave action these asylum seekers have taken and their success in releasing 150 detainees across the UK. End detention! End deportation! Together we are stronger!

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Tug Workers To Block The Docks?

03-12-2006 18:22

The port of Liverpool could be shut down by a series of tug strikes, bringing back memories of the dockers’ dispute in the 1990s. Workers are angry that they are currently registered in the Channel Islands, and therefore lose their 12.5% National Insurance payments.

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Prestwick Citizen Inspectors Acquitted

03-12-2006 14:56

On Friday five people, who in August along with 12 others carried out inspections of Prestwick Airport to look for evidence of US munitions bound for Israel for use the Lebanon conflict, were acquitted of all charges against them at Ayr Sheriff Court.

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Manchester protest at JJB sacking

03-12-2006 14:19

Last night a dozen or so supporters protested outside the JJB Sports shops on Market Street, Manchester during the evening rush. The response from the public was fantastic - the vast majority of customers turned away.

Shop management didn't seem too chuffed, the manager was buzzing between the shops watching in dismay. They took photos of the protesters (if you're reading this, can you send a copy so we can post it here?). Don't worry, you aren't going to need photos to remember what protests look like if the sacked union rep isn't reinstated quickly!

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Pinochet given last rites

03-12-2006 13:31

The Butcher of Chile will soon be no more....

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Blockade of AWE Aldermaston on Monday 11 December

03-12-2006 10:53

With the Government White Paper on the future of Britain's nuclear weapons due out on Monday 4 December, this is your chance to show your opposition to further development of Britain's WMD capacity, such as the laser facility being built at Aldermaston. You are welcome to come and get involved in a wide variety of ways, you don't need to risk getting arrested. Check out Block The Builders website for comprehensive coverage of the background to the action and practical info for protestors.

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Spies in the wire(less)

03-12-2006 09:37

A court case has revealed details of a surveillance technique using mobile phones as microphones - even when they are turned off.

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battle for broadway market dvd's available now

02-12-2006 20:39

dvd's of films about the occupation of a cafe in broadway market, hackney are available now. the occupation of tony's cafe and the ongoing campaign in support of Spirit's Nutritious Food Gallery was an international cause celebre this time last year (ie 2005), and continues...

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Nativity donkey arrested at Faslane North Gate

02-12-2006 20:31

A small group of protesters at Faslane Naval base were arrested at around 18:30 for holding a nativity-themed blockade at the North Gate to the base. The group of radical Christians are currently being taken to Clydebank Police Office to be held, presumably until Sunday afternoon or Monday morning.

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Brize Norton demo, 2nd Dec 2006

02-12-2006 20:28

The front of the assembling march
Around seven hundred people today joined a protest in Carterton, Oxfordshire, to say end the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, bring the troops home now.
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