UK Newswire Archive
intelligence agencies kill by any means anywhere
02-12-2006 20:03
the people of the world have not a clue as to the evil that permeates the emerging fbi/cia sponsored global fascist state.Lincoln LARFs at the BNP
02-12-2006 19:08

The Spirit of Resistance in Mexico City
02-12-2006 19:05
Opposition in Mexico City streets against electoral fraud and decades of abuse and injusticeSinging Session at Campsfield House Detention Centre
02-12-2006 15:28

Here's a personal account of the session.
(2) Boycott Bulgarian Officials Making Worse Animal Protection Legislation
02-12-2006 15:20
Few weeks before Bulgarian accession to EU we are still witness to worsening legislation taken by the Government in the animal protection field (e.g. like trying to adapt a whole new Act neglecting the European Council's Convention and European Commission's Regulation №998/2003).Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Ebay sale of Free Speech
02-12-2006 14:36

Second Lifers told to keep it real
02-12-2006 14:08
A large death counter has been placed in a prominent place in, 3 dimensional virtual world ‘Second Life’ by global anti-poverty campaigners the World Development Movement (WDM).Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Indymedia Photography Skill Share Workshop
02-12-2006 14:01
It's been suggested, and seems like a good idea, that some training is given on croping and resizing photos for uploading on the web. There has also been an idea knocking around in some peoples heads for a while to do a skill sharing session of some kind on digital photography in general.QUEERUPTION 9 Event at SOAS, Wednesday 6/12, 6.30pm
02-12-2006 12:43

Babar Ahmad to appeal to Lords against extradition
02-12-2006 10:18
On Thursday 30th November 2006, The High Court in London ruled that Babar could be extradited to the US. What remains now is for the High Court to cerify that there are points of law in their Judgement that are of public importance. Babar's legal team now have 14 days to convince the High Court that there are in fact at least two points of law, namely those concerning Military Detention and Rendition.Mass Demonstrations against US backed Lebanese Government
02-12-2006 09:59
The Western media, which often downplays the size of public rallies and anti-war demonstrations, confirms that "hundreds of thousands" of people from all sectors of Lebanese society gathered in Beirut in anti-government demonstrations, demanding the resignation of the US-Israeli supported government of Prime Minister Fouad Siniora.Harmondworth Solidarity Demo at Kalyx
02-12-2006 06:45

This is a statement by London No Borders on the Uprising at Harmondsworth IRC and the protests at UK Detention Centres and the solidarity action we did outside Kalyx on Friday Night
Birmingham's Contribution to Buy Nothing Day 2006
02-12-2006 00:58

International Animal Rights Day 2006 - Sequani Ltd
02-12-2006 00:21

Harmondsworth Detention Centre Solidarty Demo // 12noon // Sunday 3rd December
02-12-2006 00:00
Solidarity action to communicate our support to the people trappedinside the detention centres. A coach will leave from ULU, Malet Street,
WC1at 10.30am. (Called by Barbed Wire Britain supported by London No Border
Another Critical Mass success
01-12-2006 23:04

In praise of shoplifting
01-12-2006 22:33
I recently came across the following piece and liked it. It makes use of ideas from "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" which is never a bad thing. See what you think...FREE OMAR WALK: BRIGHTON TO LONDON SATURDAY 16 DECEMBER TO TUESDAY 19 DECEMBER
01-12-2006 22:20
On the Ground, Mexico: A president sworn in and protests spill out
01-12-2006 21:32