UK Newswire Archive
Pictures of Arrest at Peace camp on Sunday-Pt2
29-10-2006 17:32

Pictures of arrest in Parliament Square-Sunday
29-10-2006 17:22

Creationism introduced to Polish schools by the education minister?
29-10-2006 17:11
Poland, after 17 years of illiberal democracy is now entering into the "Church State" period.Five arrested so far as one hundred defy anti-protest law
29-10-2006 16:39
- Police intervene to dismantle Parliament Square peace camp- Anti-war events to continue through to Monday lunchtime
- Camp continues all night, solidarity appreciated!
show solidarity with refugees in Calais the 4th anniversary of Sangattes closur
29-10-2006 16:31
Demonstrate in Calais , on Tuesday the 14th of November 13.30 Quai de la moselleif you can please come and show some solidarity for refugees in Calais who continue to live rough in the streets , woods and on the beaches in Calais ; they face the prospect of another winter and continuing harrassment and brutality of the French (and now 200 British) police
Two arrests so far at Parliament Square peace camp
29-10-2006 15:51
Over 100 people gathered around midday today for the start of the Peace Camp in Parliament Square, part of the "No More Fallujahs" weekend of mass civil disobedience, 28-29 October. By 3.30 there had been two arrests. Police are massing and more arrests are feared. Get down there and support the campers!Anti-G8 International Action Conference, Rostock Nov 10-12
29-10-2006 15:50

Mon 30th: Sci-Fi against the Nano-Military machine!
29-10-2006 15:24
CALL OUT FOR PROTEST AGAINST NANOTECH!are you anti-war? are you anti-corporate technologies that destroy nature,
cause health-problems and all the rest?
The Mystery Of Israel's Uranium Bomb
29-10-2006 15:18
Based upon the available evidence, Israel's assault on Lebanon was aimed at the country's civilian population. This was apparently carried out in order to Terrify the remaining population to flee, "softening up" S. Lebanon for a planned Occupation.Day of Action against Short Haul Flights - Locations of Public Events
29-10-2006 14:36

This years remembrance parade for those who have been murdered by the state.
29-10-2006 10:02

This is always an emotionally draining event to cover.
Like last year the dignity of the families was breathtaking.
David Rovics on Brad Will
29-10-2006 09:54
brad will was a dear friend, and a true revolutionary. he died the way countless and uncounted numbers of beautiful people have died in recent centuries -- he was shot in the chest by rightwing paramilitaries. he was filming the scene around one of thousands of barricades that have shut down oaxaca city since last june, when the rightwing governor there tried to ban public expressions of dissent, thus throwing one more historical spark into one more historical powder keg.Mexico: Killing a journalist can't kill the resistance
29-10-2006 06:58
Mexico's repression and the people's uprising: "In this social context, several independent international and national media were present in Oaxaca spreading the stories of the Oaxacan people's struggle. Will Bradley Roland, correspondent of New York City Indymedia, also arrived to the city of Oaxaca." - And was of brad - indymedia volunteer shot dead
29-10-2006 06:51
dont complain organise.they killed one of us
Llama EZLN a la solidaridad con Oaxaca
29-10-2006 02:37
México, 27 de octubre de 2006. El subcomandante insurgente Marcos, delegado Zero del EZLN para La Otra Campaña, desde Buaisiacobe, Sonora, en el norte de México lanzó un llamado nacional e internacional para movilizarse "exigiendo la salida inmediata del asesino Ulises Ruiz, el castigo a él y sus sicarios y en apoyo a la APPO.".Two Iranian events, picket against visit Irania dictator ex peresident(khatemi)
29-10-2006 01:30
and the night of political prisoners in Iran, massacre in 1988.Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
Mexican Embassy Protest.? The murder of Brad Will by the Mexican State, discuss
29-10-2006 01:17
Is there a possibility for a co-ordinated protest at the Mexican Embassy, Sunday 29th October?THE WHITE HOUSE SHOULD BE "CLEAN" not 'RID'
29-10-2006 01:07

Philippines: AKBAYAN holds successful 3rd Congress
28-10-2006 23:49