Anti-G8 International Action Conference, Rostock Nov 10-12
x | 29.10.2006 15:50 | G8 Germany 2007 | Globalisation | World
From 10-12 November, 2006 up to 500 people are expected to gather for an international anti-G8 action conference in Rostock, Germany. The conference will be attended by everyone from the groups of the radical-left (including Dissent, the Interventionist Left and others), through attac and NGOs to members of the Left Party (Linkspartei.PDS).
International Action Conference "Rostock II"
Preparatory Meeting for the Protests against the G8-summit 2007 in Heiligendamm
The next G8 Summit will take place between June 6 and 8 2007 in the tiny seaside resort of Heiligendamm on the Baltic Coast near the city of Rostock. In 2007 Germany will have the presidency of the yearly meeting of the eight heads of state from Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Japan, Russia, Canada and the USA. The G8 summits are important nodes in the institutional network of the current world order and the political agenda that is agreed at these meetings leads to increased poverty, debt, environmental damage, wars and the dismantling of social and democratic rights.
The Protests are taking shape...
Not only the powers that be are preparing for the 2007 G8-Summit in Heiligendamm: nongovernmental organisations, environmental federations, left-wing and anti-racist networks, unions, political parties and local G8-coalitions have started discussing and planning their activities months ago. They are working on alternatives to the G8 agenda, on specific conferences and events and other activities against the Club of the Rich and Powerful of this world.
We need to plan and act together!
Past protests against G8 Summits were most successful when we managed to combine the diversity of political movements and the colourful multiplicity of different forms of action, without losing sight of the identities and interests of individual organisations and movements. This realisation was the main message of the first Action Conference in Rostock, which gathered 300 activists from all kinds of G8 protests and activities in March 2006. During this conference and at other meetings (e. g. The G8 NGO-Platform or the dissent+X coalition) a general framework of activities in June 2007 was agreed: a major rally, a Countersummit, blockades and other acts of civil disobedience and a series of conferences in the run-up to G8 2007 show the diversity of the G8-protest and are being developed in various working groups and coalitions.
The Task of „Rostock II“
The second international Action Conference from November 10 to 12, 2006 will:
widen the circle of groups organisations and movements
mobilise on an international level, by inviting activists and networks from other countries to participate. The whole conference will be held in both German and English and the plenary sessions will be translated simultaneously.
ask all groups, organisations and individuals what are their main reasons to participate in G8 protests, their demands and focal points.
interlink the answers to these questions in order to find interfaces for joint action.
create space for local and regional networking, to facilitate the emergence of new coalitions and initiatives against G8 in more and more places – under the motto: „think globally act locally“.
continue the exchange of opinions and ideas in order to come to an agreement about the different plans and acitivities and the general plan of action.
Create your own Space!
A central goal of the conference is to facilitate a transparent and open discussion of all activities that are to take place in 2007 in order to create space for active participation. The conference will be a success if activists from all over the world with different backgrounds make it their conference, if they participate with their ideas and ideals and communicate in a way that leads towards common visions.
The G8 summit is only a few months away. Let's make good use of this time! Let's make sure that not only the voices of those who rule the world are heard in Heiligendamm but also the voices of a strong and diverse movement for a different world!
Saturday, 11.11.2006:
9.30 a.m.
First plenary
Mobilisation in different countries and movements, presentation of project and actions, discussion about what should be the outcome of the conference
12.00 a.m.
Lunch break
1.00 p.m.
First workshop session „Networking
Workshops on regional and thematic networks. Simultaneously: thematic workshops, and „walk-through“-action in Heiligendamm
3.30 p.m.
4.00 p.m.
Second workshop session „Modules“
Workshops for planning specific modules of mobilisation: International Rally, Alternative Summit, Camp, Cultural Events, Blockades. Simultaneously: thematic workshops
6.30 p.m.
7.30 p.m.
Presentation and discussion of the results reached by the working groups fo the different modules. Discussion of the general plan of action for G8-activities („choreography“) in 2007 and a joint message of the conference.
Sunday, 12.11.2006
9.30 a.m.
Continuation of workshop session „Modules“
Results-oriented discussion of common elements of G8-protests.
10.30 a.m.
Closing plenary
Final discussion of the plan of action and joint message of the conference.
12.00 a.m.
Continuation of workshop session „Networking“
Specific plans and arrangements
1.30 p.m.
End of conference and departure
Shuttle service to anti-nuclear („Anti-Castor“) activities in the Wendland for 10€. Info & registration:
How to get there ?
a) Take a train to Rostock Main Station.
b) From there go with the "S-Bahn" (direction "Warnemünde") to the station "Lüttenklein".
c) Now it's about 500 meters walk to the sports hall, where you find the registration.
The "S-Bahn" goes every 15 minutes. The Main Station is also the starting and ending point of the antiracist rally on Friday afternoon.
To see a detailed, zoomable map, go here:
To register (important!), go here:
For more information, see here: or email:
Or, as ever, see:
International Action Conference "Rostock II"
Preparatory Meeting for the Protests against the G8-summit 2007 in Heiligendamm
The next G8 Summit will take place between June 6 and 8 2007 in the tiny seaside resort of Heiligendamm on the Baltic Coast near the city of Rostock. In 2007 Germany will have the presidency of the yearly meeting of the eight heads of state from Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Japan, Russia, Canada and the USA. The G8 summits are important nodes in the institutional network of the current world order and the political agenda that is agreed at these meetings leads to increased poverty, debt, environmental damage, wars and the dismantling of social and democratic rights.
The Protests are taking shape...
Not only the powers that be are preparing for the 2007 G8-Summit in Heiligendamm: nongovernmental organisations, environmental federations, left-wing and anti-racist networks, unions, political parties and local G8-coalitions have started discussing and planning their activities months ago. They are working on alternatives to the G8 agenda, on specific conferences and events and other activities against the Club of the Rich and Powerful of this world.
We need to plan and act together!
Past protests against G8 Summits were most successful when we managed to combine the diversity of political movements and the colourful multiplicity of different forms of action, without losing sight of the identities and interests of individual organisations and movements. This realisation was the main message of the first Action Conference in Rostock, which gathered 300 activists from all kinds of G8 protests and activities in March 2006. During this conference and at other meetings (e. g. The G8 NGO-Platform or the dissent+X coalition) a general framework of activities in June 2007 was agreed: a major rally, a Countersummit, blockades and other acts of civil disobedience and a series of conferences in the run-up to G8 2007 show the diversity of the G8-protest and are being developed in various working groups and coalitions.
The Task of „Rostock II“
The second international Action Conference from November 10 to 12, 2006 will:
widen the circle of groups organisations and movements
mobilise on an international level, by inviting activists and networks from other countries to participate. The whole conference will be held in both German and English and the plenary sessions will be translated simultaneously.
ask all groups, organisations and individuals what are their main reasons to participate in G8 protests, their demands and focal points.
interlink the answers to these questions in order to find interfaces for joint action.
create space for local and regional networking, to facilitate the emergence of new coalitions and initiatives against G8 in more and more places – under the motto: „think globally act locally“.
continue the exchange of opinions and ideas in order to come to an agreement about the different plans and acitivities and the general plan of action.
Create your own Space!
A central goal of the conference is to facilitate a transparent and open discussion of all activities that are to take place in 2007 in order to create space for active participation. The conference will be a success if activists from all over the world with different backgrounds make it their conference, if they participate with their ideas and ideals and communicate in a way that leads towards common visions.
The G8 summit is only a few months away. Let's make good use of this time! Let's make sure that not only the voices of those who rule the world are heard in Heiligendamm but also the voices of a strong and diverse movement for a different world!
Saturday, 11.11.2006:
9.30 a.m.
First plenary
Mobilisation in different countries and movements, presentation of project and actions, discussion about what should be the outcome of the conference
12.00 a.m.
Lunch break
1.00 p.m.
First workshop session „Networking
Workshops on regional and thematic networks. Simultaneously: thematic workshops, and „walk-through“-action in Heiligendamm
3.30 p.m.
4.00 p.m.
Second workshop session „Modules“
Workshops for planning specific modules of mobilisation: International Rally, Alternative Summit, Camp, Cultural Events, Blockades. Simultaneously: thematic workshops
6.30 p.m.
7.30 p.m.
Presentation and discussion of the results reached by the working groups fo the different modules. Discussion of the general plan of action for G8-activities („choreography“) in 2007 and a joint message of the conference.
Sunday, 12.11.2006
9.30 a.m.
Continuation of workshop session „Modules“
Results-oriented discussion of common elements of G8-protests.
10.30 a.m.
Closing plenary
Final discussion of the plan of action and joint message of the conference.
12.00 a.m.
Continuation of workshop session „Networking“
Specific plans and arrangements
1.30 p.m.
End of conference and departure
Shuttle service to anti-nuclear („Anti-Castor“) activities in the Wendland for 10€. Info & registration:
How to get there ?
a) Take a train to Rostock Main Station.
b) From there go with the "S-Bahn" (direction "Warnemünde") to the station "Lüttenklein".
c) Now it's about 500 meters walk to the sports hall, where you find the registration.
The "S-Bahn" goes every 15 minutes. The Main Station is also the starting and ending point of the antiracist rally on Friday afternoon.
To see a detailed, zoomable map, go here:

To register (important!), go here:

For more information, see here:

Or, as ever, see: