video of brad - indymedia volunteer shot dead
luna | 29.10.2006 06:51 | Globalisation | Social Struggles | Zapatista
hi, here is the last video that brad took. beware, especially for those who knew him, that he was holding the video camera before and when he was murdered.
ther will be a meeting in amsterdam later today to discuss the situation. see previous posts
don't complain. organise.
hola. aqui esta la ultima cinta q filmo el brad en oaxaca, les advertimos, especialmente a lxs compas q lo conocieron, we el murio asesinado con la camara en la mano.
habra una asamblea en amsterdam hoy doming a la 1 de la tarde para discutir la situacion en oaxacay la muerte uno de nosotrxs.
no nos quejemos, organicemonos.
here a message from a compa that knew him from indybrasil. original at
In the afternoon of this friday, 27th of October, we receive with a lot of sadness the news of the death of our companion Brad Will.
i met brad at some stage in 2002 during the global resistance movilisations. brad had been evicted from an occupation in Nove Iorque sued the cops and with the money he recieved went on a long trip around latin america.
After this trip in 2002 there would be others, closely following important events in the continent in these last years. The mobilisation against multilateral organisms in Fortaleza and Quito, the resistance of the movement of the homeless in Goiania; the mobilisations of the Aymara in El Alto, Bolivia, the road blocks and the popular assemblies in Argentina, and finally the Oaxaca Commune, Mexico.
Brad was chasing the history of our continent, and his death, apparently by the paramilitary forces that were repressing the commune, is a painful injustice. Every death appears unexplainable for the ones that remain, but the death of a young person, being assassinated and dying for one's beliefs in specially unforgivable.
the death of Brad doesn't stop being worthy of the choices he undertook. Brad died trying to show the world what the mass media doesn't show. he died supporting the compañeros of Oaxaca who have been building a direct democracy. he died in Latin america which is where his hope was. If he had chosen a place, a cause and an circumstance, he would possibly have chosen to die like this: in Oaxaca, in Latin America, in the defense of a revolutionary process and with a camera in one of his hands.
greetings, comarade, greetings!
ther will be a meeting in amsterdam later today to discuss the situation. see previous posts
don't complain. organise.

hola. aqui esta la ultima cinta q filmo el brad en oaxaca, les advertimos, especialmente a lxs compas q lo conocieron, we el murio asesinado con la camara en la mano.
habra una asamblea en amsterdam hoy doming a la 1 de la tarde para discutir la situacion en oaxacay la muerte uno de nosotrxs.
no nos quejemos, organicemonos.

here a message from a compa that knew him from indybrasil. original at

In the afternoon of this friday, 27th of October, we receive with a lot of sadness the news of the death of our companion Brad Will.
i met brad at some stage in 2002 during the global resistance movilisations. brad had been evicted from an occupation in Nove Iorque sued the cops and with the money he recieved went on a long trip around latin america.
After this trip in 2002 there would be others, closely following important events in the continent in these last years. The mobilisation against multilateral organisms in Fortaleza and Quito, the resistance of the movement of the homeless in Goiania; the mobilisations of the Aymara in El Alto, Bolivia, the road blocks and the popular assemblies in Argentina, and finally the Oaxaca Commune, Mexico.
Brad was chasing the history of our continent, and his death, apparently by the paramilitary forces that were repressing the commune, is a painful injustice. Every death appears unexplainable for the ones that remain, but the death of a young person, being assassinated and dying for one's beliefs in specially unforgivable.
the death of Brad doesn't stop being worthy of the choices he undertook. Brad died trying to show the world what the mass media doesn't show. he died supporting the compañeros of Oaxaca who have been building a direct democracy. he died in Latin america which is where his hope was. If he had chosen a place, a cause and an circumstance, he would possibly have chosen to die like this: in Oaxaca, in Latin America, in the defense of a revolutionary process and with a camera in one of his hands.
greetings, comarade, greetings!
bittorrent file now available
29.10.2006 11:23
the bittorrent file of the video is now available at - please download and share!!

30.10.2006 09:10
Protest in front of the Mexican Embassy in London
29.10.2006 23:41
An International appeal has been made to demonstrate against the repression to the OAXACA workers and its population by the army.
Please circulate it and try to attend.
Meeting point: Monday 30th October, at 5pm in front of the Mexican Embassy in London
Mexican Embassy to the United Kingdom
16 St. George Street
Hanover Sq.
London W1S 1LX
Nearest Tubes:
Oxford Circus, Bond Street
29.10.2006 23:41
An International appeal has been made to demonstrate against the repression to the OAXACA workers and its population by the army.
Please circulate it and try to attend.
Meeting point: Monday 30th October, at 5pm in front of the Mexican Embassy in London
Mexican Embassy to the United Kingdom
16 St. George Street
Hanover Sq.
London W1S 1LX
Nearest Tubes:
Oxford Circus, Bond Street
my name