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7th of July its Peace Day

04-07-2006 21:34

International Sufi School holds Peace Day on anniversary of London suicide bombings.

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A Road to the Future - International Brigade visit to Nepal

04-07-2006 17:28

I have recently returned from Nepal, where I had visited as a member of the Second International Road-Building Brigade.

We were in Nepal for three weeks during April 2006, at the height of the People's Movement. Our experience included the general strike, the daily protests in medium sized cities where there were no other westerners, and a visit to a Maoist held "liberated base area". Indeed, from the beginning we aimed to get to this base area but were held up because there were no vehicles on the roads during the strike. In the end, we cycled 150kms and then walked into the mountains to reach our destination.

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Liverpool Culture Fiasco

04-07-2006 17:20

Robyn Archer has resigned as artistic director of the Liverpool Culture Company - who are responsible for organising the city's Capital of Culture celebrations in 2008.

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04-07-2006 16:38

All charges against the two arrested have been dropped:

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EU votes to curb airlines over climate change.

04-07-2006 16:30

The EU Parliament today voted to accept the proposals by Green MEP Dr Caroline Lucas to help climate change by limiting aircraft emissions etc....

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Palestine Today

04-07-2006 16:19

Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media centre, for Tuesday July 4th, 2006

Israel rejects ultimatum, resistance closes discussion over captured soldier while in the West Bank the army invasions and arrests continue.

These stories and more coming up stay tuned.

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J B Spray Building Occupied / Evicted / Reoccupied

04-07-2006 15:16

the supposed owner
On Wednesday 28th June the J B Spray building in Radford was squatted. It was illegally evicted by the police on Friday 30th June and reoccupied on Saturday 1st July. A new squat is born in Squattingham!

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This Month's 'News Not Profit' from Liverpool

04-07-2006 14:21

Read all about it! Smithdown Against Demolition, Walmart, Flyposting, Jerry Springer and much much more.

More content than the Echo and infinitely cheaper! Print up and distribute!

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Bush, Eugenics and Population Control

04-07-2006 13:42

Eugenics (Greek for 'good birth') is the study of methods to improve the human race by controlled selective breeding - bolstered by its concomitant term 'population control'.

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Appeal for witnesses/video/pictures - anarchist bookfair 05

04-07-2006 12:52

This is an important appeal for witnesses, video and photographic evidence! Please help if possible!

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US Independence Day protest occupation of top secret nuclear bunker in the UK

04-07-2006 10:07

Peace campaigners today carried out an audacious occupation at a top secret United States Navy nuclear command bunker to protest against the continuing occupation of Iraq on July 4th – US Independence Day.

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July 4th 2006: Lady Liberty, America & her Fleeting Visions

04-07-2006 09:44

One of the best writers, observing the fast deterioration, the horrible change and slow death of 'Lady Liberty', is American author and artist Jim Kirwan.

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Genocidal or Great Britain?

04-07-2006 09:38

All God's children - small and great!

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Attack on BNP

04-07-2006 09:15

Home of Yorkshire BNP man Chris Beverley attacked.

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Australian government escalates its military involvement in Iraq

04-07-2006 05:26

“Coalition of the Willing”
In other words, Labor differences with Howard are purely tactical. It believes that the “national interest”—that is, the interests of the Australian corporate establishment—would be better served by concentrating military activities in the region, where substantial oil, gas and other strategic interests are at stake.

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Sick ALP hypocrisy

03-07-2006 23:20

The democratic socialist parties of the UK, USA and Au look sick - this could be terminal.

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Palestine Today

03-07-2006 18:59

Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media centre, for Monday, July 3rd 2006

News from Gaza as the situation intensifies, Israeli Army invade Nablus and damages the fire station, dairy products factory headquarters, and local TV station, Army arrests three residents from Iskaka village, invades the West Bank cities of Jenin and Tulkarem

These stories and more coming up. Stay tuned

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Internet TV Revolution

03-07-2006 18:50

Join a BETA test of the Internet TV Revolution.

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Camp Inski - Anti-G8-Camping at the Baltic Sea

03-07-2006 16:03

For global social rights and an entirely different entirety!

August 4-13th 2006
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