Appeal for witnesses/video/pictures - anarchist bookfair 05
rasputin | 04.07.2006 12:52 | Repression | London
This is an important appeal for witnesses, video and photographic evidence! Please help if possible!
We are urgently looking for anyone who witnessed our friends arrest during the attack by riot police after the Anarchist Bookfair, October 2005 in Holloway Road. He is a big bloke, shaved head with a black beard, most likely wearing combats and a black or olive t-shirt, and maybe a body-warmer. During the scuffle with police he tried to help a women up who had been knocked down, and the Police jumped him. He was calm during arrest and offered no resistance, and was led away into a van and held at Angel/Islington nick with the other arrestees. Further detail can be provided if you even think you might have seen this.
Likewise, if you remember seeing ANY of the arrests, or have got ANY video or photo's from the night PLEASE step forward!
A report of the night is at the following link:
If you think you can help please get in touch with us (confidentialy if you like), we will pass on whatever you can offer to the lawyers. Thanks!!!
In Solidarity,
Rage Collective.
Likewise, if you remember seeing ANY of the arrests, or have got ANY video or photo's from the night PLEASE step forward!
A report of the night is at the following link:

If you think you can help please get in touch with us (confidentialy if you like), we will pass on whatever you can offer to the lawyers. Thanks!!!
In Solidarity,
Rage Collective.
