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UK Newswire Archive

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Developing countries win WTO battle for cheaper drugs

12-11-2001 22:10

Today's draft text on TRIPS and public health called for adequate flexibility for countries to provide drugs at affordable prices, reports Noor Mohammad

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Stalemate at Doha: India says no to new round of negotiations

12-11-2001 22:08

The WTO ministerial meeting is making little progress, with India and some other developing countries refusing to budge,
says Noor Mohammad

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Another Manchester anti-WTO action

12-11-2001 16:22

Another day, another action against the WTO
Manchester activist do some creative filing once again

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Greedy Fatass Banker stole £1.75($2.5) Million

12-11-2001 15:51

Bragged of spending thousands in her lunch break.

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12-11-2001 15:34

Eddie Hatcher is a Political Prisoner in North Carolina, in his latest case he was
framed for murder and nearly recived the electric chair ,allthough he did not recive
the DP he was framed up and thrown in jail with a long sentence.

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War in West Papua

12-11-2001 15:30

War in West Papua
West Papua independence leader murdered causing rioting and state of emergency in West Papua

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Plane crasehed into New York

12-11-2001 14:50

A plane has crashed into the Queens borough of New York, although no suggestion it is a terrorist attack.

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Cork anti war demonstration

12-11-2001 14:50

Cork anti war demo 10/11/01

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Pakistan fears US is dividing Afghanistan

12-11-2001 13:38

Former army chief Gen Mirza Aslam Beg today charged the US with planning to divide Afghanistan on the lines of East Timor and said the fall of Mazar-e-Sharif and military gains made by Northern Alliance forces were detrimental to Pakistan's interests.

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Trade Union Rights And Access to Medicines

12-11-2001 13:32

International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (Brussels)
November 8, 2001

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US Puts Pressure On Museveni Over Drugs

12-11-2001 13:22

The United States is pressurizing Uganda to drop its opposition against World Trade Organisation rules that deny the poor access to AIDS drugs.

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"Listen to Inventors, Not Activists" - Bibek Debroy, Business Day, Johannesburg

12-11-2001 13:14

ACTIVISTS at this weeks' World Trade Organisation (WTO) ministerial in Qatar are demanding that governments weaken protection of patents on "essential" medicines. Although their proposals no doubt spring from a desire to do good, the unintended consequences could be very harmful and would far outweigh any benefits. Those concerned about access to medicines should focus on liberalising government licensing, not weakening patent protection.

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Backyard terrorism

12-11-2001 12:38

The US has been training terrorists at a camp in Georgia for years - and it's still at it

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Italy now fight

12-11-2001 10:02

Italy now fight against war and wto

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Northern Alliance

12-11-2001 08:34

Who are the generals of the Northern Alliance?
They are not better than Taliban!

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BBC Talking point, Palestine and terrorism

12-11-2001 03:53

BBC has overcome its apparent reluctance to discuss the connection between terrorism and Palestine with a brilliant 1 hour debate.

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Genocidal America

12-11-2001 02:54

From the concerns of Neil Postman to the recent awakening of Bill Joy, many modern writers have warned of the dis-ease and the havoc wrought by the willing enslavement to technology. But Phillip Slater's 1970 analysis of the American psychosis is shockingly relevant in the present context. Here is a compelling excerpt for Remembrance Day.

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2,500 March through Leicester against the war, Nov 10th

12-11-2001 02:40

2,500 people marched through Leicester yesterday in protest against the ongoing war. Police imposed a route on the march.

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UK: National Anti-War Demonstration in London Nov 18

12-11-2001 02:17

UK: National Anti-War Demonstration in London Nov 18
Demonstration: Sunday, 18th November, Central London. Assemble 12 noon in Hyde Park.

Called by Stop the War Coalition. For more information:

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Germany: nuclear waste train faces mass protests

12-11-2001 01:33

Germany: nuclear waste train faces mass protests
Anti-nuclear protesters have staged blockades along the route a shipment of radioactive waste will take today to a long-disputed dump in Gorleben (northern Germany). The nuclear waste carried in ‘CASTOR’ containers (cask for storage and transportation of radioactive waste) left the French nuclear plant at La Hague at 7.30PM Central European Time on Sunday.
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