UK Newswire Archive
British embassy bombing: cameras fail again
09-05-2005 02:52
once again, the video surveillance of public places is shown to be useless.Leak at Windscale / Sellafield
09-05-2005 00:53
It appears that a massive leak occured at Winscale / Sellafield on 20 April.Reviews media reporting of this event.
The new global techno-theocratic order as cultic steering device
09-05-2005 00:41
i beleive that the christian patriot alliance [the fellowship]are on a mission to program acceptance of the next World War into the
population. It will be a war against China [and other axis powers]
08-05-2005 23:38

The Jerusalem Post Smears American and British Critics of Zionist Israel
08-05-2005 23:34
Since Zionists cannot win with Truth and Reason, they resort to lies and name-calling.15 year old anarchist killed by police on mayday, Bogotá,Columbia
08-05-2005 21:48
News is circulating that yet another anarchist has died due to state repression on Mayday. Within hours of the Dublin anarchist picnic Nicolás David Neira Alvares was clubbed to the ground by up to eight police on the Bogota Mayday march and beaten on the head until he passed out. Police then prevented his comrades getting to him so it was some time before they could get him to hospital where he died earlier today.Baku-Ceyhan Pipeline about to be opened
08-05-2005 18:54
Within the next few weeks, oil from the Caspian will start flowing into a 1,762 kilometres long pipeline.The pipeline will run from Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, via near Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, and across eastern Turkey to the port of Ceyhan, on Turkey's Mediterranean coast.
The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline is being built by a consortium of companies led by energy giant BP.
Direct action:German army goes pink!!!
08-05-2005 15:34
Mai the 8th, 2005.60 years after Hitler - some german activists took action. They wanted to show that the danger of fascism will not be banned as long as capitalism and militarism is not banned. Therefore a watchtower and many vehicles of the german army (Bundeswehr) became pink over night...
All you ever wanted to know about G8
08-05-2005 14:44

New-Age Destroyers of the Temple Mount
08-05-2005 14:09

“Israel has no right to rule over any part of the holy land", "Authentic Rabbis always opposed Zionism and the State of Israel", "State of Israel does not represent world Jewry".
Downing Street Bouncers Must Throw Blair Out
08-05-2005 13:41
The fall out from the general election has raised only raised a few eyebrows (Gordon Browns). Never has a winner been so unwanted. The only way to appreciate mainstream national politics properly , is to join them in the Unreal World of the Westminister Bubble. To do this read one of the Sunday broadsheets, and go through the looking glass. So put yourself in that far away irrelevent world of Westminister for a few minutes – for comment on general Election wind-up or hangover, read on – otherwise ignore and remain safely, and no less wiser, in reality.lock glueing against general election
08-05-2005 13:32
on the eve of the general election, locks in leeds were glued up with quick metal to help sabotage the democratic system.Hampshire - animal rights man jailed
08-05-2005 13:30
On Friday 29th April, animal rights activist Keith Mann was sentenced to 6 months for contempt of court, just after receiving a 230 hours community punishment order for a raid on Wickham Laboratories in Hampshire on 13 December 2003.Levellers Day Commemoration, Saturday 14 May 2005
08-05-2005 11:26

Anti-G8 Mobilising from Merseyside
08-05-2005 11:22
Anti-G8 meeting 7pm Casa, Hope St. this Tuesday!Regeneration or social cleansing?
08-05-2005 09:41
The community must be moved at all costs even if it involves violence. The service providers are supposed to provide the services, but instead they subjugate and oppress the community so that outside vested interests can impose their agendas onto the communityWireless World: Bomb detection wirelessly
08-05-2005 01:05
A story about stopping terrorists in their tracks.Nottinghamshire Indymedia IMC Exhibition pages
07-05-2005 23:56