The new global techno-theocratic order as cultic steering device
paul c | 09.05.2005 00:41 | Analysis
i beleive that the christian patriot alliance [the fellowship]
are on a mission to program acceptance of the next World War into the
population. It will be a war against China [and other axis powers]
are on a mission to program acceptance of the next World War into the
population. It will be a war against China [and other axis powers]
There has been a shift in extreme right wing hate sites ( such as final conflict ) towards using the term 'NEW WORLD ORDER' in order to justify their racist ideology - DO NOT BE FOOLED by those who use this term for their own ends...
Note: keep an eye out for posters/stickers in your area with reference to ''...they are NAZIS...BE AWARE OF THESE SCUMBAGS...AND THEIR MESSAGE...
Now, racism exists of all kinds even as right wing Isreali Likud party and the U.S Pentagon Hawks use it as an excuse to accuse anyone of it who critisises their nutty 'totalistic' doctrine of geo-political real politik-
[The War On Terror]
and state terror tactics-
[the dire situation in Palastine which is currently gaining momentum worldwide]
ask yourself what the agenda is of these NAZI fanatics...
Sometimes they support the anti-globalists for Nationalistic reasons...
Sometimes they attack anti-globalists as 'RED COMMIES'
Sometimes they support Palastinian / Arabic militancy for Anti-Semitic reasons...
Sometimes they attack Muslims for their 'treatment of women'...
Learn how to spot their HYPOCRICY
They seek to DIVIDE and RULE by fear, hatred and confusion...
They want a RACE WAR...and a POLICE STATE- as long as they are in charge...
Many of these these websites pretend to be politically astute... by preaching free-speech polemics...IE that 'strength' of opinion is a good thing
there is a fine line between personality, opinion, cult, totalism, propaganda, behavior management and mind control
This is NOT liberal fairness or free speech - it IS hate promotion AWARE!
"If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all." -Noam Chomsky
...I guess this also means that i'm free to express my freedom in the form of distaste for Pyramid scheme scamsters / extreme Nationalists / and Christian Dominionist Nutjobs ...who wish not only to make a profit out of Suffering and murder, but manipulate the emotions of guilt and fear by preying on the weak...
the members of Remnant Saint Inter-Continental Congress
all seem to represent their own field, we have Chemtrails, Aids-Pharma, Reverse speech, MK Ultra mind control, as well as Alex Jones' version of New World Order awareness, which seeks to indoctrinate militia / patriotism / xenophobia via his numerous websites and Syndicated Radio show
We can see the anti-communism inherent in the Mcarthy era, rebranded as anti-collectivism, seemingly without any irony:
How can people join a collective which fights collectivism?!!! ALL militant groups / political pressure groups-activist who are founded upon a consensus are a collective
So if the Remnant Saint Inter-Continental Congress are anti-collectivist, they are anti-consensus, which would imply that their principles are formed via Diktat... Dogma
IE: Fascism
And I was under the impression that Alex Jones, Dr Len Horowitz, Cathy & Mark O'Brien et al... were against a one world government...
Alex Jones is an HONORARY MEMBER of Remnant Saints..
Using several truths to hide mis-direction using emotive string pulling... rfid... NWO elite ... he then carefully pulls out the border control - Mexicans/Asians/others destroying sovereignty. In this example both Alex Jones and Jeff Rense in conversation... seem to think ALL foreigners are spies!
listen here - mms:// to two people who use fear of the police state... for their own Neo-Nationalist purposes The mis-trust of Foreigners!!!
Paul Joseph Watson - British webmaster of 'Propaganda Matrix' based in Sheffield UK- Has strong links to Alex Jones and links via prominent Banner Advertisements to the Northern Voice Bookstore
While its true that strange bedfellows often lie together, should we really trust the motives of the ' webmasters' who affiliate and reciprically links with Extremist American Nationalism in exactly the same way 'Stormfront' does???
In this comment on his blog,
Watson seems to confirm his links to
Neo-Nationalist sites is a willing one:
"...several people said that there were too many banner ads and they were too flashy and impeded concentration. I did remove the unnecessary ones and toned down the others. However, I don't believe I am 'selling out' by taking money for ads which I think my visitors may be interested in - I am a free market capitalist, not a communist. " - Paul J Watson
Of course it is also a possibility that NAZI websites pay 'conspiracy' sites a shitload of cash...which enables the site to exist...It also might be the case that such patronage / sponsorship is itself a Government / Elite based COINTELL operation designed to discredit 'dissenting voices'
Fintan Dunne of Break 4 news compiled a show criticising the 911 movements lurch to the right...
especailly those from WING TV
Victor Thorn & Lisa Gulianis apparent support of Neo christian militia member Rick Stanley
and Micheal Rivero of ''
wing TV responded to Fintan Dunne:
We are not focusing on just the Christians or just the Patriots, or solely the left or only the right. We want to unite ALL Americans against our common enemy. It's a pretty simple concept. What exactly is wrong with uniting 'Patriots' with those on the 'left'? America is comprised of many various groups, isn't it? And yes, we have extended an olive branch to Alex Jones in order to move beyond those issues upon which we've disagreed in the past in order to focus on more important matters. We must become a larger, more cohesive force if we're to save our country - another concept that is easy to comprehend. We cannot do this if we continue to be divided. Victor and I seek to accomplish the very same thing with Rick Stanley, Amy Goodman, Michael Rivero, Jeff Rense, George Noory, and even Fintan Dunne. What could possibly be wrong with this?
Dunne's assertions are regrettably off-base. Our acquaintance and friendship with Rick Stanley is well-known and long-standing. So what, Fintan? What's your point? Our "ties" to Stanley did not just "suddenly" arise, as many other informed people are well-aware. Where have you been, Fintan, and why do you have a problem with unifying the entire country? Is it better that we remain split, fragmented, and ineffective? I wish I had counted how many times he used the words "left" and "right" in his monologue. Talk about "skin'deep" analysis. Get beyond this false right-left paradigm, Fintan
So...Wing TV accuse Fintan Dunne of not getting over the left right paradigm...
What about the Religious/Patriot Paradigm???
"The driving force behind my political writing is fairly simple - I see this country being deliberately undermined by hidden forces that have seized control of our government by nefarious means, and thus use it to further promote their Globalist agenda. These shadowy figures, who I've labeled the Controllers, don't operate with our best interests in mind, but instead their own. Thus, the only hope we have left of saving this nation is to expose them in a dramatic way, then eradicate them as quickly as possible. " Victor Thorn
Just how different is this opinion to that of Alex Jones' Patriot/NWO paradigm?
and this weird mixture of Red menace and NWO
"We listened as speakers at Penn State were shouting their opposition to a war in Iraq, but what they failed to understand is that this is the most important area of the world right now. The Controllers - architects for the New World Order - have pinpointed the Middle East and Eurasia as the most valuable real estate on the globe because of its oil and raw materials. If the United States doesn't take this land - or, should we say the "Controllers" - somebody else IS going to. It won't sit there forever unclaimed.
If China perceives that America is going to let that area be, they'll turn around and invade it. China undoubtedly has the fastest growing economy in the world, and if we sit back and do nothing, what if they say in a year or two, "We don't like Saddam Hussein, so WE'RE going to be the ones to invade." What people need to understand is that China doesn't do things the way Americans do. They don't mess around. Look at what they did in Tiananmen Square. They massacred the student protestors without batting an eye. That's the same thing they'd do in the Middle East. They won't sit around waiting for public opinion polls. They're going to roll in and take over. Then who will control the Middle East? Is it going to be a bunch of independent countries with nobody-dictators like Saddam Hussein? No. It's going to be China. Then what if they say: "We're no longer going to export oil to the United States." That single decision would cripple us almost immediately. "
Quote: "That single decision would cripple us almost immediately"
- Who or what is US???
Is this actually anti-'Eurasian' sentiment masked as Anti-NWO rhetoric?
How can such an assertion be made ? [that their are controllers above the level of 'Nation states']
...and still appear to beleive that 'China' is a threat to 'America'???
i'll explain:
...If we ASSUME that there is a shadowy cabal contolling the entire planet. Is it not beyond the intelligence of these people,
to see that 'RELIGION' & 'COUNTRIES' are in fact a MYTH? A social construct?
A tool which has been useful over THOUSANDS OF YEARS to control the masses into OBEDIENCE?
It appears that these people haven't been reading their own material!
The Masonic/occultic structure & symbolism evident in modern society as 'architecture' is an acknowledgement
of the tradition of unaccountable, unelected power asserted geographically as 'empire' & 'civilisation'...
Indeed the core values of the illuminati are one of a secretive hoarding of knowledge, seen as 'enlightenment'.
This knowledge enables the top-down command and control of humans via a built societal structure...
otherwise known as social engineering.
'Masons' help build Society as an architecture. Religion is another aspect, one of behavioral control
via moral codes handed down via a myth of 'tradition' via a media [bible], which asserts - because
something is old - it means it is 'right'.
my own opinion is that evidence suggests that throughout the annals of time billions have unnecessarily died via wars because of these imposed 'orders' and the expansion of the 'civilisation' they promote.
Not very civilized, is it?
Flashback: Red Menace: Private Counter-subversion under Reagan
The main right-wing domestic intelligence-gathering networks that operated during the Reagan/Bush Administrations were the John Rees Information Digest network, and a more amorphous network of New Right groups around the Council for Inter-American Security, Young American's for Freedom, and the American Sentinel newsletter. Two other domestic intelligence operations were run by two cult leaders, the neo-fascist Lyndon LaRouche, and the theocratic authoritarian Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Dozens of smaller private right-wing spy operations operated freely during the 1980's.
So ...Is ALL conspiracy Bullshit?
what can be called bona fide information? Which elements of this operation are pure distraction?
Scalar Weapons? HAARP? Chemtrails? Weather Modification? Bohemian Grove? AIDS inc.? The Cancer Industry?
Are all of these [and many more] 'conspiracy theories' just a steering exercise?
Are these scare stories remnants from a cold war operation implemented by the same
whakos that bought us the Project for the New American century?
Or is there an active program in place which presents certain truths, but also Neuro-linguistically
programs a politically useful 'Global Theocracy' as part of the deal? Is this alliegance to such
religious dogma itself an exercise to discredit the hard work of many activists who seek to expose top level secrecy?
Is it just the category of 'conspiracy' which is steered?
it is apparent within New age culture, Science fiction, and ALL corporate owned and directed popular culture.
Nelson Thall is otherwise known as Lenny Bloom of Cloak & Dagger [the conspiracy site]
Watch this video of Nelson Thall of the Marshall Mcluhan institute as he describes how the
new 'internetopolis' has reclaimed the X Generation...and how Advertisements are 'good
news' while Newsmedia presents 'bad news' as the balance. He suggests that this paradigm
essentially steers our identity
What goes on at Bilderberg?
It is important at the outset to distinguish the active, on-going membership from the various people who are occasionally invited to attend. Many of those invited to come along, perhaps to report on matters pertaining to their expertise, have little idea there is a formally constituted group at all, let alone one with its own grand agenda. Hence the rather dismissive remarks by people like sixties media guru Marshall McLuhan, who attended a Bilderberg meeting in 1969 in Denmark, that he was 'nearly suffocated at the banality and irrelevance,' describing them as 'uniformly nineteenth century minds pretending to relate to the twentieth century'.
Derrick De Kerckhove
De Kerckhove is Director of the McLuhan Program in Culture & Technology
"...While scientists and technocrats are busy looking to perfect our bodies and our minds according to the old model of the renaissance man, our daily technologies are changing us insidiously in a manner that will soon be unrecognizable to obsolete scientific paradigms. The scientific image of the human is that of a perfect machine with replaceable parts. In genetic engineering, the image is only slightly improved. The machine can build itself according to specifications only if you know how to modify the programming. The future of health and fitness lies in the concept embodied by the replicant in Bladerunner. The vicious circle is easy to predict: techno-science will build scientifically balanced organisms to perform scientifically calculated operations to perfection. The computer made flesh. There is no soul to this machine because there is no room for anything but an operational self in the scientific/robotic vision of this being. We certainly need a Babelian catastrophe to avoid that destiny, if it is indeed the direction we are going. ..."- Derrick De Kerckhove
Derrick De Kerckhove is a member of the The Club of Rome
as were Averill Harriman [eugenics founder & Nazi funder]
Cardinal Joseph Rettinger [ the black pope]
David Rockefeller [big cheese]
initial membership list of the club of rome
David Rockefeller [big cheese]
"Today it might be argued that television has superseded the newspaper as the primary creator of public opinion. Naturally, the Rockefellers have reached for control of the tube. William S. Paley, chairman of the board of CBS, is a CFR member as well as a trustee of the Ford Foundation. CBS has over 200 TV and 255 radio affiliates nationwide. CBS's president, Arthur Taylor, and Michael O'Neill of CBS publications are both members of the CFR. The former president of CBS was Dr. Frank Stanton (CFR), who is also a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Institution. CBS directors who are CFR members include Roswell Gilpatrick, Courtney Brown, Henry Schacht, and William Burden. CBS (sometimes referred to as the Conspiracy Brainwashing System) newsmen who are CFR members include Charles C. Collingwood , Richard C. Hottelet, Marvin Kalb, Larry LeSueur, and Daniel Schorr.*
The Rockefeller Mediacracy by Gary Allen
The internet is no exception
The Club of Rome
and its financiers under the title of the German Marshall Fund were two highly-organized conspiratorial bodies operating under cover of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and that the majority of Club of Rome executives were drawn from NATO. The Club of Rome formulated all of what NATO claimed as its policies and, through the activities of Committee of 300 member Lord Carrington, was able to split NATO into two factions, a political (left wing) power group and its former military alliance. The Club of Rome is still one of the most important foreign policy arms of the Committee of 300, and the other being the Bilderbergers. It was put together in 1968 from hard-core members of the original Morgenthau group on the basis of a telephone call made by the late Aurellio Peccei for a new and urgent drive to speed up the plans of the One World Government now called the New World Order. Peccei's call was answered by the most subversive "future planners" drawn from the United States, France, Sweden, Britain, Switzerland and Japan that could be mustered.
compare these two documents
declaration of the club of rome
The Club of Rome: Comments on Globalization
To a certain extent "globalization" is "westernization", at least until now. One might
call globalization the ultimate of the age of Enlightenment. The Enlightenment has
liberated forces leading to economy, technology (as a sequence of science),
individualism and pluralism. It is exactly this combination of creative forces which
has given shape and substance to the modern world
9-11 cultic steering committee
David Ray Griffin - theologian - writer of 'The New Pearl Harbor'
David Ray Griffin is the founder of the Center for a Postmodern World and Executive Director of the Center for Process Studies at the School of Theology at Claremont (1325 North College Ave., Claremont, CA 91711). He has written or edited numerous books and articles, and he serves as general editor for the SUNY Press series of books on constructive postmodern thought, which includes such intriguing titles as The Reenchantment of Science and Spirituality and Society: Postmodern Visions.
"Take the modern ideal of autonomy. Insofar as autonomy means "self-determination," it's a good thing. But it also got interpreted to mean "independence," in the sense of not being essentially related to our environment. We constructed a whole world view in which we said the basic elements in nature were atoms - particles that were essentially unrelated to each other. We saw the human self as essentially unrelated to other humans, to community, and even to the body. And to some extent, this world view came out of the notion that the divine reality of the universe was essentially independent from the world.
Now, one of my key notions is that there is a deep drive in us that we can call the imitatio dei - the desire to imitate deity, to create ourselves in the model or shape of what we understand to be the divine reality." -
Griffin attended the conference - Neuroscience, Religious Experience and the Self (Montreal 2001) giving a talk entitled:
Scientific Naturalism, the Mind/Body Relation, and Religious Experience
this conference was sponsored by
The Counterbalance Foundation
Counterbalance is a non-profit educational organization working to promote counterbalanced perspectives on complex issues. It is our hope that individuals, the academic community, and society as a whole will benefit from a struggle toward integrated and counterbalanced views.
Counterbalance provides design, consulting, and technical services. It is our intention to use our considerable experience in these areas to serve as a catalyst by.
Helping make existing multidisciplinary research work accessible to a wider audience, principally though the use of interactive technologies.
Helping collaboration within, and among research groups by providing on-line technology services, such as the shared Meta-Library and AutoReference tools.
We provide services to PBS Online, The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, the AAAS, The Metanexus Institute, Science and Religion Forum (UK), and others.
Counterbalance is funded by donations and the Adrian M. Wyard Charitable Trust.
As a theologian, one whos purpose it is to seek out and define the nature of belief, and one which sees Griffin exploring Neuroscience. What would David Ray Griffins motives be for writing a book on 9-11?
Is he really exploring the programming of belief mechanisms? The merging of Science and Religion?
David Gray / Adnan Kashoggi
Earlier this year, a controversy erupted over the participation of John Gray, "Ph. D" in the 9/11 Internation Inquiry held in Toronto. Gray is famous as a "relationship guru" and the author of "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" series. Researchers Michel Chossudovsky and Matthias Broeckers discovered an alarming connection between Gray and the notorious Iran-Contra conspirator and international con man Adnan Khashoggi. The latter had been deeply involved in running a spectacular stock scam through Genesis Intermedia, a company with which Gray had been associated for years and was a part owner.
The story of the Genesis Intermedia (GENI) affair and its aftermath are summed up in this article from Businessweek:
the controversy continued over the hugely-successful self-help guru's funding of the recent International Citizen's Inquiry into the 9/11 attack, even as he finds himself drawn in with his erstwhile partner in a growing financial scandal beginning to unspool in courtrooms across the country
It appears that drug and gun trafficking enable 'mind control '
based on the mechanism of menace/malice/addiction/compliance.
front universities and sham new age groups utilize the Cultic steering developed in the
MK program, to create a smokescreen and generate more money via the industry of 'mystery'....
These in turn cover real estate frauds, Pyramid schemes for CIA money laundering operations.
check this out: Dave Emory talking to Daniel Hopsicker - realaudio stream
Will the Real 'new world order' please stand up?
... it is starting to occur to this webmaster that Uber-capitalism IS The New World Religion,
one that has a basis in benefitting economically from the death, disaster, and suffering that
occur worldwide. This new religion, is a cultic steering device. A cognitive Dissonance of
Trauma induced operant conditioning. In other words, it is an industry which tries to capitilize
on the helplessness that those who aren't being directly brutalised feel in an ever more worrying world.
It is a force multiplier: instability creates fear. Fear creates the breeding ground.
It is similar to the mechanism of socially engineered injustice resulting in poverty, ghetto-isation,
jealousy, resentment, and Hatred, which helped the Fascists gain popular ground in the 1930's.
The new reconstructionist 'dominionist' Religious zealotry is utilizing Science. Education promoted
as doctrine becomes indoctrination, programming. From the cult of Neuro-linguistic Programming
to the notion that intelligence can be implanted.
The Internet is the major provider of this new belief programming.
It is a tool of a Global Techno-Theocracy.
and we..if we are not careful, are becoming a symptom of its control.
It is an operation to steer the dissent of alternative belief mechanisms, by creating a cult of neo-tribalism
behavior modification as a part of the fake war on terror:
The so-called global war on terrorism does not exist, a high-ranking army officer has declared in a speech that challenges the conventional political wisdom.
In a frank speech, Brigadier Justin Kelly dismissed several of the central tenets of the Iraq war and the war on terrorism, saying the "war" part is all about politics and terrorism is merely a tactic.
Brigadier Kelly said modern war could be defined as "conflict, using violent and non-violent means, between multiple actors and influences, competing for control over the perceptions, behaviour and allegiances of human population groups."
- information clearing house
i beleive that the christian patriot alliance [the fellowship]
are on a mission to program acceptance of the next World War into the
population. It will be a war against China [and other axis powers]
more detailed page containing much of the above and more
much love
Captain wardrobe
Note: keep an eye out for posters/stickers in your area with reference to ''...they are NAZIS...BE AWARE OF THESE SCUMBAGS...AND THEIR MESSAGE...
Now, racism exists of all kinds even as right wing Isreali Likud party and the U.S Pentagon Hawks use it as an excuse to accuse anyone of it who critisises their nutty 'totalistic' doctrine of geo-political real politik-
[The War On Terror]
and state terror tactics-
[the dire situation in Palastine which is currently gaining momentum worldwide]
ask yourself what the agenda is of these NAZI fanatics...
Sometimes they support the anti-globalists for Nationalistic reasons...
Sometimes they attack anti-globalists as 'RED COMMIES'
Sometimes they support Palastinian / Arabic militancy for Anti-Semitic reasons...
Sometimes they attack Muslims for their 'treatment of women'...
Learn how to spot their HYPOCRICY
They seek to DIVIDE and RULE by fear, hatred and confusion...
They want a RACE WAR...and a POLICE STATE- as long as they are in charge...
Many of these these websites pretend to be politically astute... by preaching free-speech polemics...IE that 'strength' of opinion is a good thing
there is a fine line between personality, opinion, cult, totalism, propaganda, behavior management and mind control
This is NOT liberal fairness or free speech - it IS hate promotion AWARE!
"If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all." -Noam Chomsky
...I guess this also means that i'm free to express my freedom in the form of distaste for Pyramid scheme scamsters / extreme Nationalists / and Christian Dominionist Nutjobs ...who wish not only to make a profit out of Suffering and murder, but manipulate the emotions of guilt and fear by preying on the weak...
the members of Remnant Saint Inter-Continental Congress

all seem to represent their own field, we have Chemtrails, Aids-Pharma, Reverse speech, MK Ultra mind control, as well as Alex Jones' version of New World Order awareness, which seeks to indoctrinate militia / patriotism / xenophobia via his numerous websites and Syndicated Radio show
We can see the anti-communism inherent in the Mcarthy era, rebranded as anti-collectivism, seemingly without any irony:
How can people join a collective which fights collectivism?!!! ALL militant groups / political pressure groups-activist who are founded upon a consensus are a collective
So if the Remnant Saint Inter-Continental Congress are anti-collectivist, they are anti-consensus, which would imply that their principles are formed via Diktat... Dogma
IE: Fascism
And I was under the impression that Alex Jones, Dr Len Horowitz, Cathy & Mark O'Brien et al... were against a one world government...
Alex Jones is an HONORARY MEMBER of Remnant Saints..
Using several truths to hide mis-direction using emotive string pulling... rfid... NWO elite ... he then carefully pulls out the border control - Mexicans/Asians/others destroying sovereignty. In this example both Alex Jones and Jeff Rense in conversation... seem to think ALL foreigners are spies!
listen here - mms:// to two people who use fear of the police state... for their own Neo-Nationalist purposes The mis-trust of Foreigners!!!

Paul Joseph Watson - British webmaster of 'Propaganda Matrix' based in Sheffield UK- Has strong links to Alex Jones and links via prominent Banner Advertisements to the Northern Voice Bookstore
While its true that strange bedfellows often lie together, should we really trust the motives of the ' webmasters' who affiliate and reciprically links with Extremist American Nationalism in exactly the same way 'Stormfront' does???
In this comment on his blog,
Watson seems to confirm his links to
Neo-Nationalist sites is a willing one:
"...several people said that there were too many banner ads and they were too flashy and impeded concentration. I did remove the unnecessary ones and toned down the others. However, I don't believe I am 'selling out' by taking money for ads which I think my visitors may be interested in - I am a free market capitalist, not a communist. " - Paul J Watson

Of course it is also a possibility that NAZI websites pay 'conspiracy' sites a shitload of cash...which enables the site to exist...It also might be the case that such patronage / sponsorship is itself a Government / Elite based COINTELL operation designed to discredit 'dissenting voices'
Fintan Dunne of Break 4 news compiled a show criticising the 911 movements lurch to the right...
especailly those from WING TV
Victor Thorn & Lisa Gulianis apparent support of Neo christian militia member Rick Stanley
and Micheal Rivero of ''

wing TV responded to Fintan Dunne:
We are not focusing on just the Christians or just the Patriots, or solely the left or only the right. We want to unite ALL Americans against our common enemy. It's a pretty simple concept. What exactly is wrong with uniting 'Patriots' with those on the 'left'? America is comprised of many various groups, isn't it? And yes, we have extended an olive branch to Alex Jones in order to move beyond those issues upon which we've disagreed in the past in order to focus on more important matters. We must become a larger, more cohesive force if we're to save our country - another concept that is easy to comprehend. We cannot do this if we continue to be divided. Victor and I seek to accomplish the very same thing with Rick Stanley, Amy Goodman, Michael Rivero, Jeff Rense, George Noory, and even Fintan Dunne. What could possibly be wrong with this?
Dunne's assertions are regrettably off-base. Our acquaintance and friendship with Rick Stanley is well-known and long-standing. So what, Fintan? What's your point? Our "ties" to Stanley did not just "suddenly" arise, as many other informed people are well-aware. Where have you been, Fintan, and why do you have a problem with unifying the entire country? Is it better that we remain split, fragmented, and ineffective? I wish I had counted how many times he used the words "left" and "right" in his monologue. Talk about "skin'deep" analysis. Get beyond this false right-left paradigm, Fintan

So...Wing TV accuse Fintan Dunne of not getting over the left right paradigm...
What about the Religious/Patriot Paradigm???
"The driving force behind my political writing is fairly simple - I see this country being deliberately undermined by hidden forces that have seized control of our government by nefarious means, and thus use it to further promote their Globalist agenda. These shadowy figures, who I've labeled the Controllers, don't operate with our best interests in mind, but instead their own. Thus, the only hope we have left of saving this nation is to expose them in a dramatic way, then eradicate them as quickly as possible. " Victor Thorn
Just how different is this opinion to that of Alex Jones' Patriot/NWO paradigm?
and this weird mixture of Red menace and NWO
"We listened as speakers at Penn State were shouting their opposition to a war in Iraq, but what they failed to understand is that this is the most important area of the world right now. The Controllers - architects for the New World Order - have pinpointed the Middle East and Eurasia as the most valuable real estate on the globe because of its oil and raw materials. If the United States doesn't take this land - or, should we say the "Controllers" - somebody else IS going to. It won't sit there forever unclaimed.
If China perceives that America is going to let that area be, they'll turn around and invade it. China undoubtedly has the fastest growing economy in the world, and if we sit back and do nothing, what if they say in a year or two, "We don't like Saddam Hussein, so WE'RE going to be the ones to invade." What people need to understand is that China doesn't do things the way Americans do. They don't mess around. Look at what they did in Tiananmen Square. They massacred the student protestors without batting an eye. That's the same thing they'd do in the Middle East. They won't sit around waiting for public opinion polls. They're going to roll in and take over. Then who will control the Middle East? Is it going to be a bunch of independent countries with nobody-dictators like Saddam Hussein? No. It's going to be China. Then what if they say: "We're no longer going to export oil to the United States." That single decision would cripple us almost immediately. "

Quote: "That single decision would cripple us almost immediately"
- Who or what is US???
Is this actually anti-'Eurasian' sentiment masked as Anti-NWO rhetoric?
How can such an assertion be made ? [that their are controllers above the level of 'Nation states']
...and still appear to beleive that 'China' is a threat to 'America'???
i'll explain:
...If we ASSUME that there is a shadowy cabal contolling the entire planet. Is it not beyond the intelligence of these people,
to see that 'RELIGION' & 'COUNTRIES' are in fact a MYTH? A social construct?
A tool which has been useful over THOUSANDS OF YEARS to control the masses into OBEDIENCE?
It appears that these people haven't been reading their own material!
The Masonic/occultic structure & symbolism evident in modern society as 'architecture' is an acknowledgement
of the tradition of unaccountable, unelected power asserted geographically as 'empire' & 'civilisation'...
Indeed the core values of the illuminati are one of a secretive hoarding of knowledge, seen as 'enlightenment'.
This knowledge enables the top-down command and control of humans via a built societal structure...
otherwise known as social engineering.
'Masons' help build Society as an architecture. Religion is another aspect, one of behavioral control
via moral codes handed down via a myth of 'tradition' via a media [bible], which asserts - because
something is old - it means it is 'right'.
my own opinion is that evidence suggests that throughout the annals of time billions have unnecessarily died via wars because of these imposed 'orders' and the expansion of the 'civilisation' they promote.
Not very civilized, is it?
Flashback: Red Menace: Private Counter-subversion under Reagan
The main right-wing domestic intelligence-gathering networks that operated during the Reagan/Bush Administrations were the John Rees Information Digest network, and a more amorphous network of New Right groups around the Council for Inter-American Security, Young American's for Freedom, and the American Sentinel newsletter. Two other domestic intelligence operations were run by two cult leaders, the neo-fascist Lyndon LaRouche, and the theocratic authoritarian Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Dozens of smaller private right-wing spy operations operated freely during the 1980's.

So ...Is ALL conspiracy Bullshit?
what can be called bona fide information? Which elements of this operation are pure distraction?
Scalar Weapons? HAARP? Chemtrails? Weather Modification? Bohemian Grove? AIDS inc.? The Cancer Industry?
Are all of these [and many more] 'conspiracy theories' just a steering exercise?
Are these scare stories remnants from a cold war operation implemented by the same
whakos that bought us the Project for the New American century?
Or is there an active program in place which presents certain truths, but also Neuro-linguistically
programs a politically useful 'Global Theocracy' as part of the deal? Is this alliegance to such
religious dogma itself an exercise to discredit the hard work of many activists who seek to expose top level secrecy?
Is it just the category of 'conspiracy' which is steered?
it is apparent within New age culture, Science fiction, and ALL corporate owned and directed popular culture.
Nelson Thall is otherwise known as Lenny Bloom of Cloak & Dagger [the conspiracy site]
Watch this video of Nelson Thall of the Marshall Mcluhan institute as he describes how the
new 'internetopolis' has reclaimed the X Generation...and how Advertisements are 'good
news' while Newsmedia presents 'bad news' as the balance. He suggests that this paradigm
essentially steers our identity

What goes on at Bilderberg?
It is important at the outset to distinguish the active, on-going membership from the various people who are occasionally invited to attend. Many of those invited to come along, perhaps to report on matters pertaining to their expertise, have little idea there is a formally constituted group at all, let alone one with its own grand agenda. Hence the rather dismissive remarks by people like sixties media guru Marshall McLuhan, who attended a Bilderberg meeting in 1969 in Denmark, that he was 'nearly suffocated at the banality and irrelevance,' describing them as 'uniformly nineteenth century minds pretending to relate to the twentieth century'.

Derrick De Kerckhove
De Kerckhove is Director of the McLuhan Program in Culture & Technology
"...While scientists and technocrats are busy looking to perfect our bodies and our minds according to the old model of the renaissance man, our daily technologies are changing us insidiously in a manner that will soon be unrecognizable to obsolete scientific paradigms. The scientific image of the human is that of a perfect machine with replaceable parts. In genetic engineering, the image is only slightly improved. The machine can build itself according to specifications only if you know how to modify the programming. The future of health and fitness lies in the concept embodied by the replicant in Bladerunner. The vicious circle is easy to predict: techno-science will build scientifically balanced organisms to perform scientifically calculated operations to perfection. The computer made flesh. There is no soul to this machine because there is no room for anything but an operational self in the scientific/robotic vision of this being. We certainly need a Babelian catastrophe to avoid that destiny, if it is indeed the direction we are going. ..."- Derrick De Kerckhove

Derrick De Kerckhove is a member of the The Club of Rome
as were Averill Harriman [eugenics founder & Nazi funder]
Cardinal Joseph Rettinger [ the black pope]
David Rockefeller [big cheese]
initial membership list of the club of rome

David Rockefeller [big cheese]
"Today it might be argued that television has superseded the newspaper as the primary creator of public opinion. Naturally, the Rockefellers have reached for control of the tube. William S. Paley, chairman of the board of CBS, is a CFR member as well as a trustee of the Ford Foundation. CBS has over 200 TV and 255 radio affiliates nationwide. CBS's president, Arthur Taylor, and Michael O'Neill of CBS publications are both members of the CFR. The former president of CBS was Dr. Frank Stanton (CFR), who is also a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Institution. CBS directors who are CFR members include Roswell Gilpatrick, Courtney Brown, Henry Schacht, and William Burden. CBS (sometimes referred to as the Conspiracy Brainwashing System) newsmen who are CFR members include Charles C. Collingwood , Richard C. Hottelet, Marvin Kalb, Larry LeSueur, and Daniel Schorr.*
The Rockefeller Mediacracy by Gary Allen

The internet is no exception
The Club of Rome
and its financiers under the title of the German Marshall Fund were two highly-organized conspiratorial bodies operating under cover of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and that the majority of Club of Rome executives were drawn from NATO. The Club of Rome formulated all of what NATO claimed as its policies and, through the activities of Committee of 300 member Lord Carrington, was able to split NATO into two factions, a political (left wing) power group and its former military alliance. The Club of Rome is still one of the most important foreign policy arms of the Committee of 300, and the other being the Bilderbergers. It was put together in 1968 from hard-core members of the original Morgenthau group on the basis of a telephone call made by the late Aurellio Peccei for a new and urgent drive to speed up the plans of the One World Government now called the New World Order. Peccei's call was answered by the most subversive "future planners" drawn from the United States, France, Sweden, Britain, Switzerland and Japan that could be mustered.

compare these two documents
declaration of the club of rome

The Club of Rome: Comments on Globalization
To a certain extent "globalization" is "westernization", at least until now. One might
call globalization the ultimate of the age of Enlightenment. The Enlightenment has
liberated forces leading to economy, technology (as a sequence of science),
individualism and pluralism. It is exactly this combination of creative forces which
has given shape and substance to the modern world

9-11 cultic steering committee
David Ray Griffin - theologian - writer of 'The New Pearl Harbor'
David Ray Griffin is the founder of the Center for a Postmodern World and Executive Director of the Center for Process Studies at the School of Theology at Claremont (1325 North College Ave., Claremont, CA 91711). He has written or edited numerous books and articles, and he serves as general editor for the SUNY Press series of books on constructive postmodern thought, which includes such intriguing titles as The Reenchantment of Science and Spirituality and Society: Postmodern Visions.
"Take the modern ideal of autonomy. Insofar as autonomy means "self-determination," it's a good thing. But it also got interpreted to mean "independence," in the sense of not being essentially related to our environment. We constructed a whole world view in which we said the basic elements in nature were atoms - particles that were essentially unrelated to each other. We saw the human self as essentially unrelated to other humans, to community, and even to the body. And to some extent, this world view came out of the notion that the divine reality of the universe was essentially independent from the world.
Now, one of my key notions is that there is a deep drive in us that we can call the imitatio dei - the desire to imitate deity, to create ourselves in the model or shape of what we understand to be the divine reality." -

Griffin attended the conference - Neuroscience, Religious Experience and the Self (Montreal 2001) giving a talk entitled:
Scientific Naturalism, the Mind/Body Relation, and Religious Experience
this conference was sponsored by
The Counterbalance Foundation
Counterbalance is a non-profit educational organization working to promote counterbalanced perspectives on complex issues. It is our hope that individuals, the academic community, and society as a whole will benefit from a struggle toward integrated and counterbalanced views.
Counterbalance provides design, consulting, and technical services. It is our intention to use our considerable experience in these areas to serve as a catalyst by.
Helping make existing multidisciplinary research work accessible to a wider audience, principally though the use of interactive technologies.
Helping collaboration within, and among research groups by providing on-line technology services, such as the shared Meta-Library and AutoReference tools.
We provide services to PBS Online, The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, the AAAS, The Metanexus Institute, Science and Religion Forum (UK), and others.
Counterbalance is funded by donations and the Adrian M. Wyard Charitable Trust.

As a theologian, one whos purpose it is to seek out and define the nature of belief, and one which sees Griffin exploring Neuroscience. What would David Ray Griffins motives be for writing a book on 9-11?
Is he really exploring the programming of belief mechanisms? The merging of Science and Religion?
David Gray / Adnan Kashoggi
Earlier this year, a controversy erupted over the participation of John Gray, "Ph. D" in the 9/11 Internation Inquiry held in Toronto. Gray is famous as a "relationship guru" and the author of "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" series. Researchers Michel Chossudovsky and Matthias Broeckers discovered an alarming connection between Gray and the notorious Iran-Contra conspirator and international con man Adnan Khashoggi. The latter had been deeply involved in running a spectacular stock scam through Genesis Intermedia, a company with which Gray had been associated for years and was a part owner.
The story of the Genesis Intermedia (GENI) affair and its aftermath are summed up in this article from Businessweek:

the controversy continued over the hugely-successful self-help guru's funding of the recent International Citizen's Inquiry into the 9/11 attack, even as he finds himself drawn in with his erstwhile partner in a growing financial scandal beginning to unspool in courtrooms across the country

It appears that drug and gun trafficking enable 'mind control '
based on the mechanism of menace/malice/addiction/compliance.
front universities and sham new age groups utilize the Cultic steering developed in the
MK program, to create a smokescreen and generate more money via the industry of 'mystery'....
These in turn cover real estate frauds, Pyramid schemes for CIA money laundering operations.
check this out: Dave Emory talking to Daniel Hopsicker - realaudio stream

Will the Real 'new world order' please stand up?
... it is starting to occur to this webmaster that Uber-capitalism IS The New World Religion,
one that has a basis in benefitting economically from the death, disaster, and suffering that
occur worldwide. This new religion, is a cultic steering device. A cognitive Dissonance of
Trauma induced operant conditioning. In other words, it is an industry which tries to capitilize
on the helplessness that those who aren't being directly brutalised feel in an ever more worrying world.
It is a force multiplier: instability creates fear. Fear creates the breeding ground.
It is similar to the mechanism of socially engineered injustice resulting in poverty, ghetto-isation,
jealousy, resentment, and Hatred, which helped the Fascists gain popular ground in the 1930's.
The new reconstructionist 'dominionist' Religious zealotry is utilizing Science. Education promoted
as doctrine becomes indoctrination, programming. From the cult of Neuro-linguistic Programming
to the notion that intelligence can be implanted.
The Internet is the major provider of this new belief programming.
It is a tool of a Global Techno-Theocracy.
and we..if we are not careful, are becoming a symptom of its control.
It is an operation to steer the dissent of alternative belief mechanisms, by creating a cult of neo-tribalism
behavior modification as a part of the fake war on terror:
The so-called global war on terrorism does not exist, a high-ranking army officer has declared in a speech that challenges the conventional political wisdom.
In a frank speech, Brigadier Justin Kelly dismissed several of the central tenets of the Iraq war and the war on terrorism, saying the "war" part is all about politics and terrorism is merely a tactic.
Brigadier Kelly said modern war could be defined as "conflict, using violent and non-violent means, between multiple actors and influences, competing for control over the perceptions, behaviour and allegiances of human population groups."
- information clearing house

i beleive that the christian patriot alliance [the fellowship]
are on a mission to program acceptance of the next World War into the
population. It will be a war against China [and other axis powers]
more detailed page containing much of the above and more

much love
Captain wardrobe
paul c