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Report (part one) of Cairo Conference 24th March to 27th March 2005

29-03-2005 10:42

Banner outside Journalist Syndicate building.
This is part one of a report of the Cairo Conference held in Cairo, Egypt from Thursday 24th March to Sunday 27th March 2005. 8 photos are attached. Part two will follow.

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Racehorses suffering

29-03-2005 10:32

Animal Aid has launched a powerful new 90-second web film about horse racing. Last week at the Cheltenham races, 3 horses died. The notorious Grand National race will take place this year on April 9th. 8 horses have been killed in this race in the last 8 years. We need your help to spread the word across the internet - to show people the truth behind horse racing's glamorous image.

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What is the G8? Meeting 30th March

29-03-2005 09:05

Meeting at 7.30pm on Wednesday 30th March

in the Oxford Action Resource Centre, East Oxford Community Centre, Princes St, off Cowley Road

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New law on One-China

29-03-2005 05:49

The 10th National People's Congress (NPC) of China just finished on March 14, 2005 after nine and a half days of working on various issues of government work, economic and social development, central and local budgets, etc. The top legislature also adopted the Anti-Secession Law setting a legal framework for China-Taiwan relations.

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Dirty Money Scandal Points to Sharon, Mega

28-03-2005 23:26

But there is much more to this than the exposure of Sharon's infinite corruption. An Israeli intelligence source told EIR, "This is not a local case but international; it's the biggest development in Israel today."

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Nottingham and Notts Refugee Forum: A Noisy Demo

28-03-2005 23:07

NNRF is an independent organisation set up to help and support asylum seekers and refugees inNottinghamshire.
In support of the European Social Forum Day of Action against racism and in defence of asylum seekers and migrants .. Nottingham is having a Noise Demo on April 2nd

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Earthquake clown

28-03-2005 22:39


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Discover David Morrill, Yorkshire Painter Debuts

28-03-2005 19:49

The Hutson Street World Café is privileged and excited to launch the debut exhibition of Bradford artist David Morrill. One of the paintings on exhibit will be one he did in response to the tsunami this past December.

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War on Terror OR War on Community

28-03-2005 15:36

A Public Meeting discussing Human Rights violation internationally and in Britain. Speakers include, Moazzam Begg recently released from Guantanamo, Phil Shiner a leading Public interest lawyer acting on behalf of of victims of abuse by the British military.

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Blessed are the peacemakers

28-03-2005 12:09

The Bush administration took the world a step further on the road to peace, stability and democracy this weekend by agreeing to sell F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan.

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Muslim printing press prints BNP newspaper "Voice Of Freedom"

28-03-2005 09:48

BNP rag "Voice Of Freedom" is currently published by Satellite graphics ltd in barking essex. It is owned by AL-Awsat ltd, based at Arab Press House, High Holborn,London. Why is a Muslim business helping such a openly rascist anti Islamic organisation promote its rascist filth in our society.

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Nazi lose claim against union

28-03-2005 08:50

Nazi loses his claim against the Transport and General workers Union, surely now is the time to kick all BNP scum out of the tade union movement.

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Art of War : 20th Century

28-03-2005 08:11

20th Century

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US Army Recruiters on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown

28-03-2005 05:17

The US Army's 7,500 military recruiters, saddled with "a quota of two new recruits a month" and pressured by the Army brass, are on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

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Indymedia film festival

27-03-2005 21:26

As part of an ongoing showcase of contemporary filmmakers who are finding new forms of cinema to show resistance to globalization throughout the world, distributing and screening grassroots films covering issues ignored or distorted by the corporate media,

Indymedia Cinema presents:

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Images of 19/3 Demo

27-03-2005 21:11

Woman uses her T-shirt to protest
Images of the Saturday March 19th 2005 peace demonstration in London from the perspective of those who travelled from the City of Birmingham. All photographs may be used freely. Larger quality images available on request. Photography: Adam Yosef

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A private London school stands accused of sanctioning a racist terror campaign

27-03-2005 19:22

A London school stands accussed of conducting a 'racist terror campaign' against a lone elderly neighbour for two years despite repeated calls to the Police who failed to launch a criminial investigation.

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27-03-2005 17:41

EURO MAYDAY – LONDON LAUNCH NIGHT - Friday 1st April – 7pm
The Institute for Autonomy, 76-78 Gower Street, London WC1E
Cinema, Discussion & Cafe

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New Community Media Centre in OARC

27-03-2005 17:40

oxford indymedia will soon have a physical space for a media centre in the new Oxford Action Resource Centre.

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27-03-2005 16:14


26th March 2005

EMBARGO: For Immediate Release

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