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Charity My Arse

13-10-2004 12:14

This is just one example of the 'green' 'charity' sector. You can seee where the overpaid NGO wankers are coming from. No wonder there's a pensions hole. This is from a green jobs website. You can see other charity job websites where the POVERT PIMPS make sure 'Middle England' doesn't starve, and certainly not in terms of it's own self-importance. Next time a charity mugger comes up to you on the street ask them where the money goes. Also see Homelessness - the Con, and Ecology - a business opportunity.

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ACTION ALERT: Urgent Action In Support of Indymedia

13-10-2004 10:56

ACTION ALERT: Urgent Action In Support of Indymedia

"An unacceptable attack on press freedom, free speech and privacy."

On 7 October 2004 two Indymedia Web Servers were seized from the US-owned web hosting company Rackspace operating in London (UK), at the request of the US Justice Department, which apparently acted at the prompting of Italian and Swiss authorities.

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Simple Action You Can Take Re: FBI Seizure

13-10-2004 10:56

I sent a fax to my MP. He has written me a letter saying thanks for the information and that he'll take the matter up with the Home Office, like I asked him to do.

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Tube workers...

13-10-2004 10:50

NEXT TIME you see lurid tabloid headlines about “union bully boys” holding tube passengers to ransom, remember the name Joanne White.

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Firefighters' struggle continues...

13-10-2004 10:48

THE EXECUTIVE of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) has had to reinstate national officer Paul Woolstenholmes, who was elected on a wave of criticism of the way the union handled the long-running pay dispute.

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More damned statitistics

13-10-2004 09:56


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ACTION ALERT: Urgent Action In Support of Indymedia

13-10-2004 09:13

ACTION ALERT: Urgent Action In Support of Indymedia

"An unacceptable attack on press freedom, free speech and privacy."

On 7 October 2004 two Indymedia Web Servers were seized from the US-owned web hosting company Rackspace operating in London (UK), at the request of the US Justice Department, which apparently acted at the prompting of Italian and Swiss authorities.

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ESF programme

13-10-2004 01:39

Programme for the rampART during ESF

(Final version (we hope)...)

rampART centre, 17 rampart street, london E1 2LA

[ listen to RAM Radio for the latest information about events and venues during the ESF - stay tuned in - take a radio ]

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BEYOND ESF - It starts here tommorrow nite!

13-10-2004 01:15

BEYOND ESF: it starts here!

VENUE: Middlesex University, Tottenham Campus, White Hart Lane, London N17
Transport: White Hart Lane Station (two stops from Seven Sisters tube)
Wood Green Tube (piccadilly line) then W3 bus.

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More repression: ASCII collective gets evicted in Amsterdam

12-10-2004 23:18

Key quote: "We will keep on struggling for the right to think differently, act differently and compute differently from the way corporations and fascist state governors are trying to impose us. And if necessary we will compile our last lines of sourcecode on the barricades."

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Call out for media crew for the Carnival Bus during the ESF

12-10-2004 22:01

Call out for video and radio crew.

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Guineapigs, grave robbers and .net

12-10-2004 21:51 down, concurrent with big press interest

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FBI's Anti-Terror "October Plan"

12-10-2004 21:26

The FBI set out last month to conduct special "extraordinary measures" operations during October. Was this week's Indymedia server seizure part of these "measures"? And what's next?

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Action over global warming demanded (times passing, times passing)

12-10-2004 20:59

The Government's chief scientist has warned the world must act fast to combat global warming or face the dire consequences.

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CND volunteers wanted for ESF

12-10-2004 19:30

CND volunteers needed to help at European Social Forum!

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Final Beyond ESF meeting tonight!

12-10-2004 16:00

The last meeting before the start of "Beyond ESF" is tonight

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ESF radio calling you

12-10-2004 15:48

"RAM radio, reaching the PARTS other radios can not reach..."

Over 5 times more popular than any other indymedia station online today*

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4 Days of Communication Rights and Tactical media Production - Full Programme

12-10-2004 15:44

Here there's the full programe of events of the "4 Days of Communication Rights and Tactical Media Production", that takes place at the Camden Centre in London as part of the Autonomous Spaces around the oficial European Social Forum.

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Reporters without borders: IMC Statement

12-10-2004 15:27

The RSF has issued a statement about the seizure of the IMC servers.

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Sheffield Social Forum at the ESF and the future...

12-10-2004 10:21

sheffield Social Forum at the ESF and the future...
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