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piece on simon in guardian

19-11-2003 22:17

very good piece, esp as it's an opinion piece - high 'real estate' value for a newspaper

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police awards - FOXTROT OSCAR !

19-11-2003 21:53

We take it from them all year round - come and stuff up the hypocritical backslapping fest of the state's violent chicken-shit dog-boys.

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Digicam video clip of royal coach moving off

19-11-2003 21:47

Just a short not very exciting digital camera video clip of alternative royal coach.

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Action at the 4 Courts in Dublin

19-11-2003 21:41

19th Deirdre Clancy, Nuin Dunlop, Karen Fallon, Damien Moran & Ciaron O'Reilly will once more appear for mention in the Four Courts.

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'No-Bush' demo in Nottingham

19-11-2003 21:40

'No-Bush' demo in Nottingham in Market Square. Starting with a public trial of this bloke for crimes at 12:00 noon and at 5pm, a sit-down and march around town.

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Swindon: Bush greets shoppers

19-11-2003 21:04

"How did my oil get under their sand?"
Shoppers and workers in Swindon town centre this lunchtime were slightly bemused to find George W Bush explaining his plans for global domination via a megaphone. A closer inspection revealed that he was actually a Swindon Stop the War Coalition activist in a rubber mask.

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Esclusive George W Bush intyview from Chicken Nugget News!!

19-11-2003 20:59

Dubya was nice enough to almost grant me this interview this afternoon on the Mall.

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Thank You England From USA

19-11-2003 20:58

PICTURE - Mark Twain, American Author And Humorist. Missouri, USA
Thank you from the USA for doing the right thing and protesting
to our president and his entourage over the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
It is amazing here in the U.S. how the great majority don't know or are ill-informed
on the lies the invasion was based on.

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VIDEO n PICs BUSH Burning Planet MPEG

19-11-2003 20:50


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19-11-2003 20:41

VIDEO The Burning Planet March
The Toxic Texan Is In Town - So are the Pink and Green Bloc!
Environmental march past ESSO HQ and on to US EMBASSY

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Wednesday afternoon pics of Bush visit protests

19-11-2003 20:26

On the way to the palace but totally ringed in by cops
Pictures taken on way to buck house and around it as the light was fading.

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BBC on life in Iraq

19-11-2003 20:11

Life in Iraq as seen by the BBC

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Amerikan Corporate Media Bury Protest Headlines with Michael Jackson Scandal

19-11-2003 20:09

With world attention and global headlines turned towards the protests in the United Kingdom and the FTAA in Miami, suddenly a new scandal erupts for Amerikan corporate media to waste the public's time with: "authorities have issued an arrest warrant for Michael Jackson on multiple counts of child molestation." This debacle pales in comparison to the thousands of dead Iraqi children murdered by bLiar and the chimp. What amazing timing! Meanwhile, the world awaits the arrest of some real war criminals: Bush and Blair.

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Freedom thugs and assasins! pulled?

19-11-2003 19:48

The pigscum wanker and the english braindeads today hijacked Freedom once again.

The transcripts of the speech probably is pulled. seems unreachable. Maybe the popularity of the pigscum. Not sure.

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Bush Goes To England, Blair Goes To Hell

19-11-2003 19:37

It only gets worse from there. Having evidently mistaken England for Baghdad, or worse, some genuflecting banana republic, the whizzes in charge of Bush's security detail proceeded to issue an absurd set of demands seemingly calculated to infuriate their hosts.

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Western Benevolence, Johann Hari And "Us"

19-11-2003 19:24

Writing in the Independent on Sunday, Robert Fisk told the truth about the lie that America and Britain are passionate supporters of democracy:

"We supported the Egyptian generals (aka Gamal Abdul Nasser) when they originally kicked out King Farouk. We - the Brits - created the Hashemite Kingdom in Jordan. We - the Brits - put a Hashemite King on the throne of Iraq. And when the Baath party took over from the monarchy in Baghdad, the CIA obligingly handed Saddam's mates the names of all senior communist party members so they could be liquidated.

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BAE System's Dirty Dealings

19-11-2003 19:15

"The UK's largest armaments producer
running a £20 million ($33.4 million) slush fund to finance prostitutes,
gambling trips, yachts, sports cars, and more for its most important clients
the Saudi royal family and their intermediaries, greasing the wheels of the
largest business deal in UK history..."

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something to get you all gee'd up for tomorrow

19-11-2003 18:23

flash presentation

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Police attack protesters outside buckingham palace

19-11-2003 16:56

Police have just moved in and attacked a peaceful protest outside buckingham palace.
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