UK Newswire Archive
BUSh_Powell action now???
19-11-2003 16:39
Going back to school? Posted by James on 19/11/2003 at 16:27 GMT"We now have a lot of police and American military at
Senate House at the University of London in Malet Street. From what I can gather either Bush or Powell will be speaking in the next hour or so. Better start getting folks down here for a protest."
Park Nook Under Attack (Liverpool)
19-11-2003 15:59

19-11-2003 15:57
This url here lists a thousand reasons to tell Bush to sod off.
November Critical Mass in Manchester
19-11-2003 15:47

No Afraid to Say We Told You So - a view from the States
19-11-2003 15:32

19-11-2003 15:25
News posting on a weekend of prisoner solidarity activities in Bradford and Leeds in support of the Thessaloniki 7 and the Campaign Against Prison Slavery.Anti-Bush Street Party marches to Trafalgar Square
19-11-2003 15:22
100 protesters take part in Street Party through central LondonWednesday morning pics of Bush visit protests
19-11-2003 15:17

Bush and Blair Toppled
19-11-2003 14:53

Liverpool STOP BUSH demo
19-11-2003 14:02
200 stand up scousers stopped the traffic outside Liverpool Town Hall for an hour between 12-1.00 today. Big respect to all those there.Full article | 3 additions | 4 comments
Cardiff City Centre Closed in Anti Bush Protest
19-11-2003 13:38
Cardiff City Centre Closed in Anti Bush ProtestOde' To George W.
19-11-2003 13:27
Seeing as George is about to hit the town in London, I thought I'd post this little something I got down whilst I watched lil' George address his lil' servants in the the Australian Parliament last month. A very sad day in Aussie history!do summat... buy nuffin.. actions planned for 29th november
19-11-2003 11:40

companies and corporate rule in general. we have 2 sides to the day one
is direct action against corporate scum and the other is a fun community
event.. so there's summat fer everyone...
see our website fer more info or...
Americans love you, anti Bush activists
19-11-2003 10:57
Thank you for your actions in speaking out against the Bush regime. We need all the help we can get.From Simon Chapman to Bush in London - policing & repression
19-11-2003 10:55
The policing of mass demonstrations is becoming increasingly repressive and politicisedONLINE OCCUPATION of DOWNING STREET, N20
19-11-2003 10:44
In addition to the various actions in protest at Bush's visit to the UK an online sit-in of Tony Blairs website will take place.The Regeneration Game
19-11-2003 10:41
Local government is still oppressing British communities with absolutely no opposition from the left wing. In fact there are many sectarian far left-wingers who care nothing about democracy involved in this oppressive process.Protests in London / Americans turn against Bush: 'We won't die for oil!'
19-11-2003 10:11

- BY MARCUS GREVILLE, Australians Against the War UK
[COVER STORY] Washington's unpopular war: Americans turn against Bush
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