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Bin Tax Blockades - Day 2

12-09-2003 01:31

For a second day residents have blockaded bin trucks into their estates in North and West Dublin. The local authority (Fingal County Council) has been attempting to withdraw the bin collection service from non-payers of the unjust bin tax. After two days of total disruption, the Council has sought a court injunction.

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Smash Sequani Labs Demo

12-09-2003 00:20

No justice for the innocent, No Peace from us!

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images from the 10 and 11th of september

11-09-2003 23:30

images from the 10 and 11th of september

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Meeting the DSEi dealers

11-09-2003 23:20

Short audio clip of casual interviews with arms deales on the bridge at customs house on the wednesday...

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Audioscape from arms traders dinner

11-09-2003 22:31

Short audio clip from Royal Lancaster Hotel...

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Fuerth, Germany, 11-14.9. 2003, days of action against deportation camps

11-09-2003 22:29

People are in rebellion: in spring 2002 at the internment camp in Woomera/Australien; in March 2002 at the deportation prison in Bologna; End of 2002 at the Eurotunnel-camp in Sangatte/France; in Febuary 2003 in the deportation prison Haslar/England; January - April 2003 in the deportation prison Grünau/Berlin,; in May 2003 in Nomansland-camp between the Iraq / Jordan border; against fences, walls and borders of deportation prisons, internment camps, deportation camps, “Ausreisezentren”, refugee camps.

Camps are an indispensable part of the separation policy of industrial countries. Separation from those who come, because the living conditions in their countries are decisively regulated by the interests of rich states. "We are here, because you destroy our countries", as refugees put it.
"Ausreisezentrum" is no term of the tourism industry. What sounds like palm beach and vacation trip is another link in the long chain of systematic exclusion and isolation of refugees and migrants in Germany. Cry from Halberstadt "Deportation camps are camps which illegalise people. As a supplementation to the socalled accumulative accomodations and deportation prisons deportation camps make perfect the system of determent, controll and deportation opposite to refugees.

Camps are an expression of the worldwide migration regime within the neoliberal globalisation. Therefore there is not only a temporal connection between the campaign against WTO
and the actiondays against the camp in Fuerth.

The neoliberal globalisation has serious effects on the majority of mankind: - cutback of hard earned rights, - social dismantling in the curse of global "adaption" GATS

Results of the globalised competition are: The strong prevail over the weak. What is called globalisation has nothing to do with the real globalisation in terms of ?one world?. With means of national, nationalistic arrogance and mobilisation big parts of mankind are excluded of the alleged blessings of civilisation. In many parts of the world (thus the loser?s side) globalised competition results in pauperisation, incontent, oppression, war, ?warlordisation?, barbarianism.

Results are: Billions of people are on the run or migrant to where they hope to find better living conditions.

source: Imc Germany:

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Picket of Marks and Spencer Marble Arch 11/9/03 in support of the Intifada

11-09-2003 21:21

Victory to the Intifada’s (VTI) mobilisation brought over 80 protesters on to Oxford Street with banners, placards and street theatre. They joined the weekly picket supporting the Palestinian struggle by opposing M&S’s corporate sponsorship of the State of Israel. The picket is now facing opposition from Zionists and BNP members who for two weeks in a row have set up a stall supporting Israel. They fly the Union Jack alongside the Israeli flag and hand out leaflets defending Israeli supremacy in the Middle East. Zionists who justify the existence of the State of Israel by reference to the Holocaust are standing shoulder to shoulder with virulent Holocaust deniers.

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Greens fight Free Market for the Third World

11-09-2003 20:42

"We have had free market capitalism for the better part of the last century. How has the third world been improved? Basically, they have been depleted and starved, and their resources have been expropriated"

Full article - We will lead

11-09-2003 20:22

please forward

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DSEI Thursday: Text messages reports from the hotel gala demo

11-09-2003 19:24

SMS messages received on Thursday evening about the Mass protest and affinity group actions for the "Delegate's Dinner" at a central London Hotel. This is where a lot of the arm's traders networking and deals take place.

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Effective Anti Capitalism

11-09-2003 18:57

DSEI tactics ineffective

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Who is the terrorist? - text and film

11-09-2003 17:58

Israeli special forcers occupy houses in Old City of Jenin (10th Sep)- film and text

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Gillette Photo Surveillance Hits Asda

11-09-2003 17:26

Unaware shoppers are being photographed and tracked by "Smart shelf" surveillance cameras and RFID, radio frequency transmitters hidden in the packaging of Gillette razor products.

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One Those Nicked from Sheffield @ DESi actions..

11-09-2003 17:07

Sheffield Person Nicked on DESi Action in London..

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UK defence firm BAE denies existence of £20m slush fund

11-09-2003 16:46

A confidential letter from the Serious Fraud Office to the Ministry of Defence highlighted a possible major fraud operation in which leading Saudis were offered enticements to buy arms. (guardian article)

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Critical Mass greets fat cats

11-09-2003 15:47

Critical mass riders will be descending on the DSEI delegates slap up meal while the rest of the world reflects on Sept 11th

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Trafalgar Square becomes Red Square

11-09-2003 15:36

Protestors filled the Trafalgar Square with 'blood' this afternoon, in protest against the DSEi arms fair.

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Trafalgar Square becomes Red Square

11-09-2003 15:25

Trafalgar Square became Red Square this afternoon, as anti-arms trade campaigners filled its famous fountain with fake blood. They were protesting against DSEi – Europe’s largest arms fair – which is currently taking place in East London.

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DSEI Reclaim The Streets: Protest Tactics Deja Vu

11-09-2003 15:24

When will we learn? March, stop, kettle, wait, search, film, disperse in dribs and drabs. Not the most uplifting protest tactic in the world, yet once again it's all the majority of yesterday afternoon's DSEI arms fair protesters in East London felt up to ...

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short vid clips from RTS canning town - dsei wed

11-09-2003 15:14

short video mpg clips from dsei RTS on wednesday 10th sept at canning town
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