Fuerth, Germany, 11-14.9. 2003, days of action against deportation camps
fwd: Lager Koller | 11.09.2003 22:29 | Anti-racism | Globalisation | Migration | Repression
People are in rebellion: in spring 2002 at the internment camp in Woomera/Australien; in March 2002 at the deportation prison in Bologna; End of 2002 at the Eurotunnel-camp in Sangatte/France; in Febuary 2003 in the deportation prison Haslar/England; January - April 2003 in the deportation prison Grünau/Berlin,; in May 2003 in Nomansland-camp between the Iraq / Jordan border; against fences, walls and borders of deportation prisons, internment camps, deportation camps, “Ausreisezentren”, refugee camps.
Camps are an indispensable part of the separation policy of industrial countries. Separation from those who come, because the living conditions in their countries are decisively regulated by the interests of rich states. "We are here, because you destroy our countries", as refugees put it.
"Ausreisezentrum" is no term of the tourism industry. What sounds like palm beach and vacation trip is another link in the long chain of systematic exclusion and isolation of refugees and migrants in Germany. Cry from Halberstadt "Deportation camps are camps which illegalise people. As a supplementation to the socalled accumulative accomodations and deportation prisons deportation camps make perfect the system of determent, controll and deportation opposite to refugees.
Camps are an expression of the worldwide migration regime within the neoliberal globalisation. Therefore there is not only a temporal connection between the campaign against WTO
and the actiondays against the camp in Fuerth.
The neoliberal globalisation has serious effects on the majority of mankind: - cutback of hard earned rights, - social dismantling in the curse of global "adaption" GATS
Results of the globalised competition are: The strong prevail over the weak. What is called globalisation has nothing to do with the real globalisation in terms of ?one world?. With means of national, nationalistic arrogance and mobilisation big parts of mankind are excluded of the alleged blessings of civilisation. In many parts of the world (thus the loser?s side) globalised competition results in pauperisation, incontent, oppression, war, ?warlordisation?, barbarianism.
Results are: Billions of people are on the run or migrant to where they hope to find better living conditions.
source: Imc Germany:
Camps are an indispensable part of the separation policy of industrial countries. Separation from those who come, because the living conditions in their countries are decisively regulated by the interests of rich states. "We are here, because you destroy our countries", as refugees put it.
"Ausreisezentrum" is no term of the tourism industry. What sounds like palm beach and vacation trip is another link in the long chain of systematic exclusion and isolation of refugees and migrants in Germany. Cry from Halberstadt "Deportation camps are camps which illegalise people. As a supplementation to the socalled accumulative accomodations and deportation prisons deportation camps make perfect the system of determent, controll and deportation opposite to refugees.
Camps are an expression of the worldwide migration regime within the neoliberal globalisation. Therefore there is not only a temporal connection between the campaign against WTO
and the actiondays against the camp in Fuerth.
The neoliberal globalisation has serious effects on the majority of mankind: - cutback of hard earned rights, - social dismantling in the curse of global "adaption" GATS
Results of the globalised competition are: The strong prevail over the weak. What is called globalisation has nothing to do with the real globalisation in terms of ?one world?. With means of national, nationalistic arrogance and mobilisation big parts of mankind are excluded of the alleged blessings of civilisation. In many parts of the world (thus the loser?s side) globalised competition results in pauperisation, incontent, oppression, war, ?warlordisation?, barbarianism.
Results are: Billions of people are on the run or migrant to where they hope to find better living conditions.
source: Imc Germany:

1. Estimations, Reports and press statements
Cruelties in Fuerth
2. Agency statements and press review
3. Info, Links
EZLN mobilises to Cancún
Montreal, protests against WTO
What does WTO plan in Cancún
Summits without an end
Texts about Brussels
Bordercamp in Romania
Bordercamp in Cologne
4. Video/Audio
Noborder in Apulia/Italy
"Open borders for money and goods, close borders for people "
The neoliberal globalisation has serious effects on the majority of mankind: - cutback of hard earned rights, - social dismantling in the curse of global "adaption" GATS
Results of the globalised competition are: The strong prevail over the weak. What is called globalisation has nothing to do with the real globalisation in terms of “one world”. With means of national, nationalistic arrogance and mobilisation big parts of mankind are excluded of the alleged blessings of civilisation. In many parts of the world (thus the loser’s side) globalised competition results in pauperisation, incontent, oppression, war, “warlordisation”, barbarianism.
Kongo | Liberia | Venezuela | Ecuador | Argentina | Peru
Results are: Billions of people are on the run or migrant to where they hope to find better living conditions. Worldwide about 15 billion people are on the run and are illegalised, cut off any rights. The accomplishment of crises of the "Empire" is military interventions and among other things a "migration regime" (pdf), which cuts off the migration-movements, resp. it should control according to economic use and to assure the power and priveleges of the strong. On global basis strong are transnational corporate groups, which need their protecting powers: the military powers of USA and Europe, as well as secure zones for capital accumulation. But even the “small tradespeople” are interested in confident trade conditions. This way the whole thing works in terms of “share and reign”. Rassism and sexism are mobilised to create backing for national arrogance and the exclusion of migrants from the “red zone of capital”. To live here is a privilege, which has to be defended, resp. fought for. Camps are means to show to those who are excluded: “You have no chance and we will make for it to stay like it is. (see: concept of the Bavarian minister of the interior concerning the camp in Fuerth) Even if you are successful we will create living conditions for you which are similar to those you fled from." The newly constituted deportation camps called „Ausreisezentren“ in Germany are part of the new "migration law", which classifies humans in profitably and unprofitable.
Since one year the "deportation camp Fuerth". exists. From the beginning the refugees who were forced to stay there protested against it, supported by various refugee groups, antirassistic initiatives, parties and persons of public life, who give a critical opinion concerning the camp and call for immediate closing of the camp.
Call for action
Deutschland Lagerland | Press review | Action days
With the actiondays from September 11th to 14th the protests should be supported from the outside. The aim is the closing of the deportation camp in Fuerth. With that the abolishment of deportation prisons should be approached. The camp in Fuerth is therefore the symbol for all camps in Germany and Europe.
After the cancelation of the campsite near the prison there will be an action-camp lasting 4 days, near the inner city of Fuerth. The site is situated under Ludwigsbrücke between Henri-Dunant-Street and Pegnitz (river).
On this camp it will be a central issue for refugees, next to all the actions taking place, to meet, to discuss, ceating connections to push forward the organizing of political articulation with the aim, to attack the normal all day racism : deportation, deportation prisons, "Lager", "Residenzpflicht", racist police controls, police brutality, "Gutschein" (billets for food and clothes), food package, nazis, evil looks, mobbing...
Cruelties in Fuerth
2. Agency statements and press review
3. Info, Links
EZLN mobilises to Cancún
Montreal, protests against WTO
What does WTO plan in Cancún
Summits without an end
Texts about Brussels
Bordercamp in Romania
Bordercamp in Cologne
4. Video/Audio
Noborder in Apulia/Italy
"Open borders for money and goods, close borders for people "
The neoliberal globalisation has serious effects on the majority of mankind: - cutback of hard earned rights, - social dismantling in the curse of global "adaption" GATS
Results of the globalised competition are: The strong prevail over the weak. What is called globalisation has nothing to do with the real globalisation in terms of “one world”. With means of national, nationalistic arrogance and mobilisation big parts of mankind are excluded of the alleged blessings of civilisation. In many parts of the world (thus the loser’s side) globalised competition results in pauperisation, incontent, oppression, war, “warlordisation”, barbarianism.
Kongo | Liberia | Venezuela | Ecuador | Argentina | Peru
Results are: Billions of people are on the run or migrant to where they hope to find better living conditions. Worldwide about 15 billion people are on the run and are illegalised, cut off any rights. The accomplishment of crises of the "Empire" is military interventions and among other things a "migration regime" (pdf), which cuts off the migration-movements, resp. it should control according to economic use and to assure the power and priveleges of the strong. On global basis strong are transnational corporate groups, which need their protecting powers: the military powers of USA and Europe, as well as secure zones for capital accumulation. But even the “small tradespeople” are interested in confident trade conditions. This way the whole thing works in terms of “share and reign”. Rassism and sexism are mobilised to create backing for national arrogance and the exclusion of migrants from the “red zone of capital”. To live here is a privilege, which has to be defended, resp. fought for. Camps are means to show to those who are excluded: “You have no chance and we will make for it to stay like it is. (see: concept of the Bavarian minister of the interior concerning the camp in Fuerth) Even if you are successful we will create living conditions for you which are similar to those you fled from." The newly constituted deportation camps called „Ausreisezentren“ in Germany are part of the new "migration law", which classifies humans in profitably and unprofitable.
Since one year the "deportation camp Fuerth". exists. From the beginning the refugees who were forced to stay there protested against it, supported by various refugee groups, antirassistic initiatives, parties and persons of public life, who give a critical opinion concerning the camp and call for immediate closing of the camp.
Call for action
Deutschland Lagerland | Press review | Action days
With the actiondays from September 11th to 14th the protests should be supported from the outside. The aim is the closing of the deportation camp in Fuerth. With that the abolishment of deportation prisons should be approached. The camp in Fuerth is therefore the symbol for all camps in Germany and Europe.
After the cancelation of the campsite near the prison there will be an action-camp lasting 4 days, near the inner city of Fuerth. The site is situated under Ludwigsbrücke between Henri-Dunant-Street and Pegnitz (river).
On this camp it will be a central issue for refugees, next to all the actions taking place, to meet, to discuss, ceating connections to push forward the organizing of political articulation with the aim, to attack the normal all day racism : deportation, deportation prisons, "Lager", "Residenzpflicht", racist police controls, police brutality, "Gutschein" (billets for food and clothes), food package, nazis, evil looks, mobbing...
fwd: Lager Koller