UK Newswire Archive
The SHORTWAVE REPORT 8/1/03 ¡Listen Globally!
31-07-2003 23:38
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, Spain, and Cuba.End Colombian 3 junta show trial
31-07-2003 21:46
Time for the colombian junta government to release the 3 innocent Irish men they have been illegally holding captive for over 2 years. The 3 Irish men all of whom were international observers guests of FARC, witnessing the peace process in Colombia, have been arrested and held without trial for over 2 years. Niall Connolly, Martin McAuley and pensioner James Monaghan, have strenously denied junta allegations that they were connected in anyway to the IRA, and despite the Colombian junta government failing to produce any legible credible evidence against the men, are still being held in a Colombian prison.Manchester Protests Against the West bank Wall - Clip 2
31-07-2003 21:07
This is a video clip that shows the final part of the "Wall Down" protest that took place in Manchester on 12 July 2003. See earlier newswire item for first clip.Fairford Tattoo Saboteurs
31-07-2003 14:28

WMDs Found In Gloucestershire!
31-07-2003 13:16

Stop the Oldham Nazi meeting
31-07-2003 12:20
PROTEST at British National Party Public Meeting in OldhamThursday 31st July
Meet @ 5p.m. Civic Centre Car Park, Rochdale Road
ZAPATISTA / 13th stele, part 3
31-07-2003 11:54
...part 3 in which Marcos announces a birth...sheffield social forum organising meeting
31-07-2003 11:49
campaign for a sheffield social forum meetingZAPATISTA / 13th stele, part 2
31-07-2003 10:58
....part 2 where Marcos announces a death...Noborder Camp Krynki - Reflections
31-07-2003 10:04
A noborder activist shares his personal reflections on the Polish noborder camp in Krynki (2 - 7 July). Another report can be found on the noborder homepage, as well as info about the Anti border conference and the International Anarchist Meeting in Warshaw.Noborder Camp Puglia - Statement on Action
31-07-2003 09:01
On 27 July, more than 100 activists from the noborder camp in Frassanito/Puglia, have peacefully invaded the "First Hospitality Centre" in Bari Palese. [pics]. Some migrants managed to escape. This was preceded by a first demo on 24 July, followed by a 1000 strong demo on 26 Juy [pic & report (it)]. Here's a statement from the Migrants round table at the Italian Social Forum:Noborder Camp Puglia - Action: Migrants Escape Detention Jail
31-07-2003 08:57
On 27 July, more than 100 activists from the noborder camp in Frassanito/Puglia, have peacefully invaded the "First Hospitality Centre" in Bari Palese. [pics]. Some migrants managed to escape.This was preceded by a first demo on 24 July, followed by a 1000 strong demo on 26 Juy [pic & report (it)]
31-07-2003 08:41
Wednesday, July 30: Listen to Ralph Schoenman, author of "The Hidden History of Zionism", on a recorded lecture on the progressive prominent Pacifica radio station KPFA-FM ( in Berkeley, California, USA, on the "Guns & Butter" program, on KPFA's sister station's *24-HOUR* audio archive at www.kfcf.orgMuslim Association Of Britain..
31-07-2003 08:12
Rather than seeing the same point contested in every single bloody posting here's the facts about the MAB and the fascist Muslim BrotherhoodAn Eerie Calm Covers Most of Congo
30-07-2003 23:03
In what must surely be seen as a positive symbol, the militia groups who have been warring with each other in northeastern Ituri province of the Democratic Republic of Congo have agreed to disarm, to withdraw, and to allow verification procedures to be instituted22 MIGRANTS escape from detention centre in Turin
30-07-2003 22:35
Late on Monday night / Tuesday morning, 22 migrants escaped from adetention centre in Turin. In the afternoon of Monday a demonstration had
been organized in front of the centre by the Turin Social Forum and during
the night the migrants rioted, burning matresses etc., and managed to
escape. now up and running
30-07-2003 22:13

Can you help us publicise this handy new web service we've developed to help Nike get out ALL the necessary information about their "fun" run in London.
Emergency in the Narmada valley
30-07-2003 21:07

Rising Waters Due to Massive Dam in NW India Threatens Indigenous Peoples; Villages, Cattle, Standing Crops Submerged; Police Destroy Property, Arrest Villagers, Activists