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UK Newswire Archive

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Living and dying by capitalism (by Latuff)

21-07-2003 18:04

Dead U.S. soldier
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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Art in Action 2003, Waterperry Oxfordshire

21-07-2003 16:49

Waterperry House
26th annual feast of arts and crafts in a quiet Oxfordshire village, featuring the skills of around 300 outstanding potters, weavers, painters etc....

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Croatia/Serbia anti-border actions may/june 2003

21-07-2003 16:28

Croatia/Serbia antiborder actions 25.05.2003-03.06.2003
seemed to be forgotten - since so many antiborder actions
are happening this summer - seems to be missing from

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’He risked all for others’ Emily Sheffield Writes About Her Son Tom Hurndall

21-07-2003 14:20

’He risked all for others’

Saturday, July 19,2003
As written by Tom Hurndall's mother
Emily Sheffield

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What is legal, and what is not?

21-07-2003 14:03

What is the difference in making a law, following it, and abusing it. If You still do not know, better find out now, before it is too late.

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World Trade Organisation Meeting

21-07-2003 13:54

Meeting for Oxford activists against the WTO ministerial in Cancun.

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Fairford Camp Report

21-07-2003 13:45

Fairford Peace Camp Thursday 18 - Mon 21 July 2003
International Air Tattoo

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Congo War Officially Over

21-07-2003 12:46

Most observers are still calling for a massive United Nations peacekeeping force to help propel this nation forward but the U.N. has so far been reluctant to get involved in more than just a small way, perhaps remembering a Congo crisis that nearly capsized the U.N. in 1960.

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JoinFree Press Mission: US Journalist William Nessen on Trial in Aceh, Indonesia

21-07-2003 12:39

US freelance journalist William (Billy) Nessen will go on trial on July 23 in Aceh, Indonesia. Nessen's crime: losing his visa and passport while trying to escape a combatant zone under heavy fire, and for reporting from both sides of the conflict. Join the Society of Professional Journalists, Reporters Without Borders, the Committee to Protect Journalists, and others calling for press freedoms in Indonesia and Nessen's immediate release.

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Italian journalist source of Iraq Niger fake documents

21-07-2003 12:19

An Italian journalist, Elisabetta Burba, was in possession of the Nigergate documents. She conculded they were fake (after visiting Niger personally to investigate) and sent them to the US Embassy in Rome. She was suprised to find the George Bush's State of the Union address on the 28th of January that British intelligence had evidence that Iraq was trying to obtain uranium from Africa.

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Criticism of Tony Blair by Chinese democracy cause

21-07-2003 11:41

Following on the heels of an address by British Prime Minister Tony Blair to a joint session of the U.S. Congress, as occurred on Thursday, July 17, two leading voices for Chinese democracy have reacted with anger at the speech.

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Canadian police widen pig farm body hunt

21-07-2003 09:35

The investigation into a Canadian pig farmer who is accused of killing 15 pig women
has expanded. Pigs in the city of Vancouver have been searching the pig farm
belonging to Robert Pigton for evidence of more than 60 missing pig women.
A spokesman for the Muslim fanatix society of the USA said after this we are
going to take over the wolrd pig farm and plant the seeds of revolution it's all a plot
by us to undermine western society and bankrupt the jews .. e

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Islamic Fundamentalism wants World Hegemony

21-07-2003 08:50

A report prepared at the request of the American Jewish Committee by Hebrew University History Professor Robert Wistrich is an anthology of anti-Semitic and anti-Western quotations from Arab and Muslim culture. Wistrich, who is presenting his report this week in Washington, claims, "To make a significant change, the Muslim world will have to go through a Renaissance, a Reformation and an Enlightenment - all in one generation. But it's possible."

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21-07-2003 08:28

More and more attacks on U.S. soldiers confirm that we are headed into a long guerilla war. Wives, mothers, girlfriends, children and others are losing their loved ones. WHERE ARE THE ANTI-WAR PROTESTORS!!?

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The Suitcase Clinic-A friend Of The Homeless

21-07-2003 07:49

The Suitcase Clinic Of Berkeley Ca, Offers A Helping Hand To The Homeless.

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Contemporary Art of (Anti) war

21-07-2003 06:33

Anti-War Protest
Anti War Protest!!

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Tony Blair: Licence to Kill (by Latuff)

20-07-2003 21:20

Tony Blair
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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Avoiding Plato's Republic in America

20-07-2003 21:11

Anarchy may be the USA's best hope to avoid tyranny.

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20-07-2003 20:49

How suicide scientist described tormentors in final email to friend; DEATH OF A FALL GUY

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Really Dodgy Dossier

20-07-2003 18:51

Much has been made recently of the "Dodgy Dossier" that was used by HMG to justify its participation in the invasion of Iraq. But nobody seems to have seen fit to ask about the Really Dodgy Dossier, the one put forward by Number 10 in the days immediately following the 9/11 massacre. The PMO's "Responsibility For The Terrorist Atrocities In The United States," are 70 points presented without any citations of sources or references, that are mainly unsupported innuendo. If this dossier is also Dodgy, then the whole Bin Laden Conspiracy Theory begins to unravel.
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