Italian journalist source of Iraq Niger fake documents
Loop | 21.07.2003 12:19
An Italian journalist, Elisabetta Burba, was in possession of the Nigergate documents. She conculded they were fake (after visiting Niger personally to investigate) and sent them to the US Embassy in Rome. She was suprised to find the George Bush's State of the Union address on the 28th of January that British intelligence had evidence that Iraq was trying to obtain uranium from Africa.
Burba's testimony raises further inconsistencies:
- her source was private and non-governmental
- if Burba says she sent the documents to the American embassy, why did Bush refer to the British intelligence sources in his address?
- why do the British continue to say the dossier was real and was sent to them by an intelligence source from another country.
Furthermore, documents published in Italy over the weekend reveal further inconsistencies that Burba doesn't mention:
- the signature on the documents is from a foreign minister who has been out of office for over ten years
- the inconsistencies of dates.
The Italian media are speculating that the documents Burba refers to and those published are not the same.
Source: Il Manifesto 20.07.03 (in italian)
- her source was private and non-governmental
- if Burba says she sent the documents to the American embassy, why did Bush refer to the British intelligence sources in his address?
- why do the British continue to say the dossier was real and was sent to them by an intelligence source from another country.
Furthermore, documents published in Italy over the weekend reveal further inconsistencies that Burba doesn't mention:
- the signature on the documents is from a foreign minister who has been out of office for over ten years
- the inconsistencies of dates.
The Italian media are speculating that the documents Burba refers to and those published are not the same.
Source: Il Manifesto 20.07.03

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