UK Newswire Archive
University of Birmingham gets injunction to stop occupation-style protests
08-12-2011 20:56

Nottingham student seeks apology from the police
08-12-2011 20:55
Nottingham student seeks apology and compensation from the police
The National Union of Journalists has just issued this press release:
The National Union of Journalists is demanding an apology from Nottinghamshire police after a film was seized from a student photographer.
Today, the NUJ has written to Nottinghamshire's chief constable Julia Hodson calling for the apology to be made in person to 20-year-old Lewis Stainer, a student at New College in Nottingham.
Last Friday he was given back his film after it was seized on Monday 21st November by the police for evidential reasons. Lewis had been filming in the old Market Square for his course project when police made four arrests at the Occupy Nottingham camp. Subsequently two people were charged with offences.
National officials of the NUJ have also decided today to give Lewis Stainer legal support while the union's legal officers carry out a full investigation into the incident. Lewis who's studying a BTech in TV and Film says he wants an apology as well as compensation for the stress and inconvenience he experienced in having his course work seized.
The union is increasingly unhappy at the number of problems involving photographers across the country.
Diana Peasey, chair of the Nottingham NUJ branch said we know photographers are under increasing pressure here. They're often told they can't photograph crime scenes or face having their camera or film seized by police under section 19 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984. It is done all too frequently.'
'We have our own Police and Media guidelines which the NUJ negotiated with the Nottinghamshire police. Section 7 says specifically:
'Police officers do not have the authority to prevent a person taking a photograph or to confiscate cameras or film and such conduct could result in criminal, civil, or disciplinary act.'
Ms Peasey said "It is clear that the PACE legislation is overriding the Media guidelines and we need to toughen them up to ensure that the police understand they cannot intimidate photographers and journalists at crime scenes or major incidents."
Meanwhile, Nottinghamshire Constabulary's Complaints and Misconduct unit is also looking into the incident.
Student Photographer's material taken by police
Nottingham Student photographer interviews on tape still held
Nottingham Student photographer hassled by Notts Police [Feature]
Nottingham Media Student gets his seized tape back
National Union of Journalists NUJ
Paralympic Protest – Atos Out of the Olympics!
08-12-2011 18:55
A small but committed protest braved the weather and demonstrated outside the Paralympic Goalball test event last Saturday December 3rd. A large banner reading ‘Atos Kills’ was unfurled outside the entrance to the Olympic Park, whilst protesters made speeches and handed out leaflets, resplendent in their newly printed Atos Kills T Shirts.
A small but committed protest braved the weather and demonstrated outside the Paralympic Goalball test event last Saturday December 3rd. A large banner reading ‘Atos Kills’ was unfurled outside the entrance to the Olympic Park, whilst protesters made speeches and handed out leaflets, resplendent in their newly printed Atos Kills T Shirts.
Atos are the company responsible for carrying out the notorious Work Capability assessment which had led to thousands of sick and disabled claimants being stripped of benefits, forced into stressful legal proceedings and made to attend demeaning health assessments. The assessment has led to people with terminal cancer and other serious health conditions being judged fit for work. Tragically several people have committed suicide due to decisions made by Atos ‘Healthcare’.
When not harassing sick and disabled people Atos are trying to clean up their filthy corporate image by becoming involved with the Paralympic Games. Campaigners have vowed that Atos will not receive one inch of good publicity due to their involvement. Wherever Atos go, we’ll be there, to show people the true face of this corporation.
The protest was a success and despite vague threats from the police, who claimed they couldn’t ensure disabled people’s safety unless we talked to them, relations with police and Westfield Shopping Centre security remained cordial on the day. It does perhaps leave us wondering why the police think that benefit claimants and disabled people are unable to organise a safe visit to a shopping centre without their help, unless of course the only threat to our safety came from the police themselves.
Lots of leaflets were given out and speeches made about Atos’ involvement in the Paralympic Games, then a short protest was also held outside Stratford Station where the banner was unfurled and more speeches made.
The day was also the anniversary of the Bhopal Gas Disaster and protesters also highlighted the role of Dow corporation as Olympic Partners. Dow have repeatedly refused to pay compensation for the disaster that claimed thousands of lives and has been estimated to have caused 558,125 injuries including approximately 3,900 severely and permanently disabling injuries.
The day was part of the Month of Festive Action against Atos which began on December 1st when a speech by Iain Duncan Smith at the LSE was met with demonstrators outside and noisy heckles inside. Earlier in the week some claimants joined the PCS picket line at HMRC Euston, before carrying out a brief protest outside Atos’ corporate headquarters in Triton Square, which left security scurrying to lock down the building.
Claimants, disabled people and supporters will be back at Triton Square on the 16th December where a Real Victorian Christmas Party and Picnic against Atos will be held from 2pm.
All rolling mass phone-in has also been called in the run up to Christmas:
attack against a police station in Kirkkonummi (Finland)
08-12-2011 18:27
There's been a new attack against the police in Finland. Exactly one month after the last attack against a police station in Kerava, on the night between the 6th and 7th of december (6th is the Finnish independence day) a police station in Kirkkonummi (about 30 kilometers from the capital Helsinki) was attacked with an incendiary device.“While a number of people were lining up for pea soup and elsewhere the “cream of society” was dancing in the president's castle, we decided to take action. Early in wednesday morning 7th of december we warmed the cold night by setting alight two canisters of gasoline with a fuse in front of the doors of Kirkkonummi police station. To warn the creatures moving in the area, we set a mechanism in the fuse that would send a warning with a loud noise.
Palestine Today 12 08 2011
08-12-2011 14:04

Once again, war is prime time and journalism's role is taboo
08-12-2011 13:57
The following article by John Pilger starts with a reference to 22nd May 2007 Guardian front page, which was the subject of the following UK Indymedia feature at the time:Imperial Disinformation: The Guardian's Iran/Iraq Coverage

Sparks Defy Anti-Union Laws With Massive Wildcat Strike
08-12-2011 13:53

UPDATE Downing St/ War on Afghanistan Action - 2 charged, 1 in custody, 4 NFA'd
08-12-2011 13:16
Legal action results from the NVDA taken at Downing St.on Oct 7th. 2011 marking the 10th. anniversary of the war on AfghanistanVIDEO (3 mins)


Demonstration against US Climate Treaty Wrecker
08-12-2011 12:51
At the risk of exhausting people we are holding this final demo at the end of the Talks to show that we feel the (largely) negative outcome of the talks matters, that we are angry about it and that we are continuing the fight…….This Friday (9th December) evening 4.45 to 7.00 pm
Outside the US embassy, Grosvenor Square
'Reading the riots'
08-12-2011 10:34
From Bristol with Love is a showcase for local music, local news and new forms of local thinking.Black Flame author Lucien van der Walk talk – Freedom bookshop Dec 10th
08-12-2011 09:59

Occupy activists reclaim homes from banks
08-12-2011 07:26
OCCUPY activists in the USA have moved forward into a new terrain of social war by reclaiming repossessed homes for families.Liverpool - Census Refuser Solidarity Demo - Venue update
08-12-2011 07:16

PLEASE NOTE: The court has been telling journos that the case has been moved from Dale St to Victoria St Magistrates Court. Sarah has not been informed of this change, so we'll be at Dale St as planned. However, be prepared to walk round the corner to Victoria Street if you come along and we've gone.
14 International Animal Rights Stories: Netherlands, Russia, Malaysia, Canada,
08-12-2011 04:07
200 bears shot in 1 day in New Jersey, Quebec strengthensanimal protetion laws, How vegans unwittingly cause animal suffering
Nottinghamshire Police Helicopter Unit Operations
08-12-2011 00:55
Wednesday 7 December 2011
Nottinghamshire Police Helicopter was on operations this afternoon. Working at quite low levels over the Mapperley area of Nottingham, it was there for quite a long period. [don't know if they got their man].
Being on station for a longer period than we usually hear / see .... it provided me with an opportunity to take these pictures with the aircraft in a variety of attitudes.
Operated within the North Midlands Helicopter Support Unit. Part Of The Central Region Air Support Units NPAS Trial Operation (Covering Derbyshire Police & Nottinghamshire Police Forces)
Aircraft: Eurocopter EC135T2
Registration: G-NMID
Base: Ripley, Derbyshire
Callsign: Oscar Hotel 88 (UKP 08)
Specification: EC135T2
Powered by two 452 kW (606 shp) Turbomeca Arrius 2B2. Increased thermodynamic and mechanic OEI ratings (128% OEI torque). Replaced EC135 T1 in production in August 2002.
Performance Summary
Never exceed speed: 287 km/h (155 knots, 178 mph)
Cruise speed: 254 km/h (137 knots, 158 mph)
Range: 635 km (342 nm, 393 mi)
Service ceiling: 6,096 m (20,000 ft)
Rate of climb: 7.62 m/s (1,500 ft/min)
Full specification on the Eurocpter company website at:
Nottinghamshire Police Helicopter Unit
Nottinghamshire Police Helicopter Activity
Police Aviation News - North Midlands Helicopter Support Unit Contract [page 6]
Eurocopter EC135 - wikipedia
Aircraft G-NMID, 2003 Eurocopter EC-135T-2 Profile
UK Emergency Aviation
earlier work on city surveillance from terestrial cameras.
Police Surveillance Vehicles and Evidence Gathering
Surveillance of Nottingham city centre
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Report Jeremy Clarkson to the Press Complaints Commission
08-12-2011 00:20
Indymedia users made a significant contribution to encouraging members of the public to register complaints with Ofcom and the BBC, in protest against Jeremy Clarkson suggesting striking public sector workers should be murdered. The Samaritans, Mind and Rethink Mental Illness are also making complaints to the Press Complaints Commission, urging them to investigate Jeremy Clarkson for suggesting that the remains of suicide victims should be eaten by wild animals. Please help by registering your complaint with the Press Complaints Commission here...
Film Night at The Peoples Cafe and What Next meeting tomorrow
07-12-2011 20:55
Film Night Tonight – 8pm
The Fourth World War (2003)
Winter Gardening, Guerrilla Gardening
07-12-2011 19:57

CUBE: Football Against The Wall + Talk Conor Mccormack + Circus2iraq
07-12-2011 18:55
An evening of film and talks from local groups active in Palestine.
(Thu 8th Dec / 7:30pm / £5/4)
Join us for an engaging evening of film and talks from local groups active in Palestine. The evening will feature the premier of Football Against the Wall exploring how football can build connections between communities across the world. This documentary follows the endeavours of Bristol-based sports team Easton Cowboys as they return to the West Bank for a second time. The film provides an insight into the realities of the occupation as seen by Palestinian and Israeli people.
The Easton Cowboys will be joined by Conor McCormack a Bristol-based
Independent filmmaker who has a track record of making powerful and socially engaging documentaries. Conor will discuss his latest documentary - a short film written in collaboration with Palestinian children and an emotive real life journey through Bethlehem's fragmented landscape.
Also presenting will be Circus2Iraq, recently returned from Palestine bringing joy and laughter to the people who need it most. Circus to Iraq started out in 2003/4 as a direct and active response to the Iraqi war - performing in community centres, hospitals, schools, streets, houses and refugee camps. Through being silly and playing games they aim to break down the physical and mental barriers that living in a war zone can cause.
This is event is part of the Bristol Palestine Film Festival, 2011. A season of films, animations, poetry and art exploring topics both Palestinian and universally human. See for more details.
Location: The Cube Cinema, Dove Street South, Bristol BS2 8JD. Full article