Black Flame author Lucien van der Walk talk – Freedom bookshop Dec 10th
Freedom Press | 08.12.2011 09:59 | Other Press | Workers' Movements
We are pleased to have Lucien van der Walk co-author of the acclaimed Black Flame (the revolutionary class politics of anarchism and syndicalism) coming to speak in the shop on Saturday 10th December at 2pm. All welcome.
Lucien van der Walt Talk
Saturday 10th December • 2pm
Freedom Bookshop
Angel Alley
84b Whitechapel High Street
London E1 7QX
Black Flame: The revolutionary class politics of anarchism and syndicalism by Lucien van der Walt & Michael Schmidt examines the anti-authoritarian class politics of the anarchist/syndicalist movement, and its 150 years of popular struggle on five continents. An indispensable conceptual and historical roadmap, with close attention to Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America.
See more:
“One of its distinctive contributions is its global scope… their book is brilliant and thought-provoking … a valuable study for activists, students and academics alike…” (Mandisi Majavu, Africa Project for Participatory Society, ‘ZNET’)
“Extraordinary … succeeds in bringing anarchist ideas into vivid relief in their historical contexts … shows the increasing relevance of an anarchist critique for our own time” (Martin Miller, Duke University, author of ‘The Russian Revolution’, ‘Kropotkin’)
Lucien van der Walt teaches at Wits. Winner of the 2008 international ‘Labor History’ dissertation and the 2008/2009 CODESRIA Africa thesis awards, his extensive publications include (with Steve Hirsch) ‘Anarchism and Syndicalism in the Colonial and Postcolonial World, 1880-1940′ (Brill 2010).
Saturday 10th December • 2pm
Freedom Bookshop
Angel Alley
84b Whitechapel High Street
London E1 7QX
Black Flame: The revolutionary class politics of anarchism and syndicalism by Lucien van der Walt & Michael Schmidt examines the anti-authoritarian class politics of the anarchist/syndicalist movement, and its 150 years of popular struggle on five continents. An indispensable conceptual and historical roadmap, with close attention to Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America.
See more:

“One of its distinctive contributions is its global scope… their book is brilliant and thought-provoking … a valuable study for activists, students and academics alike…” (Mandisi Majavu, Africa Project for Participatory Society, ‘ZNET’)
“Extraordinary … succeeds in bringing anarchist ideas into vivid relief in their historical contexts … shows the increasing relevance of an anarchist critique for our own time” (Martin Miller, Duke University, author of ‘The Russian Revolution’, ‘Kropotkin’)
Lucien van der Walt teaches at Wits. Winner of the 2008 international ‘Labor History’ dissertation and the 2008/2009 CODESRIA Africa thesis awards, his extensive publications include (with Steve Hirsch) ‘Anarchism and Syndicalism in the Colonial and Postcolonial World, 1880-1940′ (Brill 2010).

Freedom Press