UK Newswire Archive
Oppose the disgusting fur trade in Hereford
07-12-2011 17:29

Physical Attacks on Squatters
07-12-2011 17:28

Palestine Today 12 07 2011
07-12-2011 15:00

Solidarity Banner and flyer text for the Anarchists P.Masouras and K.Karakatsani
07-12-2011 14:53

VID - N30 Strike! Interviews from the picket lines
07-12-2011 14:35

A brief snapshot of the morning with interviews from the picket lines. Why people are striking, and why it affects everyone, including those who think it doesn't affect them.
VID - "Occupy Melbourne" tents outsmart & give chase to Victorian Police.
07-12-2011 14:14
"Occupy Melbourne" tents outsmart & give chase to Victorian Police.As in Brisbane and Sydney police repsonse to the Occupy movement has been brutal.
The Victorian cops were not expecting this reponse as the came to confiscate 3 tents

Volunteers Needed for Anti-Cuts Campaigning
07-12-2011 12:55
Only the strongest pressures can prevent Nottingham City Council making a further £20 million of cuts in vital public services for the year 2012/13. Volunteers are needed to actively engage in various activities. Please indicate which activities below you can participate in and return this form to
Running street stalls ...
Gathering signatures for petition ...
Participating in meetings with councillors ...
Phoning-up councillors ...
Displaying window posters ...
Writing letters to the Evening Post ...
Picketing Council meetings ...
Smash EDO reminder: noise demo in memory of Mark Rivers TODAY
07-12-2011 11:26
There will be a special noise demo in memory of Mark Rivers, who died last month, outside EDO/ITT, Today 4-6.Be there if you can. He would have been.
Greece: clashes during December 6th demo - videos
07-12-2011 10:28
Greece: clashes during December 6th demo - videosGreece - Athens: clashes during December 6th demo - photos
07-12-2011 10:06

Youths attack police station in Greek suburb
07-12-2011 07:21
A GROUP of youths in a suburb of Athens staged a remarkable attack on their local police station on Tuesday.Notts Occupation: 7th Week and beyond
07-12-2011 02:55
Notts Occupation: 7th Week and beyond
Tuesday 6th December 2011
Occupy camp now in it's 7th week since setting up in the Market Square, Nottingham.
[7th week, Is that right? established on the 15th October].
Camp getting back to it's normal routine now, after all activities surrounding the N30 trade union marches last week.
Christmas tree now decorated and more tentage arrived.
Getting cold at night now, so I think those holding out against the elements for these issues, need to be congratulated for their commitments and deserve help and support from us.
Please drop by and offer your time, help, donations of food, bedding, waterproofing, warm clothing ...... oh, a bit of love.
Loads of earlier postings ...... but, here are the main features
Nottingham is occupied [Feature]
Nottingham Occupation Continues [2nd Feature]
Occupy Notttingham: Moved but still in occupation [3rd Feature]
Occupy Notttingham: Still there [4th Feature]
Nottingham Occupy Nottingham: No plans for eviction. Yet. [5th Feature]
and ......
Characters I've met during Cuts & Occupy Campaigns
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Occupy London Christmas Party
07-12-2011 01:03

‘Occupy’ protesters reclaiming foreclosed homes in 20 cities
07-12-2011 00:22

The 99 percent movement, which has been evicted from many of their encampments across the country, is finding common cause with thousands of homeowners who are also being evicted from their homes.
Even though the movement has often been criticized for a lack of defined goals, Tuesday’s “Occupy Our Homes” action in at least 20 cities makes it clear that they are standing up to banks to reverse foreclosures.
“We’re in the neighborhood in New York City that had the highest number of foreclosure filings in 2010 to send a message that the economy is failing the 99 percent,” Vocal New York organizer Sean Barry told Raw Story from a Brooklyn neighborhood as about 200 protesters chanted in the background.
Palestine Today 12 06 2011
06-12-2011 15:38

The Orwellian 'Non-Lethal' War Waged Against Peaceful Citizens
06-12-2011 13:02

Non-lethal weapons are being distributed by the West into protest zones throughout the world, as well as being utilized in crowd suppression within the borders of the Land of the Free.
The producers of weapons such as rubber bullets, tear gas and pepper spray are quick to point out that it is not the weapons themselves that are the cause of fatalities, but rather it is their misuse through faulty training. The Orwellian nature of such a statement is staggering, as the admission of lethality is actually buried in the justification. In fact, one of the main manufacturers, NonLethal Technologies Inc., states in their own search description that they are a "Manufacturer of Less-Lethal riot and crowd control products." Less-lethal is not non-lethal. Moreover, it seems disingenuous that major players in the military-industrial complex, which has been quite lethal to a large number of nations and peoples, should themselves be developers of supposedly non-lethal technology.
Global Call for New Year’s Eve noise demos outside of prisons, jails, and detent
06-12-2011 11:32

On The Mass Arrests In Hackney, 30th November 2011
06-12-2011 11:28
On Wednesday 30th November, some people sick of the soul-destroyingrhythms of daily life, took to the streets of Hackney. Bored by the
dull dynamics of union activities which reduce our misery to a few narrow
demands and channel and contain our anger, we decided to take control of
our situation.
Egyptian Embassy in London occupied in solidarity with #Tahrir protests
06-12-2011 11:24
Yesterday, Four female activists entered and occupied the Egyptian Embassy in solidarity with the Tahrir Square movement. The activists were subsequently arrested and taken to West End Central Police Station.School strike shatters Oasis’ calm after pupil protest over redundancies
06-12-2011 11:00

NUT and NASUWT members are striking in response to the academy operator, OASIS, attempting to rush through the redundancy of 12 teachers – 20% of the teaching staff.