UK Newswire Archive
Leeds ABC Rebel Night! A benefit for imprisoned antifascists
22-07-2011 08:57

creaks -central reptile and exotic animals breeders keepers society show
22-07-2011 08:27
A large reptile show is lined up for sunday 24 july .at 10:30 am the show will take place at the GLADES at kidderminster,bromsgrove street . pivate breeders will sell captive bred snakes, lizards,amphibians, ect.9 current Animal Rights Stories: Canada, Colombia, China, US, Scotland Etc
22-07-2011 00:50
fox beaten to death, horse dragged behind truck, seal slaughter filmers threatenedwith arrest etc
Amid the Murdoch scandal, there is the acrid smell of business as usual
21-07-2011 22:40
In Scoop, Evelyn Waugh’s brilliant satire on the press, there is the moment when Lord Copper, owner of the Daily Beast, meets his new special war correspondent, William Boot, in truth an authority on wild flowers and birdsong. A confused Boot is brought to his lordship’s presence by Mr. Salter, The Beast’s foreign editor.Medway CAAT meeting
21-07-2011 22:15
The first meeting for Campaign Against the Arms Trade in MedwayClimate activists' convictions quashed
21-07-2011 21:55
On 20 July convictions against 20 climate activists were quashed by the UK Court of Appeal after it was revealed that key evidence was deliberately withheld from their trial.
On 20 July convictions against 20 climate activists were quashed by the UK Court of Appeal after it was revealed that key evidence was deliberately withheld from their trial. The activists made this statement: "We are 20 of the 114 people who were preemptively arrested near E.ON’s Ratcliffe-on-Soar coal power station over two years ago. During our trial last year we argued that our plan to safely shut down the power station was necessary in order to protect the ever escalating numbers of people dying as a result of climate change. We later found out our trial was rigged by the police and CPS to get convictions. Through placing undercover officers in our movement, using mass preemptive arrest and rigging our trial, the state has deliberately attempted to silence dissenting voices. This quelling of dissent, now repeated in the young people facing prison for protesting against the attacks on public services, is fundamentally undemocratic. It is yet another example of those in power protecting their own interests. Whether it’s E.ON Energy or News International, the government and police have a track record of colluding with big business. We need to look at the root causes of climate change, and ask why the profits of corporations such as E.ON are being prioritised over future generations, and the millions already on the front line of our changing climate. Taking action on climate change is not an act of moral righteousness, its about protecting our future. History is full of examples of ordinary people acting to defend their rights and those of others, and we need a strong movement of people doing just that. Winning this appeal is just one small victory in the fight against the systemically political nature of policing. We stand in solidarity with all those have suffered injustice from the state or face repression for daring to take political action." In his judgment the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Judge, said that the convictions had been a miscarriage of justice. The full judgment can be found here: For more information see:
Boy, Do We Need A Hippocratic Oath For Journalists
21-07-2011 20:52
For the record: Around June 17 or 18, both Edward S. Herman and I each began submitting manuscripts to the Guardian of London, prompted by false and misleading claims that had been made by the British writer George Monbiot on June 14, in his weekly commentary for this prestigious newspaper. "Left and libertarian right cohabit in the weird world of the genocide belittlers," was the title the Guardian had given it. At Monbiot's own website, the title he had chosen was more direct: "Naming the Genocide Deniers" (June 13).solidarity demo for the pelican bay hunger strikers
21-07-2011 20:42

U.S. Embassy, London. Mailing Address 24 Grosvenor Square London, W1A 1AE United Kingdom.
in solidarity with thousands of prisoners across California have participated in a hunger strike against torturous conditions at Pelican Bay State Prison's Security Housing Unit.
JSTOR documents released in act of solidarity with Aaron Swartz
21-07-2011 20:41
This essay originally appeared at The Pirate Bay as the description for the torrent of documents. You can see this message and the torrent here:
See also Defend Internet Activist Aaron Swartz

Is America Fascist?
21-07-2011 19:08
Before we can determine if America has succumbed to fascism, we first must have a good definition and understanding of what fascism really is.Squatting and the Wider Political Rumblings
21-07-2011 18:55
The Tory government is currently pushing a process of 'consultation' through Parliament that aims to delegitimize and ultimately criminalize squatting in the UK, whilst most corporate media plays the same tune. If successful the creation of new legislation against squatting would do away with a right that is centuries old.
The recent evictions of the OffMarket occupied social centre in Hackney and of the long term squatted block of flats Clifton Mansions in Brixton [personal account] as well as the current eviction threat of the UK's largest Traveller community in Dale Farm in Essex, have re-ignited the debate about squatting and the right to dignified housing for all. Read the analysis posts recently published in the newswire addressing the political implications of the Government's current attack on squatting:
SQUATGEDDON?! The Potential Law Change | Our Society is Bigger than Yours | Listen to the episode 86 of Dissident Island Radio 'Stop the rot, squat the lot!'
Recent related features in London Indymedia:
- Furnishing All Your Community Needs
- Clifton Mansions, homes turned into assets
- Offmarket: evicted space, project still alive!
- The Age of Evictions ... and Resistance!
- Squatting under threat
- Squattastic so far and next steps
- Social Centre Plus 1 evicted
- London Raids on Social Centres
- OffMarket has moved!
- Social Centre Plus resists eviction
- *Occupied* Social Centre Plus in Deptford
- A personal account on 195 Mare st squat
- fitzroy square free school
Call for Action for Palestine
21-07-2011 18:52
September will be a grand month, the UN, for the first time will vote on recognising Palestine as a sovereign state within the 1967 borders. Politically this is the most significant mile stone since the Oslo peace accord. This isn't yet an end to the occupation, what is likely to happen is that the US will veto it, probably in the security council.So, the most likely outcome is that there will be a Palestinian state for a few weeks.
What we can do in other countries to SUPPORT the Californian HUNGERSTRIKERS!
21-07-2011 16:34
Since July 1, thousands of prisoners across California have participated in a hunger strike against torturous conditions at Pelican Bay State Prison's Security Housing Unit. It started with roughly one hundred prisoners that stated that they will refuse food until death if their demands for basic human rights are not met. At least 400 prisoners at Pelican Bay continue to refuse food and thousands more around the state are striking in solidarity. Now MORE than 6,600 prisoners in California, many of whom are in maximum isolation units, have gone on a hunger strike.Smash EDO wants your messages!
21-07-2011 16:18
Do you have a message you'd like to send to the worker's of the notorious EDO/ITT arms factory in Brighton? Or maybe you know a poem/piece of writing about war or the arms trade that you think they should hear? E-mail your ideas to
Cowley Rd Continental evicted!
21-07-2011 16:18
'The Continental' grocery store on Cowley Rd, East Oxford has been evicted by their landlords.AUSTRALIA - Ploughshares action on Australiam Army Tiger Attack Helicopter
21-07-2011 15:22
AUSTRALIA - Ploughshares action on Australiam Army Tiger Attack Helicopter at "Operation Talisman Sabre" Joint U.S./Australian Military Exercises.You Tube Video– WIN NEWS – see the ACTUAL ACTION watch

Smash EDO 2012 Summer of Resistance Speaking Tour
21-07-2011 15:19
Smash EDO, Brighton's long running anti militarist campaign against weaponsmanufacturer EDO/ITT, are planning a 'summer of resistance' against the factory in
2012. This might seem like a long way away but as we want to involve as many people as possible across the country and beyond we are starting our outreach early. In order to engage people to take action against EDO, we are planning a tour across the country in Winter 2011 (from late October/November). We were wondering if you or any other group you are in contact with might be interested in providing a venue where we could come and give a talk in your area?
Italy: NO TAV / Genoa / Naples / Other News
21-07-2011 14:10
Update on the last few weeks in Italy: NO TAV movement, Genoa 10 years after the G8, labour struggles in Naples, and more.Censorship at the Fairford Air Tattoo
21-07-2011 13:04

Mayo County Council illegally remove caravan from Rossport Solidarity Camp at 3a
21-07-2011 12:15
Early Thursday morning at 3am Mayo County Council illegally removed a caravan from private property in Aughoose, opposite Shell's temporary compound. People from the Rossport Solidarity Camp were woken up from their beds and ran down to the road in pyjamas to find their caravan being loaded onto a flatbed trailer. The police present said to "take it up with the County Council" if there was a problem. When questioned as to why they were doing this at 3am if the removal of the caravan was lawful, there was no response.